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=== Birchot Hashachar ===
=== Birchot Hashachar ===
#The earliest time to say [[Birchot HaShachar|''birchot hashachar'']] is from [[Chatzot|''chatzot'']] (halachic midnight).<ref>Magen Avraham 47:13, Kaf HaChaim 46:49, Or Letzion (vol 2, 4:9) </ref> Initially, one should say ''hanoten lesechvi binah'' after ''alot hashachar''. However, if one did say it after ''chatzos'', they fulfilled their obligation.<ref>Rosh (Teshuva 4:1) writes that initially one shouldn't say Hamotzei Lesechvi until Olot. Shulchan Aruch 47:13 codifies this. Magen Avraham 47:13 cites the Arizal who says that all of the brachot can be said after Chatzot but the Magen Avraham qualifies this to where one actually heard the rooster crow. Either way he concludes that it is better to be strict to wait until olot. Mishna Brurah 47:31, Biur Halacha 47:13, and Peninei Halacha (Tefillah 9:5) agree. </ref>
#The earliest time to say [[Birchot HaShachar|''birchot hashachar'']] is from [[Chatzot|''chatzot'']] (halachic midnight).<ref>Magen Avraham 47:13, Kaf HaChaim 46:49, Or Letzion (vol 2, 4:9) </ref> Initially, one should say ''hanoten lesechvi vinah'' after ''alot hashachar''. However, if one did say it after ''chatzos'', they fulfilled their obligation.<ref>Rosh (Teshuva 4:1) writes that initially one shouldn't say Hamotzei Lesechvi until Olot. Shulchan Aruch 47:13 codifies this. Magen Avraham 47:13 cites the Arizal who says that all of the brachot can be said after Chatzot but the Magen Avraham qualifies this to where one actually heard the rooster crow. Either way he concludes that it is better to be strict to wait until olot. Mishna Brurah 47:31, Biur Halacha 47:13, and Peninei Halacha (Tefillah 9:5) agree. </ref>

=== Psukei Dzimra ===
=== Psukei Dzimra ===
