Festivity of Rosh Chodesh
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Revision as of 14:42, 3 April 2013 by YitzchakSultan (talk | contribs)
Fasting on Rosh Chodesh
- It's forbidden to fast on Rosh Chodesh. [1]
- One should add on to one's meal with at least one food more than usual. [2]
- One can fulfill this with any type of special food, however, it's praiseworthy to do so with bread and make Birkat HaMazon (with Yaaleh VeYavo). [3]
- One fulfills one's obligation with the meal of the day and it's not necessary to have a meal also at night. [4]
- Some have the minhag to fast on Erev Rosh Chodesh (the day before Rosh Chodesh) and even those who don't fast should do teshuva on this day since it's the last of the month (similar to Erev Rosh Hashana). [5]
Working on Rosh Chodesh
- It's permissible to do work on Rosh Chodesh. In some places the minhag is for women not to work on Rosh Chodesh and it's a praiseworthy minhag. [6]