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# If porous jugs were placed in a pit with water in it in order that the walls of the jugs become cleansed and water entered into the jugs they can be broken but not pushed over.<ref>Mishna Mikvaot 2:9. The Bet Yosef 201:43 infers that the jugs can only be broken but not pushed over since the jugs were placed there to accept water and is considered more of an intention of collecting water unlike jugs left to dry. Shulchan Aruch YD 201:43 codifies this Mishna.</ref>
# If porous jugs were placed in a pit with water in it in order that the walls of the jugs become cleansed and water entered into the jugs they can be broken but not pushed over.<ref>Mishna Mikvaot 2:9. The Bet Yosef 201:43 infers that the jugs can only be broken but not pushed over since the jugs were placed there to accept water and is considered more of an intention of collecting water unlike jugs left to dry. Shulchan Aruch YD 201:43 codifies this Mishna.</ref>

===What is a Vessel for Sheuvim===
===What is a Vessel for Sheuvim?===
# A vessel of any size can create sheuvim even if it is larger than 40 seah.<Ref>Mishna Mikvaot 4:1 states that a vessel big or small can create sheuvim. Tosfot Shabbat 16b writes that even if the vessel is larger than 40 seah which would render it not susceptible to tumah would still create sheuvim. Rosh Mikvaot n. 5 agrees. Shulchan Aruch YD 201:34 codifies this.</ref>
# A vessel of any size can create sheuvim even if it is larger than 40 seah.<Ref>Mishna Mikvaot 4:1 states that a vessel big or small can create sheuvim. Tosfot Shabbat 16b writes that even if the vessel is larger than 40 seah which would render it not susceptible to tumah would still create sheuvim. Rosh Mikvaot n. 5 agrees. Shulchan Aruch YD 201:34 codifies this.</ref>
# A vessel of any material that can hold water is considered a vessel to create sheuvim, whether or not that material would be susceptible to tumah.<ref>The Mishna Mikvaot 4:1 writes that a vessel of stone or dung is called a vessel with respect to sheuvim. The Rash and Rosh point out that even though these materials wouldn’t be susceptible to tumah nonetheless the vessel which would hold water does create sheuvim. Shulchan Aruch YD 201:34 codifies this.</ref>
# A vessel of any material that can hold water is considered a vessel to create sheuvim, whether or not that material would be susceptible to tumah.<ref>The Mishna Mikvaot 4:1 writes that a vessel of stone or dung is called a vessel with respect to sheuvim. The Rash and Rosh point out that even though these materials wouldn’t be susceptible to tumah nonetheless the vessel which would hold water does create sheuvim. Shulchan Aruch YD 201:34 codifies this.</ref>
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# A vessel that was punctured with a hole a diameter of two fingerbreadths and was attached to the ground is a valid mikveh. Even if the hole is then filled after it is attached to the ground it is still valid.<ref>Chatom Sofer 206 explains that once the vessel is punctured and attached to the ground even if the hole is later filled in it doesn’t invalidate the mikveh. The vessel is considered attached and then completed and that is a valid mikveh.</ref>
# A vessel that was punctured with a hole a diameter of two fingerbreadths and was attached to the ground is a valid mikveh. Even if the hole is then filled after it is attached to the ground it is still valid.<ref>Chatom Sofer 206 explains that once the vessel is punctured and attached to the ground even if the hole is later filled in it doesn’t invalidate the mikveh. The vessel is considered attached and then completed and that is a valid mikveh.</ref>
===3 Lug of Drawn Water===
===3 Lug of Drawn Water===
# If 3 lug fall into a mikveh that is lacking 40 seah it is invalid even if the mikveh is later split in two and rainwater is added to one of them. Since the mikveh was completed with an invalidation it is as though all of the water is invalid.<Ref>Mishna Mikvaot 3:1, Rambam Hilchot Mikvaot 5:5, Shulchan Aruch YD 201:19</ref>
# If 3 lug fall into a mikveh that is lacking 40 seah it is invalid.<ref>Mishna Mikvaot 3:1, Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 201:19</ref>
# A mikveh that was invalidated by having 3 lug of sheuvim fall in remains invalid even if the mikveh is later split in two and rainwater is added to one of them. Since the mikveh was completed with an invalidation it is as though all of the water is invalid.<ref>Mishna Mikvaot 3:1, Rambam Hilchot Mikvaot 5:5, Shulchan Aruch YD 201:19</ref>
# If 1.5 lug fell into 20 seah of rainwater and another 1.5 fell into another 20 seah of rainwater and then these waters connect they are valid since the complete invalidation of 3 lug was never applicable to either one of them.<Ref>Mishna Mikvaot 3:1, Rambam Hilchot Mikvaot 5:5, Shulchan Aruch YD 201:19</ref>
# If 1.5 lug fell into 20 seah of rainwater and another 1.5 fell into another 20 seah of rainwater and then these waters connect they are valid since the complete invalidation of 3 lug was never applicable to either one of them.<Ref>Mishna Mikvaot 3:1, Rambam Hilchot Mikvaot 5:5, Shulchan Aruch YD 201:19</ref>
# If a pit is full of drawn water it is only fixed to be used for a mikveh once enough rainwater enters so that according to our calculation there’s none of the original drawn water besides something minimal less than 3 lug.<Ref>Mishna Mikvaot 3:1, Rambam Hilchot Mikvaot 5:6, Shulchan Aruch YD 201:20. The Raavad (Baalei Hanefesh p. 101) explained that since the water is completely drawn it is invalid and isn’t considered a mikveh at all can only be fixed once we calculate that all of it besides less than 3 lug has been removed. However, for a mikveh that was invalidated with 3 lug is considered an invalid mikveh which can be fixed by having rainwater added so that 40 seah and a little bit flow out of the mikveh. The reason is that we consider it as though the original water left and was replaced. This is quoted by the Bet Yosef 201:20, Rama 201:22, Taz 201:32, and Shach 201:56. </ref> The way this is calculated is by the use of two methods: 1) whatever proportion of the mikveh is drawn water that is the proportion of it that exits, or 2) by assuming that all the water that exits the mikveh is half drawn water and half rainwater. We are strict for the stringencies of each method.<ref>Raavad cited by Bet Yosef 201:20, Shach 201:56</ref>
# If a pit is full of drawn water it is only fixed to be used for a mikveh once enough rainwater enters so that according to our calculation there’s none of the original drawn water besides something minimal less than 3 lug.<Ref>Mishna Mikvaot 3:1, Rambam Hilchot Mikvaot 5:6, Shulchan Aruch YD 201:20. The Raavad (Baalei Hanefesh p. 101) explained that since the water is completely drawn it is invalid and isn’t considered a mikveh at all can only be fixed once we calculate that all of it besides less than 3 lug has been removed. However, for a mikveh that was invalidated with 3 lug is considered an invalid mikveh which can be fixed by having rainwater added so that 40 seah and a little bit flow out of the mikveh. The reason is that we consider it as though the original water left and was replaced. This is quoted by the Bet Yosef 201:20, Rama 201:22, Taz 201:32, and Shach 201:56. </ref> The way this is calculated is by the use of two methods: 1) whatever proportion of the mikveh is drawn water that is the proportion of it that exits, or 2) by assuming that all the water that exits the mikveh is half drawn water and half rainwater. We are strict for the stringencies of each method.<ref>Raavad cited by Bet Yosef 201:20, Shach 201:56</ref>
# If a mikveh less than 40 seah is invalidated with 3 lug of drawn water it can be fixed by having a bit more than 40 seah of rainwater enter and that amount exit.<Ref>Mishna Mikvaot 3:1, Tosefta Mikvaot 1:9 (Sukermandel), Rambam Hilchot Mikvaot 5:6, Shulchan Aruch YD 201:20-21</ref> Some say that this is only effective if the rainwater exits by overflowing and not if it is drawn out.<ref>Agudah cited by Shach 201:57</ref>
# If a mikveh less than 40 seah is invalidated with 3 lug of drawn water it can be fixed by having a bit more than 40 seah of rainwater enter and that amount exit.<Ref>Mishna Mikvaot 3:1, Tosefta Mikvaot 1:9 (Sukermandel), Rambam Hilchot Mikvaot 5:6, Shulchan Aruch YD 201:20-21</ref> Some say that this is only effective if the rainwater exits by overflowing and not if it is drawn out.<ref>Agudah cited by Shach 201:57</ref>
# If a mikveh that is invalid mixes completely with a mikveh that is valid they are both considered valid.<ref>Rambam Hilchot Mikvaot 5:6, Shulchan Aruch 201:21</ref>
# If a mikveh that is invalid completely mixes with a mikveh that is valid, they are both considered valid.<ref>Rambam Hilchot Mikvaot 5:6, Shulchan Aruch 201:21</ref>
# If less than 3 lug of drawn water fall into a mikveh that is lacking 40 seah the mikveh is nonetheless invalid until the more rainwater is added to complete the 40 seah and the drawn water doesn’t contribute to the measure of 40 seah.<ref>
# If less than 3 lug of drawn water fall into a mikveh that is lacking 40 seah the mikveh is nonetheless invalid, until the more rainwater is added to complete the 40 seah and the drawn water doesn’t contribute to the measure of 40 seah.<ref>
* Tosefta Mikvaot 1:7 (Sukermandel) states that if less than 3 lug of drawn water fall into a mikveh lacking 40 seah it is still possible to use it for a mikveh if more rainwater is added.
* Tosefta Mikvaot 1:7 (Sukermandel) states that if less than 3 lug of drawn water fall into a mikveh lacking 40 seah it is still possible to use it for a mikveh if more rainwater is added.
* Tosefta Mikvaot 1:12 states that if a mikveh has a little less than 40 seah and less than 3 lug of drawn water are added the mikveh is valid once that amount of rainwater that was lacking originally is added. Therefore, the [ Rashba (Torat Habayit ch. 6)] writes that less than 3 lug of drawn water doesn’t contribute to the measure of the water but doesn’t invalidate the mikveh either. Rash Mikvaot 1:5, Tur 201:39 and Shulchan Aruch 201:22 follow the Rashba. Shach 201:59 agree.
* Tosefta Mikvaot 1:12 states that if a mikveh has a little less than 40 seah and less than 3 lug of drawn water are added the mikveh is valid once that amount of rainwater that was lacking originally is added. Therefore, the [ Rashba (Torat Habayit ch. 6)] writes that less than 3 lug of drawn water doesn’t contribute to the measure of the water but doesn’t invalidate the mikveh either. Rash Mikvaot 1:5, Tur 201:39 and Shulchan Aruch 201:22 follow the Rashba. Shach 201:59 agree.
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