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==Exemptions from Sleeping in the Sukkah==
==Exemptions from Sleeping in the Sukkah==
# If it’s cold outside, many have the practice not to sleep in the [[Sukkah]] and some poskim defend this practice. However, many poskim hold that one should make an extra effort to sleep in the [[Sukkah]] (either by making a insulated [[Sukkah]], by bringing in heaters, or by toughing it out). <Ref> Rama 639:2 defends the practice of those who are lenient in not [[sleeping in the Sukkah]] saying that where it's too cold it's painful to sleep there and so one may sleep outside the [[Sukkah]]. Mishna Brurah 639:17 comments that this is so if one doesn't have proper pillows and blankets to keep one warm (implying that if one has proper coats and blankets one should sleep in the [[Sukkah]].)[see Nemukei Orach Chaim 639:1 who discusses this at length.] Chazon Ovadyah pg 195 rules like the Rama. Yalkut Yosef (Sukkah pg [ 722] and [ 725)]</ref>
# If it’s cold outside, many have the practice not to sleep in the [[Sukkah]], and some poskim defend this practice. However, many poskim hold that one should make an extra effort to sleep in the [[Sukkah]] (either by making an insulated [[Sukkah]], by bringing in heaters, or by toughing it out). <ref> Rama 639:2 defends the practice of those who are lenient to not [[sleeping in the Sukkah|sleep in the Sukkah]] by saying that where it's too cold, it's painful to sleep there (mitztair) and one is therefore exempt from sleeping in the Sukkah. Mishna Brurah 639:17 comments that this is so if one doesn't have proper pillows and blankets to keep one warm (implying that if one has proper coats and blankets one should sleep in the [[Sukkah]].)[see Nemukei Orach Chaim 639:1 who discusses this at length.] Chazon Ovadyah pg 195 rules like the Rama. Yalkut Yosef (Sukkah pg [ 722] and [ 725)]</ref>
# A person who is afraid of bandits at night is exempt from sleeping in the Sukkah.<ref> Rama 640:4</ref> Similarly, one is exempt from sleeping in the [[sukkah]] if he is genuinely afraid of terrorists in a place where that is relevant. <ref> Rav Avigdor Neventzal in his Mishnah Brurah Biytizchak Yikare on Rama 639:2 </ref>  
# A person who is afraid of bandits at night is exempt from sleeping in the Sukkah.<ref> Rama 640:4</ref> Similarly, one is exempt from sleeping in the [[sukkah]] if he is genuinely afraid of terrorists in a place where that is relevant. <ref> Rav Avigdor Neventzal in his Mishnah Brurah Biytizchak Yikare on Rama 639:2 </ref>  
# Some Chasidim have the practice of not [[sleeping in the Sukkah]]. <ref> See Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XXIX, pp. 211-219 quoted by []</ref>
# Some Chasidim have the practice of not [[sleeping in the Sukkah]]. <ref> See Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XXIX, pp. 211-219 quoted by []</ref>

==If it Rains==
==If it Rains==
# If it rains one is exempt from sleeping in the sukkah.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 639:7</ref>
# If it rains, one is exempt from sleeping in the sukkah.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 639:7</ref>
# Even after it stops raining one doesn't have to go back into the sukkah even if one wakes up in the middle of the night since that is considered a pain to have to move into the sukkah in the middle of one's sleep.<ref>Shulchan Aruch OC 639:7. Mishna Brurah 639:40 quotes a machloket achronim if a person woke up because of the rain and moved inside but before he fell asleep it stopped raining whether he has to return to the sukkah. The Rama 639:7 clarifies that once he is exempt because of the rain he can sleep until he wakes up in the morning and he doesn't have to get someone to wake him up in the morning so that he can sleep in the sukkah. </ref> Similarly, if when it was raining in the night a person put up a shlock on top of the sukkah he can sleep in the sukkah with the shlock on top and even if it stops raining he can continue to sleep there since it would be a pain to have to remove it. However, if it is easy to remove the shlock then he should do so. <ref>Mishna Brurah 639:41</ref>
# Even after it stops raining, one doesn't have to go back into the sukkah, even if one wakes up in the middle of the night, since that is considered a pain to have to move into the sukkah in the middle of one's sleep.<ref>Shulchan Aruch OC 639:7. Mishna Brurah 639:40 quotes a machloket achronim if a person woke up because of the rain and moved inside, but before he fell asleep it stopped raining, whether he has to return to the sukkah. The Rama 639:7 clarifies that once he is exempt because of the rain, he can sleep until he wakes up in the morning, and he doesn't have to get someone to wake him up in the morning so that he can sleep in the sukkah. </ref> Similarly, if when it was raining in the night a person put up a shlock on top of the sukkah he can sleep in the sukkah with the shlock on top and even if it stops raining he can continue to sleep there since it would be a pain to have to remove it. However, if it is easy to remove the shlock then he should do so. <ref>Mishna Brurah 639:41</ref>
# If a person knows that it is going to certainly rain but has not started to rain, some poskim hold that one is exempt at this point since it will be a pain to have to wake up and move one's bed out of the sukkah when it starts to rain, while others hold that he is obligated until it starts to rain.<ref>Ritva (Sukkah 29a s.v. tanu) writes that if a person sees that it is very cloudy and going to rain he is allowed to eat outside the sukkah. Shevet Halevi 7:191:2 argues that the poskim do not pasken like this Ritva. Similarly, Shevet Hakehati 1:199 holds that even if one sees that it is cloudy and going to rain as long as it didn't yet rain one is obligated in the sukkah and his proof is from Shulchan Aruch O.C. 639:5 and Shaar Hatziyun 639:60. Furthermore, Dirshu 639:40 cites Rav Nissim Karelitz (Chut Shani Sukkot p. 247) as holding that one is exempt from sleeping in a sukkah if it is going to rain but obligated to eat in the sukkah. Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky (Kovetz Halachot 16:2, p. 203) is also strict regarding eating but lenient regarding sleeping. Dirshu also quotes that Rav Elyashiv (Ashrei Haish 3:26:30) held that one was obligated until it started to rain. Chazon Ovadia p. 184 cites this Ritva but gives no indication if the halacha is like the Ritva or not. Yalkut Yosef (Sukkot, 5776, p. 777) also raises this Ritva and Shevet Hakehati but doesn't give a final conclusion. Rav Asher Bush (Bet Yitzchak v. 38 p. 567) writes that there's a strong basis to be lenient though the poskim haven't agreed on this. </ref>
# If a person knows that it is going to certainly rain but has not started to rain, some poskim hold that one is exempt at this point since it will be a pain to have to wake up and move one's bed out of the sukkah when it starts to rain, while others hold that he is obligated until it starts to rain.<ref>Ritva (Sukkah 29a s.v. tanu) writes that if a person sees that it is very cloudy and going to rain he is allowed to eat outside the sukkah. Shevet Halevi 7:191:2 argues that the poskim do not pasken like this Ritva. Similarly, Shevet Hakehati 1:199 holds that even if one sees that it is cloudy and going to rain as long as it didn't yet rain one is obligated in the sukkah and his proof is from Shulchan Aruch O.C. 639:5 and Shaar Hatziyun 639:60. Furthermore, Dirshu 639:40 cites Rav Nissim Karelitz (Chut Shani Sukkot p. 247) as holding that one is exempt from sleeping in a sukkah if it is going to rain but obligated to eat in the sukkah. Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky (Kovetz Halachot 16:2, p. 203) is also strict regarding eating but lenient regarding sleeping. Dirshu also quotes that Rav Elyashiv (Ashrei Haish 3:26:30) held that one was obligated until it started to rain. Chazon Ovadia p. 184 cites this Ritva but gives no indication if the halacha is like the Ritva or not. Yalkut Yosef (Sukkot, 5776, p. 777) also raises this Ritva and Shevet Hakehati but doesn't give a final conclusion. Rav Asher Bush (Bet Yitzchak v. 38 p. 567) writes that there's a strong basis to be lenient though the poskim haven't agreed on this. </ref>
# A man who has a baby that wakes up in the middle of the night and his wife needs him to take care of the baby is exempt from sleeping in the sukkah.<ref>Chazon Ovadia (Sukkot p. 200). Shevet Hakehati 1:198 writes that the man who needs to take care of the baby in the night is exempt from the sukkah even before the baby cries because if he sleeps in the sukkah he won't hear the baby. His ruling is based on Shulchan Aruch 640:3 that those who are taking care of the sick are exempt from the sukkah.</ref>
# A man who has a baby that wakes up in the middle of the night and his wife needs him to take care of the baby is exempt from sleeping in the sukkah.<ref>Chazon Ovadia (Sukkot p. 200). Shevet Hakehati 1:198 writes that the man who needs to take care of the baby in the night is exempt from the sukkah even before the baby cries because if he sleeps in the sukkah he won't hear the baby. His ruling is based on Shulchan Aruch 640:3 that those who are taking care of the sick are exempt from the sukkah.</ref>