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* Pri Megadim E”A 45:2 writes that even the hot mikveh’s aren’t so hot and aren’t like a bathhouse and so it is permitted to make a bracha in the room. Mishna Brurah 84:4 quotes the Pri Megadim as a possibility and in 45:5 he leaves it unresolved. [ Teshuvat Shay 2:96] writes that the minhag relies on the Pri Megadim. Aruch Hashulchan OC 84:2 and Tzitz Eliezer 6:25 agree. Shiurei Shevet Halevi 200:8 (cited by Dirshu 84:6) writes that the minhag is acceptable but should only be relied on for the bracha of tevilah and not other brachot even tevilat kelim. Rav Elyashiv ([ Mishmeret Hatahara 2:17:15]) explained that it is permitted to recite the bracha in the mikveh if the mikveh is only lukewarm (heb. פושרים; trans. poshrim) and not actually hot.</ref>
* Pri Megadim E”A 45:2 writes that even the hot mikveh’s aren’t so hot and aren’t like a bathhouse and so it is permitted to make a bracha in the room. Mishna Brurah 84:4 quotes the Pri Megadim as a possibility and in 45:5 he leaves it unresolved. [ Teshuvat Shay 2:96] writes that the minhag relies on the Pri Megadim. Aruch Hashulchan OC 84:2 and Tzitz Eliezer 6:25 agree. Shiurei Shevet Halevi 200:8 (cited by Dirshu 84:6) writes that the minhag is acceptable but should only be relied on for the bracha of tevilah and not other brachot even tevilat kelim. Rav Elyashiv ([ Mishmeret Hatahara 2:17:15]) explained that it is permitted to recite the bracha in the mikveh if the mikveh is only lukewarm (heb. פושרים; trans. poshrim) and not actually hot.</ref>
# According to those that it is forbidden to recite the bracha in the mikveh room it is forbidden to recite other prayers there or even think Torah there.<ref>Taharat Habayit v. 3 p. 232, 236</ref>
# According to those that it is forbidden to recite the bracha in the mikveh room it is forbidden to recite other prayers there or even think Torah there.<ref>Taharat Habayit v. 3 p. 232, 236</ref>
# If a woman has to go to mikveh out of a doubt according to some poskim she can make a bracha,<ref>[ Rabbi Willig (Chatzitza Shiur 28, min 20-30)]</ref> but according to many she cannot recite a bracha because of [[Safek Brachot LeHaKel]].<ref>Taharat Habayit v. 3</ref>

===Chatzitzot (Interpositions)===
===Chatzitzot (Interpositions)===
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===Showering or Bathing===
===Showering or Bathing===
# There is an Ashkenazic minhag not to take a shower or bath after going to the mikveh until the next night.<ref>Rama YD 201:75. Igrot Moshe YD 2:96 explains that really since the idea of taking a shower making a person tameh is only a new tumah and not invalidating the last one it shouldn't be relevant to niddah. In any event, he argues that the cutoff to when there is an issue to take a shower immediately after going to the mikveh is the halachic day.</ref> If she is fastidious and can't wait a whole day without showering after the mikveh he may do so.<Ref>Igrot Moshe YD 2:96 concludes that since the Rashbat's opinion is a minority one and it is only a minhag for a woman who can't stand waiting a day without showering may do so. </ref>
# There is an Ashkenazic minhag not to take a shower or bath after going to the mikveh until the next night.<ref>Rama YD 201:75. Igrot Moshe YD 2:96 explains that really since the idea of taking a shower making a person tameh is only a new tumah and not invalidating the last one it shouldn't be relevant to niddah. In any event, he argues that the cutoff to when there is an issue to take a shower immediately after going to the mikveh is the halachic day.</ref> If she is fastidious and can't wait a whole day without showering after the mikveh he may do so.<Ref>Igrot Moshe YD 2:96 concludes that since the Rashbat's opinion is a minority one and it is only a minhag for a woman who can't stand waiting a day without showering may do so. </ref>
# Some allow a woman to shower immediately as soon as she gets home.<ref>[ Rav Willig (Chatzitza Shiur 28, min 5-9)]</ref>
===What the Woman Sees when She Emerges===
===What the Woman Sees when She Emerges===
# A woman should make sure that the first thing she sees after coming out of the mikveh is something tahor and not a non-Jew or something tameh. If she did encounter something tameh first if she is a yareh shamayim she would repeat her tevilah.<ref>Rama YD 198:48, Aruch Hashulchan 198:91</ref>
# A woman should make sure that the first thing she sees after coming out of the mikveh is something tahor and not a non-Jew or something tameh. If she did encounter something tameh first if she is a yareh shamayim she would repeat her tevilah.<ref>Rama YD 198:48, Aruch Hashulchan 198:91</ref>
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