
When Is the Earliest and Latest Time to Pray?: Difference between revisions

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→‎Ideal Time for Mincha: This Rav Nevensal was a duplicate to the next bullet point. I deleted it.
(→‎Ideal Time for Mincha: This Rav Nevensal was a duplicate to the next bullet point. I deleted it.)
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===Ideal Time for Mincha===
===Ideal Time for Mincha===

#The ideal time to pray [[Mincha|''mincha'']] is after nine and a half hours ([[Mincha|''mincha'']] ''ketana''), however, one fulfills one’s obligation by praying from six and a half hours (''[[mincha]] gedola''). <ref>*Rambam (Tefillah 3:2) writes that since they instituted Tefillah corresponding to korbanot the primary time for mincha is mincha ketana, 9.5 hours in the day but one fulfills one's obligation anytime after mincha gedola, 6.5 hours. The Tur 233:1 argues that the primary time to pray [[Mincha]] is after six and a half hours since it is the time when a korban mincha is fit. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 233:1 follows the Rambam. The Mishna Brurah 233:1 also holds like the Rambam but adds that there are some rishonim who allow one to pray earlier and in certain cases (see further) one may pray earlier. Kaf HaChaim 233:1, Yalkut Yosef (Brachot page 637) and Halichot Olam (vol 1 pg 253) concur with Mishna Brurah. Aruch Hashulchan 233:!2 writes that ideally one should daven after mincha ketana but for any small reason one could even initially daven mincha gedola.
#The ideal time to pray [[Mincha|''mincha'']] is after nine and a half hours ([[Mincha|''mincha'']] ''ketana''), however, one fulfills one’s obligation by praying from six and a half hours (''[[mincha]] gedola''). <ref>*Rambam (Tefillah 3:2) writes that since they instituted Tefillah corresponding to korbanot the primary time for mincha is mincha ketana, 9.5 hours in the day but one fulfills one's obligation anytime after mincha gedola, 6.5 hours. The Tur 233:1 argues that the primary time to pray [[Mincha]] is after six and a half hours since it is the time when a korban mincha is fit. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 233:1 follows the Rambam. The Mishna Brurah 233:1 also holds like the Rambam but adds that there are some rishonim who allow one to pray earlier and in certain cases (see further) one may pray earlier. Kaf HaChaim 233:1, Yalkut Yosef (Brachot page 637) and Halichot Olam (vol 1 pg 253) concur with Mishna Brurah. Aruch Hashulchan 233:12 writes that ideally one should daven after mincha ketana but for any small reason one could even initially daven mincha gedola.
*Kaf Hachaim 233:3 adds that really the best time is after plag mincha, 10.45 hours into the day. Rav Nevinsal (BeYitzchak Yikra on Mishna Brurah 233:1) argues that according to the Rambam one should pray after 9.5 hours before 10.45 hours and only pray after 10.45 hours in extenuating circumstances. He even writes that it is preferable to pray before ten and three quarter hours rather than pray with a [[minyan]], however, the minhag is not like this.
*Kaf Hachaim 233:3 adds that really the best time is after plag mincha, 10.45 hours into the day.
*See the BeYitchak Yikra 233:1 (notes of Rav Nevinsal on Mishna Brurah) who adds that the Rambam holds that the only preferable time is after [[Mincha]] Ketana before Plag [[Mincha]] (10 ¾ hours) and it would be preferable to say [[Mincha]] individually at [[Mincha]] Gedola rather than with a [[minyan]] at [[Mincha]] Ketana after Plag [[Mincha]]. Nonetheless, he agrees that the minhag is not like this.</ref>
*See the BeYitchak Yikra 233:1 (notes of Rav Nevinsal on Mishna Brurah) who adds that the Rambam holds that the only preferable time is after [[Mincha]] ketana before plag [[Mincha]] (10 ¾ hours) and it would be preferable to say [[Mincha]] individually at [[Mincha]] gedola rather than with a [[minyan]] at [[Mincha]] ketana after plag [[Mincha]]. Nonetheless, he agrees that the minhag is not like this.</ref>

====When it is Ideal to Daven Mincha Gedola====
====When it is Ideal to Daven Mincha Gedola====
