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* Birkei Yosef 124:3 points out that it is very questionable to hold like Rashi regarding Megillah since it is disputed by the Yerushalmi and Tosfot. Also, the Tur would agree that this case is different since on a Tanit it isn't a lie to say it is a fast day even if you're not fasting but if you're observing Yom Tov how can you say today is a Yom Tov. Zera Avraham 1:12 disagrees also because we don't follow the Tur and Rashi is local to the institution of megillah in multiple locations but not relevant generally. Birkei Yosef sides with the Zera Avraham mostly but in this case he says that the Jew from Diaspora can pray for the Israeli congregation since he is also obligated in the weekday besides the Yom Tov ones.</ref>
* Birkei Yosef 124:3 points out that it is very questionable to hold like Rashi regarding Megillah since it is disputed by the Yerushalmi and Tosfot. Also, the Tur would agree that this case is different since on a Tanit it isn't a lie to say it is a fast day even if you're not fasting but if you're observing Yom Tov how can you say today is a Yom Tov. Zera Avraham 1:12 disagrees also because we don't follow the Tur and Rashi is local to the institution of megillah in multiple locations but not relevant generally. Birkei Yosef sides with the Zera Avraham mostly but in this case he says that the Jew from Diaspora can pray for the Israeli congregation since he is also obligated in the weekday besides the Yom Tov ones.</ref>
# If someone from the Diaspora is in Israel for Yom Tov Sheni and he wants to do a milah, if there is no available Israeli mohel he may do the milah. But if it is possible to get an Israeli mohel one should do so and not do the milah. Ashkenazim have what to rely upon to be lenient to do the milah even if there's an Israeli mohel available.<ref>The Nichpeh Bkesef OC 5 is strict since milah on Shabbat is only dechuya (Shabbat 130a) and it is possible to get another mohel for whom it isn't a melacha (Yoma 6b). Even if it is hutrah still if it is easy we would try to use the better alternatives. Chida in Machzik Bracha O.C. 331:6, Rav Chaim Palagi in Artzot Hachaim 10:22, Ikrei Hadaat O.C. 22:4, and Yalkut Yosef 331:17 concur. Mateh Yehuda v. 2 p. 41 cited by Shaarei Teshuva 496:5 argues that it is permitted since not doing the milah would be a publicly noticeable activity in abrogation of the local custom (see Rosh Pesachim 4:4 and Pri Megadim E"A 468:11). Leviyat Chen n. 98 argues that with respect to Yom Tov Sheni we aren't concerned for a public demonstration of Yom Tov Sheni in Israel (Avkat Rochel 26). Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Yom Tov Sheni Khilchato 12:1 p. 261) was lenient because in his opinion Milah is hutrah on Shabbat (Gra YD 266:25). Beer Moshe (v. 7 p. 331 Dinei Ben Eretz Yisrael Vchul YD 266) agreed. See a discussion of the whole topic in an article [ Rabbi Sultan (YUTorah)].</ref>
# If someone from the Diaspora is in Israel for Yom Tov Sheni and he wants to do a milah, if there is no available Israeli mohel he may do the milah. But if it is possible to get an Israeli mohel one should do so and not do the milah. Ashkenazim have what to rely upon to be lenient to do the milah even if there's an Israeli mohel available.<ref>The Nichpeh Bkesef OC 5 is strict since milah on Shabbat is only dechuya (Shabbat 130a) and it is possible to get another mohel for whom it isn't a melacha (Yoma 6b). Even if it is hutrah still if it is easy we would try to use the better alternatives. Chida in Machzik Bracha O.C. 331:6, Rav Chaim Palagi in Artzot Hachaim 10:22, Ikrei Hadaat O.C. 22:4, and Yalkut Yosef 331:17 concur. Mateh Yehuda v. 2 p. 41 cited by Shaarei Teshuva 496:5 argues that it is permitted since not doing the milah would be a publicly noticeable activity in abrogation of the local custom (see Rosh Pesachim 4:4 and Pri Megadim E"A 468:11). Leviyat Chen n. 98 argues that with respect to Yom Tov Sheni we aren't concerned for a public demonstration of Yom Tov Sheni in Israel (Avkat Rochel 26). Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Yom Tov Sheni Khilchato 12:1 p. 261) was lenient because in his opinion Milah is hutrah on Shabbat (Gra YD 266:25). Beer Moshe (v. 7 p. 331 Dinei Ben Eretz Yisrael Vchul YD 266) agreed. See a discussion of the whole topic in an article [ Rabbi Sultan (YUTorah)].</ref>
# Someone who is keeping one day in Israel may not fly back to the diaspora on the second day.<ref>[ Rabbi Willig (Chatzitza Shiur 28, min 23)]</ref>

===Who Should Keep Two Days in Israel===
===Who Should Keep Two Days in Israel===
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