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# [[Tzom Gedalya]] is observed on the 3rd of Tishri.<ref> Chazon Ovadia (Laws of the Four Fasts, Halacha 3), Shulchan Aruch 549:1, Rambam Taaniyot 5:2. </ref>
# [[Tzom Gedalya]] is observed on the 3rd of Tishri.<ref> Chazon Ovadia (Laws of the Four Fasts, Halacha 3), Shulchan Aruch 549:1, Rambam Taaniyot 5:2. </ref>
# [[Tzom Gedalya]] commemorates the death of Gedalya Ben Achikam and the extinguishing of the spark of Yisrael causing the exile.<ref> Rambam (Taniyot 5:2), Chazon Ovadia (Laws of the Four Fasts, Halacha 3, Mishna Brurah 549:2, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 121:2 </ref>
# [[Tzom Gedalya]] commemorates the death of Gedalya Ben Achikam and the extinguishing of the spark of Yisrael causing the exile.<ref> Rambam (Taniyot 5:2), Chazon Ovadia (Laws of the Four Fasts, Halacha 3, Mishna Brurah 549:2, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 121:2 </ref>
# If someone knows is very sick and they can only fast on Tzom Gedalya or on Yom Kippur, many poskim hold that in that case, he should break Tzom Gedalya rather than break Yom Kippur.<ref>Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichot Shlomo p. 41), Kovetz Halachot Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky (Rosh Hashana 21:3). Sdei Chemed (Asifat Dinim, Maarechet Yom Hakippurim n. 10, p. 72) quotes Ohel Moshe 15 who discusses this question. He starts by comparing this to the dispute between the Radvaz and Chacham Tzvi regarding a person who can get out of jail for one day. There is a dispute if he leave the first day he can or wait until Purim or Yom Hakipurim.</ref>

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