Serving Guests

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Guest with Different Standards of Kashrut


  1. It is permitted to eat on the utensils of someone who holds of an opinion regarding kashrut than you don't follow, unless you know that they were used within 24 hours for food that is problematic. The reason is because we assume that generally a pot wasn't used within the last 24 hours, and as such the food made in those pots is fully kosher. The owner doesn't have to kasher his pots, since according to the opinions he follows it is kosher and doesn't need kashering.[1]

Serving Something that Someone Else Holds is Forbidden

  1. If someone holds that something is forbidden and you hold that it is permitted, there is a prohibition of [2]לפני עוור (placing a stumbling block before a blind person) to serve it to him without telling him about it.[3]
  2. If someone doesn't trust a certain hashgacha, and you know for sure that it is a good hashgacha, then you can serve it to him without telling him. If he asks you directly if you served that hashgacha, you can't lie and tell him that you didn't.[4]


  1. Maharalbach 121, Shach YD 119:20
  2. Vayikra 19:14
  3. Maharalbach 121, Shach YD 119:20, Raah Yevamot 14
  4. Vayitzev Avraham 2:47:5 writes that according to the Maharalbach, it is only considered a problem of lifnei iver to cause him to stumble on something that he holds is forbidden for a halachic reason. When it comes to a halachic reason, each opinion can be authentic in a torah sense because of elu v'elu. However, if he has a mistaken opinion, and it isn't based on a particular opinion or chumra, then there's no lifnei iver if you give it to him, since there's nothing wrong with it. Therefore, if you know for certain that something has a good hashgacha and he is just concerned because of a rumor, then you can give it to him without telling him. Lying if asked is a problem of genivat daat.
Category Topics
Bishul Akum - Checking for Bugs - Gelatin - Kosher Food without Kosher Supervision - Kosher Food Packaging for Deliveries - Kosher Food Left with a Non-Jew - Koshering a Kitchen - Kashering for Pesach - Kosher in the Workplace - Medications - Pat Palter - Selling Non-Kosher Foods - Serving Guests - Sharp Foods - Shechitah (Kosher Slaughter) - Tevilat Keilim - Tzaar Baalei Chayim - Yashan
Meat and Milk
Dairy Bread - Eating Dairy and Meat at the Same Table - Kosher Cheese - Kosher Milk (Chalav Yisrael) - Milk and Meat in the Kitchen - Non-Dairy Milk - Waiting between Meat and Milk
Principles of Kashrut
Items That Cannot Be Nullified - Transferring Taste - Nullification - Zeh Vzeh Gorem - Trusting Others for Kashrut
Shechitah_(Kosher_Slaughter) - Who_Can_Be_a_Shochet - The_Shechitah_Knife - Modern_Day_Industrial_Shechitah - Glatt Kosher Meat - Kashering Meat