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==Sitting on the Floor==
==Sitting on the Floor==

#During the evening of Tisha B'Av and the morning until chatzot (midday) it's prohibited to sit on a bench or chair if it's three tefachim or higher.<ref>Rama 559:3, Rav Shimon Eider (Halachos of The Three Weeks) pg. 24. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 559:3 writes that the minhag is not to sit in a chair applies at night and the morning until the time of mincha (a half hour after chatzot). Yalkut Yosef (Tisha BeAv n. 15) agrees.</ref> Someone who finds sitting on the floor to be difficult may sit on a cushion or a low bench or chair<ref>Mishna Brurah 559:11. Yalkut Yosef Tisha BeAv n. 15 writes that someone old and weak can sit on a chair lower than 3 tefachim. </ref>
#During the evening of Tisha B'Av and the morning until [[chatzot]] (midday) it's prohibited to sit on a bench or chair if it's three [[tefachim]] or higher.<ref>Rama 559:3, Rav Shimon Eider (Halachos of The Three Weeks) pg. 24. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 559:3 writes that the minhag is not to sit in a chair applies at night and the morning until the time of mincha (a half hour after chatzot). Yalkut Yosef (Tisha BeAv n. 15) agrees.</ref> Someone who finds sitting on the floor to be difficult may sit on a cushion or a low bench or chair.<ref>Mishna Brurah 559:11. Yalkut Yosef Tisha BeAv n. 15 writes that someone old and weak can sit on a chair lower than 3 tefachim. </ref>
#After midday, one should not sit on the floor unless he is reciting kinnot.<ref>Nitei Gavriel pg. 393 </ref>
#After midday, one should not sit on the floor unless he is reciting kinnot.<ref>Nitei Gavriel pg. 393 </ref>

===Elderly or Pregnant===
===Elderly or Pregnant===

#Elderly individuals as well as pregnant women who have a difficult time sitting on the ground may sit on a regular chair.  Because they are sitting on the chair to avoid pain but not for pleasure , it is permitted. <ref>Nitei Gavriel pg. 391</ref>
#Elderly individuals as well as pregnant women who have a difficult time sitting on the ground may sit on a regular chair.  Because they are sitting on the chair to avoid pain but not for pleasure , it is permitted.<ref>Nitei Gavriel pg. 391</ref>

===[[Standing for a Talmid Chacham|Standing for Parents or for a Talmid Chacham]]===
===[[Standing for a Talmid Chacham|Standing for Parents or for a Talmid Chacham]]===

#Although we sit on the floor like mourners, one must nevertheless stand for his parents or for a talmid chacham. <ref>[ Rabbi Eli Mansour], Yabea Omer YD 3:27:3 </ref>
#Although we sit on the floor like mourners, one must nevertheless stand for his parents or for a talmid chacham.<ref>[ Rabbi Eli Mansour], Yabia Omer YD 3:27:3 </ref>

===When Tisha B'av Falls on Motzei Shabbat===
===When Tisha B'av Falls on Motzei Shabbat===

#When Tisha B'Av begins on Motzaei Shabbat, the prohibition of sitting on chairs begins after nightfall, not sunset. If one is praying with a [[minyan]] and they are starting a few minutes after nightfall, one may still sit on the chairs until Arvit. <ref>Nitei Gavriel pg. 534 and Nechamat Yisrael pg. 126</ref>
#When Tisha B'Av begins on Motzaei Shabbat, the prohibition of sitting on chairs begins after nightfall, not sunset. If one is praying with a [[minyan]] and they are starting a few minutes after nightfall, one may still sit on the chairs until Arvit.<ref>Nitei Gavriel pg. 534 and Nechamat Yisrael pg. 126</ref>

===Cars and Trains===
===Cars and Trains===
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===Sleeping on a Bed===
===Sleeping on a Bed===

#If possible, one should place his mattress on the floor and sleep on it. If a person can't, they should use one less pillow than they usually do, unless they can't fall asleep that way.<ref>Or Letzion 3:29:19</ref>
#It is proper for a person to sleep in a manner that's less comfortable than usual on tisha b'av. For example, if a person usually uses two pillows he should use only one. Some people sleep on the floor. There is also a minhag to place a rock under one's head where one sleeps.<ref>Rama 555:2, Or Letzion 3:29:19</ref>
##Some say that if possible, he should place his mattress on the floor and sleep on it that way. If a person can't, he should use one less pillow than they usually do, unless they can't fall asleep that way.<ref>Or Letzion 3:29:19</ref>
#Someone who is weak should sleep in his bed normally.<ref>Mishna Brurah 555:6, Kaf Hachaim 555:9</ref>

==Greeting on Tisha B'Av==
==Greeting on Tisha B'Av==

#As part of the mourning of Tisha B'av, one should refrain from greeting others. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 554:20, Mikraei Kodesh Hilchot Tisha B’av 7:38. see also [ Rabbi Ari Enkin] </ref> If someone else says hello to you, it is permitted to respond, but you should do so with a lowered voice and with your head bent downward.<ref>Mikraei Kodesh by Rabbi Moshe Harari 7:40 </ref>
#As part of the mourning of Tisha B'av, one should refrain from greeting others.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 554:20, Mikraei Kodesh Hilchot Tisha B’av 7:38. see also [ Rabbi Ari Enkin] </ref> If someone else says hello to you, it is permitted to respond, but you should do so with a lowered voice and with your head bent downward.<ref>Mikraei Kodesh by Rabbi Moshe Harari 7:40 </ref>
#It is permitted to say Mazal Tov for a recent Simcha on Tisha B’Av, as it's considered a blessing and not a greeting <ref>Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (cited in Dirshu M.B. Beiurim and Musofim 554:63 citing Halichos Shlomo Bein HaMitzorim Vol. 15 Orchos Halacha 30)</ref>. However, if  possible, one should wait for a different day to express Mazal Tov<ref>Chut Shani Vol. 2 p. 327</ref>
#It is permitted to say Mazal Tov for a recent Simcha on Tisha B’Av, as it's considered a blessing and not a greeting.<ref>Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (cited in Dirshu M.B. Beiurim and Musofim 554:63 citing Halichos Shlomo Bein HaMitzorim Vol. 15 Orchos Halacha 30)</ref>  However, if  possible, one should wait for a different day to express Mazal Tov.<ref>Chut Shani Vol. 2 p. 327</ref>
#It is permitted  to wish a “Refuah Shleima” to a person who is ill on Tisha B'Av.<ref>Dirshu M.B. Beiurim and Musofim 554:63</ref>
#It is permitted  to wish a “Refuah Shleima” to a person who is ill on Tisha B'Av.<ref>Dirshu M.B. Beiurim and Musofim 554:63</ref>


#One should not smoke on Tisha b'av. However, if someone really needs to and it will cause them great pain if they don't, then they may smoke at home in private, but shouldn't do so in public. <ref>Sh"t Yabia Omer 1:31, Yechave Daat 5:39 </ref> Regarding the permissibility of smoking in general, see [[Hygiene_%26_Health#Smoking|Smoking]]
#One should not smoke on Tisha b'av. However, if someone really needs to and it will cause them great pain if they don't, then they may smoke at home in private, but shouldn't do so in public.<ref>Sh"t Yabia Omer 1:31, Yechave Daat 5:39. Mishna Brurah 555:8 only allows it for someone who really needs it in his house after chatzot. </ref> Regarding the permissibility of smoking in general, see [[Hygiene_%26_Health#Smoking|Smoking]].

==Mourning Practices on the Tenth of Av==
==Mourning Practices on the Tenth of Av==
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===Prohibitions on Shabbat===
===Prohibitions on Shabbat===

#If Tisha B'av falls out on Shabbat, it is pushed off until Sunday and everything that would be forbidden on Tisha B'av is permitted on Shabbat. <ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 554:19, Kaf HaChaim 554:86, Yalkut Yosef 556:1</ref> According to Ashkenazim, some hold that relations are forbidden on Shabbat which is Tisha B'av unless it is her tevilah night.<ref>Rama 554:19. Mishna Brurah 554:40 writes that one can rely on the achronim who hold it is permitted if it is her tevilah night. </ref> On the other hand, according to Sephardim, relations are permitted on Shabbat.<ref>Yalkut Yosef, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Volume 2, 556:1</ref>
#If Tisha B'av falls out on Shabbat, it is pushed off until Sunday and everything that would be forbidden on Tisha B'av is permitted on Shabbat.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 554:19, Kaf HaChaim 554:86, Yalkut Yosef 556:1</ref> According to Ashkenazim, some hold that relations are forbidden on Shabbat which is Tisha B'av unless it is her tevilah night.<ref>Rama 554:19. Mishna Brurah 554:40 writes that one can rely on the achronim who hold it is permitted if it is her tevilah night. </ref> On the other hand, according to Sephardim, relations are permitted on Shabbat.<ref>Yalkut Yosef, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Volume 2, 556:1</ref>
#If Tisha B'av falls out on Shabbat and is pushed off to Sunday, one may eat meat or drink wine on Monday day and not Sunday night. <ref>Rama 558:1, Halachos of the Three Weeks page 32. </ref> According to some poskim, one may even eat meat on Sunday night. <ref>Although the Rama writes that one should not eat meat on Sunday night in such a situation, Rabbi Meir Mazuz in the Ish Matzliach footnotes on the Mishna Brurah note 1, writes that some poskim are lenient. </ref>
#If Tisha B'av falls out on Shabbat and is pushed off to Sunday, one may eat meat or drink wine on Monday day and not Sunday night. <ref>Rama 558:1, Halachos of the Three Weeks page 32. </ref> According to some poskim, one may even eat meat on Sunday night.<ref>Although the Rama writes that one should not eat meat on Sunday night in such a situation, Rabbi Meir Mazuz in the Ish Matzliach footnotes on the Mishna Brurah note 1, writes that some poskim are lenient. </ref>
#If Tisha B'av falls out on Shabbat and is pushed off to Sunday bathing and haircuts are permitted Sunday night.<ref>Halachos of the Three Weeks p. 32 citing Mishna Brurah 558:4</ref> Some say that one shouldn't listen to music until the next day. <ref>Halachos of the Three Weeks p. 32</ref> Others hold that music is permitted even at night.<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 558:3 based on Shaar Hatziyun 558:4 writes that it is permitted to listen to music Sunday night after Tisha B'av since Tisha B'av was delayed. He does quotes Rav Yechiel Michel Tukachinsky and Shevet Hakehati 4:153 who were strict.</ref>
#If Tisha B'av falls out on Shabbat and is pushed off to Sunday bathing and haircuts are permitted Sunday night.<ref>Halachos of the Three Weeks p. 32 citing Mishna Brurah 558:4</ref> Some say that one shouldn't listen to music until the next day.<ref>Halachos of the Three Weeks p. 32</ref> Others hold that music is permitted even at night.<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 558:3 based on Shaar Hatziyun 558:4 writes that it is permitted to listen to music Sunday night after Tisha B'av since Tisha B'av was delayed. He does quotes Rav Yechiel Michel Tukachinsky and Shevet Hakehati 4:153 who were strict.</ref>
#If Tisha B'av falls out on Shabbat some say that one shouldn't have meals with meals with other friends, while others are lenient if you regularly have such meals.<ref>Mishna Brurah 552:23 writes that the Magen Avraham holds that one shouldn't have meals with friends on Shabbat when it is Tisha Bav, however, the Bechor Shor argues that if one usually has such meals one shouldn't desist.</ref>
#If Tisha B'av falls out on Shabbat some say that one shouldn't have meals with meals with other friends, while others are lenient if you regularly have such meals.<ref>Mishna Brurah 552:23 writes that the Magen Avraham holds that one shouldn't have meals with friends on Shabbat when it is Tisha Bav, however, the Bechor Shor argues that if one usually has such meals one shouldn't desist.</ref>
#One may, get a haircut or do laundry immediately on Sunday night. <ref>Mishna Berura 558:4, Nitei Gavriel pg. 553 </ref>
#One may, get a haircut or do laundry immediately on Sunday night.<ref>Mishna Berura 558:4, Nitei Gavriel pg. 553 </ref>
#If Tisha BeAv falls out on Shabbat and is pushed off until Sunday, according to Sephardim, a pregnant woman or woman who is nursing may eat on the fast day. Nonetheless, they should not eat for pleasure.<ref>Biur Halacha 559:9 s.v. veino quoting the Shvut Yaakov 3:37 (cited by Rabbi Akiva Eiger), Rav Ovadia Yosef in Chazon Ovadia (Arba Tzomot, p. 60), Dirshu fnt. 47 citing Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein in Torat Hayoledet 48:4</ref> Most Ashkenazic poskim are strict unless she is in a lot of pain.<Ref>Or Yisrael v. 78 p. 178 quotes Avnei Nezer, Maharash Halevi OC 2, Eshel Avraham, and Hitorerut Teshuva OC 3:353 as holding that a woman who is pregnant or nursing should fast the whole tisha b'av even when it is delayed. Similarly, Minchat Baruch 12:3 fnt. 4 quotes the Bet Meir 659:9, Maharsham in Daat Torah 554:5, and Eshel Avraham 550 as strict. [ Nitai Gavriel 65:3 v. 2 p. 33] writes that a pregnant woman should fast on a delayed tisha b'av unless she is feeling very weak. Halichot Beyta 25:8 writes that only for the first 30 days can a woman who gave birth not fast on a delayed tisha b'av, otherwise she should fast.</ref>
#If Tisha BeAv falls out on Shabbat and is pushed off until Sunday, according to Sephardim, a pregnant woman or woman who is nursing may eat on the fast day. Nonetheless, they should not eat for pleasure.<ref>Biur Halacha 559:9 s.v. veino quoting the Shvut Yaakov 3:37 (cited by Rabbi Akiva Eiger), Rav Ovadia Yosef in Chazon Ovadia (Arba Tzomot, p. 60), Dirshu fnt. 47 citing Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein in Torat Hayoledet 48:4</ref> Most Ashkenazic poskim are strict unless she is in a lot of pain.<Ref>Or Yisrael v. 78 p. 178 quotes Avnei Nezer, Maharash Halevi OC 2, Eshel Avraham, and Hitorerut Teshuva OC 3:353 as holding that a woman who is pregnant or nursing should fast the whole tisha b'av even when it is delayed. Similarly, Minchat Baruch 12:3 fnt. 4 quotes the Bet Meir 659:9, Maharsham in Daat Torah 554:5, and Eshel Avraham 550 as strict. [ Nitai Gavriel 65:3 v. 2 p. 33] writes that a pregnant woman should fast on a delayed tisha b'av unless she is feeling very weak. Halichot Beyta 25:8 writes that only for the first 30 days can a woman who gave birth not fast on a delayed tisha b'av, otherwise she should fast.</ref>
#If Tisha Beav falls out on Shabbat and is pushed off to Sunday then there is a dispute among the poskim as to whether or not a boy who becomes Bar Mitzvah on the 10th of Av is required to fast.<ref>Yalkut Yosef, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Volume 2, 556:9.</ref>
#If Tisha Beav falls out on Shabbat and is pushed off to Sunday then there is a dispute among the poskim as to whether or not a boy who becomes Bar Mitzvah on the 10th of Av is required to fast.<ref>Yalkut Yosef, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Volume 2, 556:9.</ref>
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