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#It is prohibited to anoint oneself for pleasure on Tisha B'av.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 554:15 </ref>
#It is prohibited to anoint oneself for pleasure on Tisha B'av.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 554:15 </ref>
#Some poskim permit using deodarant on Tisha B'Av, while others forbid it.<ref>Rabbi Eider (Halachos Of The Three Weeks p. 22) and [ Rabbi Gil Student] based on Biur Halachah 554:15 sv. sicha, are lenient regarding the use of deodorant on Tisha Bav.  [ Rabbi Mansour] agrees, citing Chacham Ovadia. However, Piskei Hahalachot (by R' Yair Yanay, 555:16) quotes Rav Elyashiv as forbidding deodorant on Tisha Be'av. [ Rav Mordechai Willig (Hilchos Tisha B'av min 86)] does not allow using stick deodorant on tisha b'av.</ref>
#Some poskim permit using deodarant on Tisha B'Av, while others forbid it.<ref>Rabbi Eider (Halachos Of The Three Weeks p. 22) and [ Rabbi Gil Student] based on Biur Halachah 554:15 sv. sicha, are lenient regarding the use of deodorant on Tisha Bav.  [ Rabbi Mansour] agrees, citing Chacham Ovadia. However, Piskei Hahalachot (by R' Yair Yanay, 555:16) quotes Rav Elyashiv as forbidding deodorant on Tisha Be'av. </ref> Some poskim hold that stick deodorant is forbidden on, while spray deodorant as permitted.<ref>Rav Mordechai Willig ([ Hilchos Tisha B'av, min 86;]Am Mordechai Moadim 13:3) does not allow using stick deodorant on tisha b'av, but does permit spray deodorant.</ref>
#Women should not wear make-up on Tisha B'av.<ref>Rav Mordachi Eliyahu quoted in Mikraei Kodesh Hilchot Tisha B’av 9:note 13 </ref>
#Women should not wear make-up on Tisha B'av.<ref>Rav Mordachi Eliyahu quoted in Mikraei Kodesh Hilchot Tisha B’av 9:note 13 </ref>
#One is permitted to use skin creams to treat scraped or infected skin, since one is doing so to cure the skin, but not for pleasure.<ref>Or Letzion 3:29:13 explains that one can use skin creams to treat scraped or infected skin since it is to cure the skin and not for pleasure. [ Rabbi Mansour] agrees.</ref>
#One is permitted to use skin creams to treat scraped or infected skin, since one is doing so to cure the skin, but not for pleasure.<ref>Or Letzion 3:29:13 explains that one can use skin creams to treat scraped or infected skin since it is to cure the skin and not for pleasure. [ Rabbi Mansour] agrees.</ref>
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