
Three Weeks: Difference between revisions

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We should be consistent about saying "Three Weeks" instead of Bein HaMetzarim
(minor edits)
(We should be consistent about saying "Three Weeks" instead of Bein HaMetzarim)
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==Eating a New Fruit and Buying New Clothing==
==Eating a New Fruit and Buying New Clothing==
# One should refrain from making a [[shehechiyanu]] during the Ben Hamitzarim.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 551:17 based on Maharil 31 writes that one should refrain from saying [[shehechiyanu]] during Ben HaMeysarim. The Magen Avraham 551:42 explains that the reason not to make [[shehechiyanu]] is because the Three Weeks is a time of tragedy for Klal Yisrael and it’s improper to have extra joy. However, the Gra s.v. VeNohagin understands the practice as based on [[Aveilut]] and therefore argues that this is only an extra chumra and one is allowed to make [[shehechiyanu]] (just like a mourner can make a [[shehechiyanu]] as in [[Brachot]] 59b). The Taz 551:17 agrees to be lenient based on the concern that perhaps if you don’t make the Bracha now you may not be able after the Ben HaMeysarim. Mishna Brurah 551:98 concludes that one shouldn’t be lenient except on [[Shabbat]]. Yalkut Yosef 551:12 rules like Shulchan Aruch that one should refrain from making [[shehechiyanu]] during the Three Weeks. </ref>
# One should refrain from making a [[shehechiyanu]] during the Three Weeks.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 551:17 based on Maharil 31 writes that one should refrain from saying [[shehechiyanu]] during Ben HaMeysarim. The Magen Avraham 551:42 explains that the reason not to make [[shehechiyanu]] is because the Three Weeks is a time of tragedy for Klal Yisrael and it’s improper to have extra joy. However, the Gra s.v. VeNohagin understands the practice as based on [[Aveilut]] and therefore argues that this is only an extra chumra and one is allowed to make [[shehechiyanu]] (just like a mourner can make a [[shehechiyanu]] as in [[Brachot]] 59b). The Taz 551:17 agrees to be lenient based on the concern that perhaps if you don’t make the Bracha now you may not be able after the Ben HaMeysarim. Mishna Brurah 551:98 concludes that one shouldn’t be lenient except on [[Shabbat]]. Yalkut Yosef 551:12 rules like Shulchan Aruch that one should refrain from making [[shehechiyanu]] during the Three Weeks. </ref>
#One shouldn’t make a [[shehechiyanu]] on the night of [[Shiva Asar BeTamuz]]. However, if there is a great need, there’s what to rely on.<ref>Sh”t Sh”t Chaim Shal 1:24, Kaf HaChaim 551:207, Sdei Chemed 5:page 277, Beiur Halacha 551:2 and Ikrei HaDaat O”C 27:9 write that one shouldn’t say [[shehechiyanu]] on the night of [[Shiva Asar BeTamuz]]. However, Nechamat Yisrael (pg 40) permits in case of great need based on Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 1:168 (so is explicit in Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 3:100) and Mishnat Yacov (pg 168) permits [[shehechiyanu]] at night even without any need. </ref>
#One shouldn’t make a [[shehechiyanu]] on the night of [[Shiva Asar BeTamuz]]. However, if there is a great need, there’s what to rely on.<ref>Sh”t Sh”t Chaim Shal 1:24, Kaf HaChaim 551:207, Sdei Chemed 5:page 277, Beiur Halacha 551:2 and Ikrei HaDaat O”C 27:9 write that one shouldn’t say [[shehechiyanu]] on the night of [[Shiva Asar BeTamuz]]. However, Nechamat Yisrael (pg 40) permits in case of great need based on Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 1:168 (so is explicit in Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 3:100) and Mishnat Yacov (pg 168) permits [[shehechiyanu]] at night even without any need. </ref>