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#The text of [[Kiddish|kiddush]] during the day is just Borei Pri Hagefen.<ref>The Gemara Pesachim 106a states that the primary [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] is at night, but there's also a [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] of the day. Even though it seems to be Deoraitah, as the gemara learns it from a pasuk, the Rishonim agree that the pasuk is only an asmachta (Ravad and Magid Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10), quoted by Bear Heitiv 289:2) and the obligation of [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] during the day is only Rabbinic. The gemara concludes that the text of such a [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] is just Borei Pri [[HaGefen]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10) and Shulchan Aruch 289:1 codify this as halacha. </ref>  
#The text of [[Kiddish|kiddush]] during the day is just Borei Pri Hagefen.<ref>The Gemara Pesachim 106a states that the primary [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] is at night, but there's also a [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] of the day. Even though it seems to be Deoraitah, as the gemara learns it from a pasuk, the Rishonim agree that the pasuk is only an asmachta (Ravad and Magid Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10), quoted by Bear Heitiv 289:2) and the obligation of [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] during the day is only Rabbinic. The gemara concludes that the text of such a [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] is just Borei Pri [[HaGefen]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:10) and Shulchan Aruch 289:1 codify this as halacha. </ref>  
#However, many have the minhag to say Pesukim before saying the Bracha.<ref>While this is a common practice, there were some poskim who felt that adding pesukim was improper, because it confuses people as to what is truly the "kiddush" and what is just a nice add-on. The essense of kiddush on shabbat day is just borei pri hagafen, and they felt that it was important to highlight that. See Dirshu Mishnah Berurah (siman 289 footnote 4) that cites this position from the Chazon Ish and Rav Chaim of Brisk.</ref>
#However, many have the minhag to say Pesukim before saying the Bracha.<ref>While this is a common practice, there were some poskim who felt that adding pesukim was improper, because it confuses people as to what is truly the "kiddush" and what is just a nice add-on. The essense of kiddush on shabbat day is just borei pri hagafen, and they felt that it was important to highlight that. See Dirshu Mishnah Berurah (siman 289 ft. 4) that cites this position from the Chazon Ish and Rav Chaim of Brisk.</ref>
##Some say two paragraphs, "Veshamaru" and "Zachor".<ref>Mishnah Berura ibid s.k. 2</ref>
##Some say two paragraphs, "Veshamaru" and "Zachor".<ref>Mishna Brurah (289:2)</ref>
##Others have the minhag to add another paragraph before these, starting with "Im tashiv Mishabbat Raglecha," which are the Pesukim in Yeshaya which discuss the sanctity of shabbat.  
##Others have the minhag to add another paragraph before these, starting with "Im tashiv Mishabbat Raglecha," which are the Pesukim in Yeshaya which discuss the sanctity of shabbat.  
##While many have the practice to say just the last phrase of "Zachor", which begins with "Al cen berach", this is potentially problematic because it is not a complete verse.<ref>Mishnah Berurah ibid</ref>  
##While many have the practice to say just the last phrase of "Zachor", which begins with "Al cen berach", this is potentially problematic because it is not a complete verse.<ref>Mishna Brurah (289:2)</ref>

==Pouring Off==
==Pouring Off==
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==Eating before Kiddush==
==Eating before Kiddush==

#It is Rabbinically<ref>Mishna Brurah 271:11 writes that the prohibition is only Rabbinic. </ref> forbidden to eat or drink anything, even water,<ref>[[Maggid]] Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:5) explains that the Rambam holds that drinking water before [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] is permitted, while the Rashba (Sh"t 3:264) forbids it. Hagahot Maimon 29:5 in name of Maharam as well as the Tur 271:4 also forbid. Bet Yosef says that the Rambam is unclear and may hold that even water is forbidden. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 271:4 rules that even water is forbidden. </ref> before making [[Kiddish|kiddush]] once the time for [[Kiddish|kiddush]] has come.<ref>Pesachim 106b records a dispute whether one who tasted food before [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] can still make [[Kiddish|Kiddush]]. Bet Yosef 271:4 understands from there that everyone agrees that initially (lechatchila) it is forbidden to eat or drink before [[Kiddish|Kiddush]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:5), Tur and Shulchan Aruch 271:4 all rule that it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish|Kiddush]]. </ref> This applies to both the nighttime and daytime Kiddush.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:13. See Rambam (hilchot shabbat 29:10) who holds that it is forbidden to eat/drink before kiddush shabbat-day, just as Friday night. However, the Ra'avad (hasagot ibid) vehemently disagrees ("בחיי ראשי אם מסברא אמרה לא סבר מימיו סברא פחותה מזו"). Shulchan Aruch 289:1 sides with the Rambam. </ref>
#It is Rabbinically<ref>Mishna Brurah 271:11 writes that the prohibition is only Rabbinic. </ref> forbidden to eat or drink anything, even water,<ref>[[Maggid]] Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:5) explains that the Rambam holds that drinking water before [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] is permitted, while the Rashba (Sh"t 3:264) forbids it. Hagahot Maimon 29:5 in name of Maharam as well as the Tur 271:4 also forbid. Bet Yosef says that the Rambam is unclear and may hold that even water is forbidden. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 271:4 rules that even water is forbidden. </ref> before making [[Kiddish|kiddush]] once the time for [[Kiddish|kiddush]] has come.<ref>Pesachim 106b records a dispute whether one who tasted food before [[Kiddish|Kiddush]] can still make [[Kiddish|Kiddush]]. Bet Yosef 271:4 understands from there that everyone agrees that initially (lechatchila) it is forbidden to eat or drink before [[Kiddish|Kiddush]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:5), Tur and Shulchan Aruch 271:4 all rule that it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish|Kiddush]]. </ref> This applies to both the nighttime and daytime Kiddush.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:13. See Rambam (hilchot shabbat 29:10) who holds that it is forbidden to eat/drink before kiddush shabbat-day, just as Friday night. However, the Ra'avad (hasagot to 29:10) vehemently disagrees ("בחיי ראשי אם מסברא אמרה לא סבר מימיו סברא פחותה מזו"). Shulchan Aruch 289:1 sides with the Rambam. </ref>
##Some explain the reason is because of the general prohibition to eat before performing a time-sensitive mitzvah that one is obligated to perform.<ref>Levush 271:4, Ateret Tzvi 271:3, Mishna Brurah 271:11</ref>  
##Some explain the reason is because of the general prohibition to eat before performing a time-sensitive mitzvah that one is obligated to perform.<ref>Levush 271:4, Ateret Tzvi 271:3, Mishna Brurah 271:11</ref>  
##Others contend that it is based on [[kavod Shabbat]], honoring Shabbat, to refrain from eating before acknowledging and declaring the sanctity of the day.<ref>Aruch Hashulchan 271:12</ref>  
##Others contend that it is based on [[kavod Shabbat]], honoring Shabbat, to refrain from eating before acknowledging and declaring the sanctity of the day.<ref>Aruch Hashulchan 271:12</ref>  
