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#It is permitted to launder socks and stockings on chol hamoed if they got dirty. It is better to buy new ones and wash the dirty ones. It is better to wash them by adding them to a load with children clothing rather than wash them by themselves.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchato 66:66, Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 225, Shraga Hameir 7:43. This also seems to be the view of Chazon Ovadia p. 198. However, Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo p. 32 quotes the Debretziner who was strict not to launder even socks and underwear. He writes that usually the only recourse for someone whose clothing got dirty is to buy new ones. In a case where a person doesn't have enough he should ask a competent posek. </ref>
#It is permitted to launder socks and stockings on chol hamoed if they got dirty. It is better to buy new ones and wash the dirty ones. It is better to wash them by adding them to a load with children clothing rather than wash them by themselves.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchato 66:66, Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 225, Shraga Hameir 7:43. This also seems to be the view of Chazon Ovadia p. 198. However, Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo p. 32 quotes the Debretziner who was strict not to launder even socks and underwear. He writes that usually the only recourse for someone whose clothing got dirty is to buy new ones. In a case where a person doesn't have enough he should ask a competent posek. </ref>
#Some poskim allow cleaning an adult's undergarments if they were all cleaned before the holiday and then because they frequently get sweaty or dirty need to be laundered and there aren't any other available, can be washed in the washing machine on Chol Hamoed.<ref>Yalkut Yosef 534:8 based on Magen Avraham 534:2 and Shraga Hameir 7:43:3. Chazon Ovadia p. 198 permits laundering undershirts if a person changes them daily if he doesn't have clean ones. </ref> However, some poskim are strict and forbid laundering undershirts.<ref>Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 226 quotes that Rav Elyashiv forbade laundering undershirts which get dirty every day and he should just buy new ones.</ref>
#Some poskim allow cleaning an adult's undergarments if they were all cleaned before the holiday and then because they frequently get sweaty or dirty need to be laundered and there aren't any other available, can be washed in the washing machine on Chol Hamoed.<ref>Yalkut Yosef 534:8 based on Magen Avraham 534:2 and Shraga Hameir 7:43:3. Chazon Ovadia p. 198 permits laundering undershirts if a person changes them daily if he doesn't have clean ones. Shevet Halevi 8:124:2 writes that he would only permit laundering undershirts on chol hamoed if a person is really bothered by not having the undershirt laundered, such as by having worn it for a few days without laundering it. [ Chevel Nachalato 11:19:2] argues that today many people are bothered to wear an undershirt that they already wore once.  </ref> However, some poskim are strict and forbid laundering undershirts.<ref>Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 226 quotes that Rav Elyashiv forbade laundering undershirts which get dirty every day and he should just buy new ones.</ref>
#Similarly, a niddah who needs to change her white underwear for [[Shiva Nekiyim]] and doesn't have enough can launder it on Chol Hamoed.<ref>Yalkut Yosef 534:6 based on Meiri Moed Katan 14a</ref>
#Similarly, a niddah who needs to change her white underwear for [[Shiva Nekiyim]] and doesn't have enough can launder it on Chol Hamoed.<ref>Yalkut Yosef 534:6 based on Meiri Moed Katan 14a</ref>

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