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#It is also forbidden to get a haircut or a shave unless by a non-Jew,<ref> Mishna Brurah 468:5. There is a discussion in the poskim as to whether it is prohibited for a Jew to give himself a haircut. The implication of the Rama in Yoreh Deah 399:3 is that it is permitted for one to give himself a haircut. However, later poskim dispute the issue. For example, see Shulchan Aruch HaRav 468:4 who rules that this is prohibited. Yalkut Yosef 468:7 permits a Jew to cut his own hair after chatzot if he forgot to cut it in the morning or beforehand.</ref> to sew new clothing,<ref> Rama 468:2 </ref> and to do laundry except by a non-Jew after mid-day.<ref> Mishna Brurah 468:7. Piskei Teshuvot 468:6 says that even for a Jew to use a washing machine is forbidden but says it is permitted to turn on the machine before mid-day even if it will do the washing afterwards. Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata ch. 42 fnt. 139 isn’t sure about laundry in a laundry machine.</ref> Preferably, one should cut his nails<ref> Mishna Brurah 468:5. Orchot Rabbeinu vol. 2 page 56 says this can be done without restrictions. Sha’ar HaTzion 468:7 writes that it is permitted to cut one’s nails after chatzos if he forgot to do so beforehand.</ref> and polish his shoes before mid-day.<ref> Yabia Omer 1:32, Shearim HaMitzuyanim BiHalacha 133:6, Shemirat Shabbat Kihilchita 42 note 173, Piskei Teshuvos 468:4. Piskei Teshuvot 468:18 says polishing shoes is not allowed after [[chatzot]], as does the Kitzur HaShl"a quoted in Teshuvot Vihanhagot 1:301. Hilchot Chag B'chag (Pesach p. 252) permits shining shoes after midday.  </ref>
#It is also forbidden to get a haircut or a shave unless by a non-Jew,<ref> Mishna Brurah 468:5. There is a discussion in the poskim as to whether it is prohibited for a Jew to give himself a haircut. The implication of the Rama in Yoreh Deah 399:3 is that it is permitted for one to give himself a haircut. However, later poskim dispute the issue. For example, see Shulchan Aruch HaRav 468:4 who rules that this is prohibited. Yalkut Yosef 468:7 permits a Jew to cut his own hair after chatzot if he forgot to cut it in the morning or beforehand.</ref> to sew new clothing,<ref> Rama 468:2 </ref> and to do laundry except by a non-Jew after mid-day.<ref> Mishna Brurah 468:7. Piskei Teshuvot 468:6 says that even for a Jew to use a washing machine is forbidden but says it is permitted to turn on the machine before mid-day even if it will do the washing afterwards. Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata ch. 42 fnt. 139 isn’t sure about laundry in a laundry machine.</ref> Preferably, one should cut his nails<ref> Mishna Brurah 468:5. Orchot Rabbeinu vol. 2 page 56 says this can be done without restrictions. Sha’ar HaTzion 468:7 writes that it is permitted to cut one’s nails after chatzos if he forgot to do so beforehand.</ref> and polish his shoes before mid-day.<ref> Yabia Omer 1:32, Shearim HaMitzuyanim BiHalacha 133:6, Shemirat Shabbat Kihilchita 42 note 173, Piskei Teshuvos 468:4. Piskei Teshuvot 468:18 says polishing shoes is not allowed after [[chatzot]], as does the Kitzur HaShl"a quoted in Teshuvot Vihanhagot 1:301. Hilchot Chag B'chag (Pesach p. 252) permits shining shoes after midday.  </ref>
===Cutting Nails===
===Cutting Nails===
#It is permitted to cut one's nails after midday on erev pesach if one forgot to do so beforehand.<ref>Mishna Brurah 468:5. Orchot Rabbeinu vol. 2 page 56 says this can be done without restrictions. Sha’ar HaTzion 468:7 writes that it is permitted to cut one’s nails after chatzos if he forgot to do so beforehand. Aruch Hashulchan 468:3 quotes a dispute between Maharshal who forbids cutting one's nails after chatzot and Chok Yakov and Eliya Rabba who permit.</ref>
#It is permitted to cut one's nails after midday on erev pesach if one forgot to do so beforehand.<ref>Mishna Brurah 468:5, Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 42:41. Orchot Rabbeinu (vol. 2 page 56) writes that this can be done without restrictions. Sha’ar HaTzion 468:7 writes that it is permitted to cut one’s nails after chatzos if he forgot to do so beforehand. Aruch Hashulchan 468:3 quotes a dispute between Maharshal who forbids cutting one's nails after chatzot and Chok Yakov and Eliya Rabba who permit.</ref>

=== Picking Up from a Store ===
=== Picking Up from a Store ===
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