Template:Soap on Shabbat

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  1. Some poskim hold that it is permitted to use a bar of soap on Shabbat because one doesn't intend of smoothing out the bar of soap or creating any soap suds.[1] On the opposite extreme, some poskim hold that it is forbidden to use either bar or liquid soap on Shabbat.[2] However, according to the majority of poskim, one may not use a bar of soap but one may use liquid soap on Shabbat.[3]
  2. Some poskim permit the use of foam handsoap on Shabbat.[4]
  3. If one used a scented soap to clean one’s hands, it is permitted to dry one’s hands on a towel.[5]
  4. Using Purell is like using liquid hand soap, and thus many poskim permit using it on Shabbat.[6]
  1. According to Chacham Ovadia Yosef (Sh"t Yechave Daat 2:50), it is permitted to use a bar of soap or liquid soap on shabbat because one has no intention of changing anything. One only intends to clean what he is washing.
  2. According to Rabbi Moshe Feinstein (Sh"t Igrot Moshe OC 1:113) it is forbidden to use a bar of soap and it is forbidden to use liquid soap on shabbat, due to a concern of memareach.
  3. According to Chacham Ben-Zion Abba-Shaul (Sh"t Or Litzion 2:35:5), one may not use a bar of soap but one may use liquid soap on shabbat. Rabbi Eli Mansour, Aruch Hashulchan 326:11, and Ketzot Hashulchan 146:32 agree. Kitzur Hilchot Shabbat pg. 74 says this is the common practice. See also Shemirat Shabbat Kihilchita 14:16. Rav Schachter (Shabbat Shiur 11) explained that it is questionable to forbid using a liquid soap since the resultant sods created are very temporary.
  4. Rav Schachter (Shabbat Shiur 11) holds that using foamy soap is permitted, and that there is no problem of memareach or of nolad, since the result is very temporary, as it is almost immediately washed down the drain. Rav Willig (Asicha Shabbos 2 p. 9) agrees.
  5. Ginat Veradim OC 3:16 writes that it is permitted to use rose water to clean your hands and to dry them on a towel since there’s no prohibition of molid re'ach (scenting garments) when it is unintentional. Molid is only a derabbanan and if one doesn’t intend for it, it isn’t an issue of a pesik reisha. This is also the opinion of the Maharshal (Yam Shel Shlomo Beitzah 2:34). Rav Avraham Antebi writes that the Syrian minhag was to use rose water on Shabbat for washing hands.
  6. Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz