
When Is the Earliest and Latest Time to Pray?: Difference between revisions

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==Earliest Times for Shacharit==
==Earliest Times for Shacharit==
<nowiki>#</nowiki>The earliest time that one should put on <nowiki>[[Tallit|''tallit'']]</nowiki> is <nowiki>[[MeSheYakir|me'she'yakir]]</nowiki>, which is one hour (in <nowiki>[[Shaot Zmaniot]]</nowiki>) before <nowiki>''</nowiki><nowiki>[[HaNetz|hanetz]]</nowiki>.<nowiki>''</nowiki> Ashkenazim, if they must, may put on <nowiki>''</nowiki>tallit<nowiki>''</nowiki> as early as <nowiki>''</nowiki>alot hashachar<nowiki>''</nowiki>; yet they should not make a <nowiki>''</nowiki>bracha<nowiki>''</nowiki> until <nowiki>''</nowiki>me'she'yakir.<nowiki>''</nowiki> If one already made a <nowiki>''</nowiki>bracha<nowiki>''</nowiki> they should not repeat it, even if they made it before <nowiki>''</nowiki>alot hashachar<nowiki>''</nowiki>.<nowiki><ref>Shulchan Aruch 18:3 rules that the time to make the bracha on [[Tallit]] is from [[MeSheYakir]]. There is a dispute among the achronim about when exactly [[MeSheYakir]] is. Because of [[Safek Brachot LeHakel]], Halacha Brurah 18:6 one may not make the bracha earlier than a fifth of an hour (in [[Shaot Zmaniot]]) after [[Olot HaShachar]]. See Rema ibid. that one may make a bracha at alot hashachar. Mishna Brura ibid. 10 says that although one should be stringent like the Shulchan Aruch; however, we will not stop someone who does like the Rema. Aruch Hashulchan 18:9 paskens acc. to Rema. The Mishna Berura adds that even for one who does like the Rema he should wait with the bracha until mesheyakir. He adds that one who makes a bracha, even at night, need not make another one because there are rishonim who hold that one can make the bracha at night. </ref></nowiki>
<nowiki>#</nowiki>If one puts on Tzitzit before alot HaShachar, he should not recite a berakha until the proper time, and should feel the Tzitzit after making the berakha once the proper time arrives.<nowiki><ref>Rama 18:3 </ref></nowiki>
<nowiki>#</nowiki>If one begins to daven before misheyakir with Tallit and Tefillin on, one should wait to make the berakhot until between Yishtabach and Kaddish.<nowiki><ref>Rama OC 54:3, Piskei Teshuvot 30:1.</ref></nowiki>
<nowiki>==Times for Shacharit==</nowiki>
<nowiki>===Earliest Time===</nowiki>
<nowiki>===Ideal Time===</nowiki>
<nowiki>#</nowiki>The ideal mitzvah is to start praying <nowiki>[[Shmoneh Esrei]]</nowiki> of <nowiki>[[Shacharit]]</nowiki> at <nowiki>[[Netz HaChama]]</nowiki> (sunrise). The practice of those who say Shemona Esrei of Shacharit at Netz is called <nowiki>''</nowiki>Vatikin<nowiki>''</nowiki>.<nowiki><ref>Gemara [[Brachot]] 26a writes the ideal time to pray [[Shacharit]] is at [[HaNetz HaChama]] and that was the practice of the [[Vatikin]] (those who fulfill the מצות early and in the proper time). This is codified by the Rambam ([[Tefillah]] 3:1), Rosh ([[Brachot]] 4:1), Tur and Shulchan Aruch 89:1 </ref></nowiki>
<nowiki>#</nowiki>If a person can either da<nowiki><span id="netz"></span></nowiki>ven at Netz without a minyan or later with a minyan, according to Ashkenazim one may daven at Netz if one regularly davens at Netz.<nowiki><ref>Biur Halacha 58 s.v. umitzvah</ref></nowiki> According to Sephardim one should daven with a minyan later unless one will pray with kavana.<nowiki><ref>Yalkut Yosef 89:19</ref></nowiki>
=== Korbanot ===
=== Korbanot ===
#One should say [[Korbanot|''korbanot'']] during the day, meaning after [[Olot HaShachar|''alot ha'shachar'',]] which is 72 minutes before [[HaNetz|''ha'netz'']].<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 1:6 </ref>
#One should say [[Korbanot|''korbanot'']] during the day, meaning after [[Olot HaShachar|''alot ha'shachar'',]] which is 72 minutes before [[HaNetz|''ha'netz'']].<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 1:6 </ref>
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=== Tallit and Tefillin ===
=== Tallit and Tefillin ===
#The earliest time that one should put on [[Tallit|''tallit'']] is [[MeSheYakir|''misheyakir'']] before ''[[HaNetz|hanetz.]]''<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 18:3</ref> Ashkenazim, if they must, may put on ''tallit'' as early as ''alot hashachar''; yet they should not make a ''bracha'' until ''me'she'yakir.''<ref>Rama O.C. 18:3, Mishna Brurah 18:10 </ref> When making the ''bracha'', one should feel the ''tzitzit.''<ref>Rama O.C. 18:3</ref> If one already made a ''bracha'' they should not repeat it, even if they made it before ''alot hashachar''.<ref>Mishna Brurah 18:10</ref>
#The earliest time that one should put on [[Tallit|''tallit'']] is [[MeSheYakir|''misheyakir'']] before ''[[HaNetz|hanetz.]]''<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 18:3. Shulchan Aruch 18:3 rules that the time to make the bracha on [[Tallit]] is from [[MeSheYakir]]. There is a dispute among the achronim about when exactly [[MeSheYakir]] is. Because of [[Safek Brachot LeHakel]], Halacha Brurah 18:6 one may not make the bracha earlier than a fifth of an hour (in [[Shaot Zmaniot]]) after [[Olot HaShachar]]. See Rema ibid. that one may make a bracha at alot hashachar. Mishna Brura ibid. 10 says that although one should be stringent like the Shulchan Aruch; however, we will not stop someone who does like the Rema. Aruch Hashulchan 18:9 paskens acc. to Rema. The Mishna Berura adds that even for one who does like the Rema he should wait with the bracha until mesheyakir. He adds that one who makes a bracha, even at night, need not make another one because there are rishonim who hold that one can make the bracha at night.</ref> Ashkenazim, if they must, may put on ''tallit'' as early as ''alot hashachar''; yet they should not make a ''bracha'' until ''me'she'yakir.''<ref>Rama O.C. 18:3, Mishna Brurah 18:10 </ref> When making the ''bracha'', one should feel the ''tzitzit.''<ref>Rama O.C. 18:3</ref> If one already made a ''bracha'' they should not repeat it, even if they made it before ''alot hashachar''.<ref>Mishna Brurah 18:10</ref>
#The earliest time that one should lay ''tefillin is misheyakir.''<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 30:1</ref>
#The earliest time that one should lay ''tefillin is misheyakir.''<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 30:1</ref>
#One who is in a pressing situation and must ''daven'' before the ''zman -'' for if he does not, he will totally miss ''zman tefillah'', may put on ''tallit'' and ''tefillin'' before ''alot hashachar''.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 30:3; Ishei Yisrael 18:11</ref> In such a scenario, their ''brachot'' should not be recited until ''misheyakir''.<ref>Shulchan Aruch and Rama O.C. 18:3</ref> If one makes this ''bracha'' during ''pesukei dezimra'', it should be said between paragraphs.<ref>Mishna Brurah 51:8 writes that it is permissible to say birchat hodaah during pesukei d'zimra. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 53:3 is clear that one can make a bracha on tallit and tefillin during pesukei d'zimra. Biur Halacha 51:4 s.v. Tzarich writes that it is better to wait for between paragraphs. Here too, there is no rush. Ishei Yisrael (16:6,7; ibid. 18:10,11) agrees.</ref> If ''misheyakir'' happens between the end of ''pesukei d'zimra'' and ''yishtabach'', one should wait to make the ''bracha'' until after ''yishtabach''.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 53:3</ref> However, the ''shliach tzibbur'' should make the ''bracha'' before ''yishtabach''.<ref>Rama O.C. 53:3. Mishna Brurah 53:8 writes that if he only gets the tallit and tefillin after yishtabach he may make the bracha at that time as well. It would be the same here if the time of misheyakir is during yishtabach. </ref> Once the ''shaliach tzibbur'' starts the ''kaddish'' after ''yishtabach'' one can no longer make a ''bracha'' on the ''tallit'' until after ''shemoneh esrei''.<ref>Rama O.C. 54:3; Mishna Brurah 54:13</ref> The ''bracha'' on ''tefillin'' may be said between the paragraphs of ''birchot kriat shema''.<ref>Shulchan Aruch and Rama O.C. 66:2, Mishna Brurah 54:13, Ishei Yisrael 18:11</ref>
#One who is in a pressing situation and must ''daven'' before the ''zman -'' for if he does not, he will totally miss ''zman tefillah'', may put on ''tallit'' and ''tefillin'' before ''alot hashachar''.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 30:3; Ishei Yisrael 18:11</ref>  
##If one puts on Tzitzit before alot HaShachar, he should not recite a bracha until mishayakir, and then he should feel the Tzitzit after making the bracha.<ref>Shulchan Aruch and Rama O.C. 18:3</ref>
##If one makes this ''bracha'' during ''pesukei dezimra'', it should be said between paragraphs.<ref>Mishna Brurah 51:8 writes that it is permissible to say birchat hodaah during pesukei d'zimra. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 53:3 is clear that one can make a bracha on tallit and tefillin during pesukei d'zimra. Biur Halacha 51:4 s.v. Tzarich writes that it is better to wait for between paragraphs. Here too, there is no rush. Ishei Yisrael (16:6,7; ibid. 18:10,11) agrees.</ref> If ''misheyakir'' happens between the end of ''pesukei d'zimra'' and ''yishtabach'', one should wait to make the ''bracha'' until after ''yishtabach''.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 53:3</ref> However, the ''shliach tzibbur'' should make the ''bracha'' before ''yishtabach''.<ref>Rama O.C. 53:3. Mishna Brurah 53:8 writes that if he only gets the tallit and tefillin after yishtabach he may make the bracha at that time as well. It would be the same here if the time of misheyakir is during yishtabach. </ref> Once the ''shaliach tzibbur'' starts the ''kaddish'' after ''yishtabach'' one can no longer make a ''bracha'' on the ''tallit'' until after ''shemoneh esrei''.<ref>Rama O.C. 54:3; Mishna Brurah 54:13</ref> The ''bracha'' on ''tefillin'' may be said between the paragraphs of ''birchot kriat shema''.<ref>Shulchan Aruch and Rama O.C. 66:2, Mishna Brurah 54:13, Ishei Yisrael 18:11</ref>
<nowiki>#</nowiki>If one begins to daven before misheyakir with Tallit and Tefillin on, one should wait to make the berakhot until between Yishtabach and Kaddish.<nowiki><ref>Rama OC 54:3, Piskei Teshuvot 30:1.</ref></nowiki>

=== Shema and Shemona Esrei ===
=== Shema and Shemona Esrei ===
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#Ideally one should pray after Netz. If one did pray anytime after [[Olot HaShachar]] one has fulfilled one’s obligation.<ref>The Rosh ([[Brachot]] 4:1) writes that even though ideally one should pray at [[HaNetz]] (sunrise) if one prayed after [[Olot HaShachar]] one would have fulfilled one’s obligation. This is also the opinion of many Rishonim including Tosfot 30a (s.v. Avuha), Rambam ([[Tefillah]] 3:7, Sh”t Rambam 27), Rabbenu Yerucham (according to Bet Yosef 89:1) and the Tur 89:1. This is codified in Shulchan Aruch 89:1. </ref>
#Ideally one should pray after Netz. If one did pray anytime after [[Olot HaShachar]] one has fulfilled one’s obligation.<ref>The Rosh ([[Brachot]] 4:1) writes that even though ideally one should pray at [[HaNetz]] (sunrise) if one prayed after [[Olot HaShachar]] one would have fulfilled one’s obligation. This is also the opinion of many Rishonim including Tosfot 30a (s.v. Avuha), Rambam ([[Tefillah]] 3:7, Sh”t Rambam 27), Rabbenu Yerucham (according to Bet Yosef 89:1) and the Tur 89:1. This is codified in Shulchan Aruch 89:1. </ref>
#The ideal mitzvah is to start praying <nowiki>[[Shmoneh Esrei]]</nowiki> of <nowiki>[[Shacharit]]</nowiki> at <nowiki>[[Netz HaChama]]</nowiki> (sunrise). The practice of those who say Shemona Esrei of Shacharit at Netz is called <nowiki>''</nowiki>Vatikin<nowiki>''</nowiki>.<ref>Gemara <nowiki>[[Brachot]]</nowiki> 26a writes the ideal time to pray <nowiki>[[Shacharit]]</nowiki> is at <nowiki>[[HaNetz HaChama]]</nowiki> and that was the practice of the <nowiki>[[Vatikin]]</nowiki> (those who fulfill the מצות early and in the proper time). This is codified by the Rambam (<nowiki>[[Tefillah]]</nowiki> 3:1), Rosh (<nowiki>[[Brachot]]</nowiki> 4:1), Tur and Shulchan Aruch 89:1</ref>
#If a person can either daven at Netz without a minyan or later with a minyan, according to Ashkenazim one may daven at Netz if one regularly davens at Netz.<ref>Biur Halacha 58 s.v. umitzvah</ref> According to Sephardim one should daven with a minyan later unless one will pray with kavana.<ref>Yalkut Yosef 89:19</ref>

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