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*The Shulchan Aruch 12:1 says the halacha is really like the Rosh, but if possible (meaning if one can easily find other Tzitzit, whilst making sure not to miss praying together with a [[minyan]] to get them-Mishna Brurah 13) it is good to be concerned and hold like Rabbeinu Tam. Mishna Brurah 12:11 says obviously it is permitted to say a bracha on Tzitzit, which are only kosher according to the Rosh. The Rama 12:1 says the minhag is like Rabbeinu Tam. The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (9:13) codifies the opinion of the Rosh.</ref>  (but see below in extenuating circumstances re the defintion of [[Reference of Measurements in Halacha#Kdei%20Aniva|kdei aniva]])
*The Shulchan Aruch 12:1 says the halacha is really like the Rosh, but if possible (meaning if one can easily find other Tzitzit, whilst making sure not to miss praying together with a [[minyan]] to get them-Mishna Brurah 13) it is good to be concerned and hold like Rabbeinu Tam. Mishna Brurah 12:11 says obviously it is permitted to say a bracha on Tzitzit, which are only kosher according to the Rosh. The Rama 12:1 says the minhag is like Rabbeinu Tam. The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (9:13) codifies the opinion of the Rosh.</ref>  (but see below in extenuating circumstances re the defintion of [[Reference of Measurements in Halacha#Kdei%20Aniva|kdei aniva]])
#When a string tears anywhere above the final knot, the ''tzitzis'' become not ''kosher'' <ref>[ ''Mishnah Berurah, Orach Chaim'' 12:4.]</ref>
#When a string tears anywhere above the final knot, the ''tzitzis'' become not ''kosher'' <ref>[ ''Mishnah Berurah, Orach Chaim'' 12:4.]</ref>
#The amount that is needed to tie a bow [[Reference of Measurements in Halacha#Kdei Aniva|kdei aniva]] is considered by some to be 4 cm. <ref>Rav Mordechai Eliyahu (comments to Kitzur 9:13) writes that kdei anivah is 4 cm. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 9:13 writes that it is supposed to be 4 agudlin.</ref>
#As to the definition of [[Reference of Measurements in Halacha#Kdei%20Aniva|kdei aniva]] the amount that is needed to tie a bow [[Reference of Measurements in Halacha#Kdei Aniva|kdei aniva]] is considered by some to be 4 cm. <ref>Rav Mordechai Eliyahu (comments to Kitzur 9:13) writes that kdei anivah is 4 cm. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 9:13 writes that it is supposed to be 4 agudlin.</ref> but if the strings are completely ripped after all of the knots but the strings in the knots section are longer than kdei anivah then in an extenuating circumstance one can use those tzitzit. However, one should not recite a bracha on such tzitzit.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 12:3 writes that the opinion of Rashi is that the kdei anivah is measured from the end of the knots and Tosfot and Rosh hold that it is measured from the beginning of the knots. The halacha is that in an extenuating circumstance one can follow Tosfot but the minhag is like Rashi. Yalkut Yosef OC 12:2 agrees. Mishna Brurah 12:13 writes that in an extenuating circumstance it is kosher but one may not recite a bracha upon them.</ref>
#If the strings are completely ripped after all of the knots but the strings in the knots section are longer than kdei anivah then in an extenuating circumstance one can use those tzitzit. However, one should not recite a bracha on such tzitzit.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 12:3 writes that the opinion of Rashi is that the kdei anivah is measured from the end of the knots and Tosfot and Rosh hold that it is measured from the beginning of the knots. The halacha is that in an extenuating circumstance one can follow Tosfot but the minhag is like Rashi. Yalkut Yosef OC 12:2 agrees. Mishna Brurah 12:13 writes that in an extenuating circumstance it is kosher but one may not recite a bracha upon them.</ref>
# If a strings ripped completely it is permitted to tie the two parts together and then retie the strings from scratch. Similarly, one can retie a part of a string to itself as long as the tzitzit is still valid. However, one may not tie the two strings together if they are invalid and by retying them that would validate them.<ref>Taz 12:3, Magen Avraham 15:1, Aruch Hashulchan 12:12, Mishna Brurah 12:7</ref>
# If a strings ripped completely it is permitted to tie the two parts together and then retie the strings from scratch. Similarly, one can retie a part of a string to itself as long as the tzitzit is still valid. However, one may not tie the two strings together if they are invalid and by retying them that would validate them.<ref>Taz 12:3, Magen Avraham 15:1, Aruch Hashulchan 12:12, Mishna Brurah 12:7</ref>

