
When Is the Earliest and Latest Time to Pray?: Difference between revisions

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#Regarding praying [[Arvit|''arvit'']] early on Friday night see [[Making early Shabbat|Making Early Shabbat]].
#Regarding praying [[Arvit|''arvit'']] early on Friday night see [[Making early Shabbat|Making Early Shabbat]].

===Arvit Before Sunset If One Davened Mincha after Plag===
===Mincha/Arvit Between Plag and Sunset===

#An individual may not ''daven mincha'' after ''plag hamincha'' and ''arvit'' before sunset on the same day.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 233:1, Mishna Brurah 233:11</ref>
#An individual may not ''daven mincha'' after ''plag hamincha'' and ''arvit'' before sunset on the same day.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 233:1, Mishna Brurah 233:11</ref>
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===Maariv After Sunset Before Tzet===
===Maariv After Sunset Before Tzet===

#If one is davening in a minyan immediately after sunset one should pray with them completely. One should repeat Shema after Tzet. Some have the practice to just pray with them Shema and Shemona Esrei and skip birchot kriyat shema and repeat brichot kriyat shema and shema after tzet hakochavim.<ref>*The Rif (Brachot 1b) rules that the time to say [[Kriyat Shema]] at night is from [[Tzet HaKochavim]] like the simple Mishna and Gemara Brachot 2a. The Rambam (Kriyat Shema 1:9) concurs.
#If one is ''davening'' in a ''minyan'' immediately after sunset one should pray with them completely. One should repeat Shema after Tzet. Some have the practice to just pray with them Shema and Shemona Esrei and skip birchot kriyat shema and repeat brichot kriyat shema and shema after tzet hakochavim.<ref>*The Rif (Brachot 1b) rules that the time to say [[Kriyat Shema]] at night is from [[Tzet HaKochavim]] like the simple Mishna and Gemara Brachot 2a. The Rambam (Kriyat Shema 1:9) concurs.
*Rashi (Brachot 2a s.v. Ad Sof) also holds that one does not fulfill Shema until [[Tzet HaKochavim]] but defends the practice to say Shema in Shul with the [[Brachot]] explaining that the Shema in Shul is only to precede [[Shmoneh Esrei]] with words of Torah, whereas the primary time one fulfills one's obligation of saying Shema is before going to sleep.
*Rashi (Brachot 2a s.v. Ad Sof) also holds that one does not fulfill Shema until [[Tzet HaKochavim]] but defends the practice to say Shema in Shul with the [[Brachot]] explaining that the Shema in Shul is only to precede [[Shmoneh Esrei]] with words of Torah, whereas the primary time one fulfills one's obligation of saying Shema is before going to sleep.
*Rabbenu Tam (quoted by Tosfot [[Brachot]] 2a s.v. Meeymatai) argues that really we hold like Rabbenu Yehuda in the Mishna (Brachot 26a) who says that one may say [[Arvit]] from Plag [[Mincha]], so too we hold that one may say Shema from Plag [[Mincha]]. The Ri (also quoted in the above Tosfot) agrees that the primary Shema is the one said in Shul, however, he explains that it is because we hold like the other opinions quoted in the Gemara 2a-b who say that the time for Shema is earlier than [[Tzet HaKochavim]].
*Rabbenu Tam (quoted by Tosfot [[Brachot]] 2a s.v. Meeymatai) argues that really we hold like Rabbenu Yehuda in the Mishna (Brachot 26a) who says that one may say [[Arvit]] from Plag [[Mincha]], so too we hold that one may say Shema from Plag [[Mincha]]. The Ri (also quoted in the above Tosfot) agrees that the primary Shema is the one said in Shul, however, he explains that it is because we hold like the other opinions quoted in the Gemara 2a-b who say that the time for Shema is earlier than [[Tzet HaKochavim]].
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===Ideal Time for Arvit (Tzet)===
===Ideal Time for Arvit (Tzet)===

#One should make sure to say [[Kriyat Shema]] after [[Tzet HaKochavim]].<ref>Mishna Brachot 2a, Shulchan Aruch OC 235:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 70:1</ref> Since Kriyat Shema is biblical one should be strict for Rabbenu Tam to repeat Shema after Tzet Hakochavim of Rabbenu Tam.<ref>Igrot Moshe YD 4:48:4</ref>
#[[Kriyat Shema|''Kriyat shema'']] must be recited after [[Tzet HaKochavim|''tzet hakochavim'']].<ref>Mishna Brachot 2a, Shulchan Aruch OC 235:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 70:1</ref> Since ''kriyat shema'' is biblical, one should be vigilant to recite ''shema'' after ''tzet hakochavim'' of Rabbenu Tam.<ref>Mishna Brurah 235:4, Igrot Moshe YD 4:48:4</ref>
#Ideally, one should pray [[Arvit]] after [[Tzet HaKochavim]] and not immediately after sunset.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 70:2</ref> However, the minhag of many places is to daven Arvit immediately after sunset.<ref>Mishna Brurah 235:12 writes that fortunate is the person who can daven with a congregation after Tzet Hakochavim which is the correct time.</ref>
#Ideally, one should ''daven'' [[Arvit|''arvit'']] after [[Tzet HaKochavim|''tzet hakochavim'']];<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 70:2</ref> however, the ''minhag'' of many places is to ''daven'' ''arvit'' immediately after sunset.<ref>Mishna Brurah 235:12 writes that fortunate is the person who can daven with a congregation after Tzet Hakochavim which is the correct time.</ref>

===Latest Time===
===Latest Time===
#One should make sure to daven maariv before Chatzot. If one could either daven by oneself before Chatzot or with a minyan after Chatzot one should daven by oneself before Chatzot.<ref>Ishei Yisrael 28:15 based on Mishna Brurah 235:17 and quoting Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Or Letzion 2:15:9, Piskei Teshuvot 235:10. Piskei Teshuvot (235 fnt. 68) questions this since it is possible to recite kriyat shema before chatzot and then shemona esrei with the minyan after chatzot. [[Dating_Packet| Rav Hershel Schachter (cited in Halachos of Dating)]] holds that one should daven by oneself before chatzot rather than daven with a minyan after chatzot.</ref> Some disagree and allow davening in a minyan after chatzot as long as one says shema before chatzot.<ref>Halacha Brurah 235:20</ref>
#One should make sure to ''daven arvit'' before ''chatzot''. If one could either ''daven'' alone before ''chatzot'' or with a ''minyan'' after ''chatzot'' one should rather ''daven'' alone before ''chatzot''.<ref>Ishei Yisrael 28:15 based on Mishna Brurah 235:17 and quoting Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Or Letzion 2:15:9, Piskei Teshuvot 235:10. Piskei Teshuvot (235 fnt. 68) questions this since it is possible to recite kriyat shema before chatzot and then shemona esrei with the minyan after chatzot. [[Dating_Packet| Rav Hershel Schachter (cited in Halachos of Dating)]] holds that one should daven by oneself before chatzot rather than daven with a minyan after chatzot.</ref> Some disagree and allow ''davening'' with a ''minyan'' after ''chatzot,'' as long as one says ''shema'' before ''chatzot''.<ref>Halacha Brurah 235:20</ref>
#After the fact, one may pray [[Arvit]] all night until [[Olot HaShachar|alot hashachar]].<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 70:2</ref>
#After the fact, one may pray [[Arvit|''arvit'']] all night until [[Olot HaShachar|''alot hashachar'']].<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 70:2</ref>
#One who had a predicament and was not able to ''daven'' at the proper time may recite ''shema'' up until ''netz hachama.''<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 235:4</ref> He may recite ''birchos krias shema'' as well,<ref>Rama O.C. 235:4</ref> yet ''hashkiveinu'' and ''baruch Hashem l'olam'' are not recited after ''alos hashachar.''<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 235:4, Mishna Brurah 235:34</ref> ''Shemoneh esrei'', as well, is not recited after ''alos hashachar.''<ref>Mishna Brurah 235:34</ref>

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