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→‎Shema and Shemona Esrei: Check into Ishai Yisrael in footnote 22. None of his footnotes say that one should say it as a standalone bracha??
(→‎Shema and Shemona Esrei: Check into Ishai Yisrael in footnote 22. None of his footnotes say that one should say it as a standalone bracha??)
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=== Shema and Shemona Esrei ===
=== Shema and Shemona Esrei ===
#The ''bracha'' of ''yotzer ohr'' may not be said before ''[[MeSheYakir|misheyakir]]''.<ref>Mishna Brurah 58:17. Piskei Teshuvot (58:10) notes that some are lenient when it is unavoidable. However, Biur Halakha (s.v. Zeman Kriat Shema) notes that this discussion may be irrelevant for men if they are going to only say Pesukei D’zimra before misheyakir and say the bracha on Tzitzit and Tefillin before Yotzer Or, and certainly it is preferable to not begin davening until one can make the bracha on Tzitzit and Tefillin.</ref> If one is ''davening'' before [[MeSheYakir|''misheyakir'']] he should say ''krias shema'' with the ''brachot'', skip over the ''bracha'' of ''yotzer ohr'', and say it after ''shemoneh esrei'', in the proper ''zman.'' One who accidentally said ''yotzer ohr'' before [[MeSheYakir|''misheyakir'']] should not repeat it.
#The ''bracha'' of ''yotzer ohr'' may not be said before ''[[MeSheYakir|misheyakir]]''.<ref>Mishna Brurah 58:17. Piskei Teshuvot (58:10) notes that some are lenient when it is unavoidable. However, Biur Halakha (s.v. Zeman Kriat Shema) notes that this discussion may be irrelevant for men if they are going to only say Pesukei D’zimra before misheyakir and say the bracha on Tzitzit and Tefillin before Yotzer Or, and certainly it is preferable to not begin davening until one can make the bracha on Tzitzit and Tefillin.</ref> If one is ''davening'' before [[MeSheYakir|''misheyakir'']] he should say ''krias shema'' with the ''brachot'', skip over the ''bracha'' of ''yotzer ohr'', and say it after ''shemoneh esrei'', in the proper ''zman.''<ref>Ishai Yisrael 18:10</ref> One who accidentally said ''yotzer ohr'' before [[MeSheYakir|''misheyakir'']] should not repeat it.<ref>Biur Halacha 58:4 s.v. b'lo</ref>
#One who will be unable to recite ''shema'' after [[MeSheYakir|''misheyakir'']] may do so from ''[[Alot HaShachar|alot hashachar]]''.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 58:3</ref>  
#One who will be unable to recite ''shema'' after [[MeSheYakir|''misheyakir'']] may do so from ''[[Alot HaShachar|alot hashachar]]''.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 58:3</ref>  
#''Shemoneh esrei'' should be recited after ''hanetz.''<ref>Shulchan Aruch 89:1</ref> If it was recited from [[Alot HaShachar|''alot hashachar'']] one has fulfilled his obligation. In a case of need, like for one who is traveling, it is even considered ideal to say ''shemoneh esrei'' from [[Alot HaShachar|''alot hashachar'']].<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 89:1, Mishna Brurah 89:4</ref>
#''Shemoneh esrei'' should be recited after ''hanetz.''<ref>Shulchan Aruch 89:1</ref> If it was recited from [[Alot HaShachar|''alot hashachar'']] one has fulfilled his obligation. In a case of need, like for one who is traveling, it is even considered ideal to say ''shemoneh esrei'' from [[Alot HaShachar|''alot hashachar'']].<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 89:1, Mishna Brurah 89:4</ref>
