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#According to Ashkenazim it’s forbidden to cut one’s hair for the entire Three Weeks, however, according to Sephardim one can cut hair until the week of [[Tisha BeAv]].<ref>The Gemara in Taanit 26b says that one shouldn’t cut one’s hair the week of [[Tisha BeAv]]. This Gemara is brought as Halacha by the Rambam (Taaniot 5:6). The Ramban (Torat HaAdam ([[Aveilut]] Yishana pg 346) explains that this prohibition applies to all hair on the body except the mustache if it interferes with eating. The Tur and S”A 551:3,12-13 rule like the Ramban that during the week of [[Tisha BeAv]] one is forbidden to cut any hair on one’s body except if there’s facial hair interfering with eating. Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 158) and Ben Ish Chai Devarim 12 write that this is Sephardic custom. However, Darkei Moshe 551:5 and Rama 551:4 rules that Ashkenazim should be strict not to cut hair all Three Weeks like the Sefer Minhagim (pg 74). Levush 3, Chayei Adam 133:8, Mishna Brurah 551:82, Aruch Hashulchan 551:31, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:3. Aruch Hashulchan 551:16 says the reason for this is that if we were allowed to get haircuts until [[Rosh Chodesh]] Av it would not be clear that we grew our hair for [[mourning]], therefore we stop cutting it for the entire Three Weeks. </ref> One should wait until after [[chatzot]] on the tenth of Av to get a haircut.<ref>Aruch Hashulchan 551:16. </ref>
#According to Ashkenazim it’s forbidden to cut one’s hair for the entire Three Weeks, however, according to Sephardim one can cut hair until the week of [[Tisha BeAv]].<ref>The Gemara in Taanit 26b says that one shouldn’t cut one’s hair the week of [[Tisha BeAv]]. This Gemara is brought as Halacha by the Rambam (Taaniot 5:6). The Ramban (Torat HaAdam ([[Aveilut]] Yishana pg 346) explains that this prohibition applies to all hair on the body except the mustache if it interferes with eating. The Tur and S”A 551:3,12-13 rule like the Ramban that during the week of [[Tisha BeAv]] one is forbidden to cut any hair on one’s body except if there’s facial hair interfering with eating. Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 158) and Ben Ish Chai Devarim 12 write that this is Sephardic custom. However, Darkei Moshe 551:5 and Rama 551:4 rules that Ashkenazim should be strict not to cut hair all Three Weeks like the Sefer Minhagim (pg 74). Levush 3, Chayei Adam 133:8, Mishna Brurah 551:82, Aruch Hashulchan 551:31, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:3. Aruch Hashulchan 551:16 says the reason for this is that if we were allowed to get haircuts until [[Rosh Chodesh]] Av it would not be clear that we grew our hair for [[mourning]], therefore we stop cutting it for the entire Three Weeks. </ref> One should wait until after [[chatzot]] on the tenth of Av to get a haircut.<ref>Aruch Hashulchan 551:16. </ref>
#For Sephardim it’s permitted to take a haircut during the Three Weeks, even for a Sephardic Yeshiva Bachur in a Ashkenazi Yeshiva .<ref>Sh”t Yechave Daat 4:36, 3:39, Sh”t Yabia Omer 3:31:5, Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 551(2):11) </ref> However, it’s preferable to be strict not to cut the entire Three Weeks.<ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 158-9) </ref>
#For Sephardim, it is permitted to take a haircut during the Three Weeks, even for a Sephardic Yeshiva Bachur in a Ashkenazi Yeshiva .<ref>Sh”t Yechave Daat 4:36, 3:39, Sh”t Yabia Omer 3:31:5, Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 551(2):11) </ref> However, it’s preferable to be strict not to cut the entire Three Weeks.<ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 158-9) </ref>
#The father of a baby boy, the sandak, and the mohel can all cut their hair on the day of a baby's [[brit milah]].<ref>Shaar Hatziyun 551:4 quoting the Chatam Sofer 158, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:15, Kaf ha-Chayim 551:10, Pitchei [[Teshuvah]] 551:1, She’arim Metzuyanim b'Halachah 122:16. Baer Heitev 551:3 is stringent.  </ref>
#The father of a baby boy, the sandak, and the mohel can all cut their hair on the day of a baby's [[brit milah]].<ref>Shaar Hatziyun 551:4 quoting the Chatam Sofer 158, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:15, Kaf ha-Chayim 551:10, Pitchei [[Teshuvah]] 551:1, She’arim Metzuyanim b'Halachah 122:16. Baer Heitev 551:3 is stringent.  </ref>
# If there is a [[Pidyon Haben]] during the Three Weeks, according to Sephardim the father may shave or cut his hair,<ref>Yalkut Yosef Sova Semachot v. 2 p. 335</ref> while according to Ashkenazim they may not.<ref>[ Nitai Gavriel 20:5]</ref>
# If there is a [[Pidyon Haben]] during the Three Weeks, according to Sephardim the father may shave or cut his hair,<ref>Yalkut Yosef (Sova Semachot v. 2 p. 335)</ref> while according to Ashkenazim they may not.<ref>[ Nitai Gavriel 20:5]</ref>
#It is forbidden to take a haircut for a bar mitzva.<ref>Rav Moshe Feinstein quoted in Moadei Yeshurun page 128. Rivevot Ephraim (1:337 and 2:155:20) and [ Nitei Gavriel 20:6] quoting some opinions allow for a bar mitzva boy to get a haircut until the week of [[Tisha BeAv]]. </ref>
#It is forbidden to take a haircut for a bar mitzva.<ref>Rav Moshe Feinstein quoted in Moadei Yeshurun page 128. Rivevot Ephraim (1:337 and 2:155:20) and [ Nitei Gavriel 20:6] quoting some opinions allow for a bar mitzva boy to get a haircut until the week of [[Tisha BeAv]]. </ref>
#Some say if one’s hair is so long that it is a chatzitzah for [[tefillin]] then one is permitted to get a haircut.<ref>Shalmei Moed page 476, Nitei Gavriel 19:7 </ref>
#Some say if one’s hair is so long that it is a chatzitzah for [[tefillin]] then one is permitted to get a haircut.<ref>Shalmei Moed page 476, Nitei Gavriel 19:7 </ref>
#If not cutting one's hair will cause great monetary loss, one is permitted to cut it during the Three Weeks but not during the week that Tisha B'av falls out. If one will not lose money, even if the hair makes him uncomfortable he may not cut his hair.<ref>Iggerot Moshe OC 4:102. see Igros Moshe Choshen Mishpat 93. see also See also Halichos Shlomo Moadim vol. 2 page 414 </ref>
#It is permitted to cut one's hair during the Three Weeks if it will cause great monetary loss, but not during the week of Tisha B'av. If it will not cause loss, it is prohibited even if the hair makes him uncomfortable.<ref>Iggerot Moshe OC 4:102. See Igros Moshe Choshen Mishpat 93. see also See also Halichos Shlomo Moadim vol. 2 page 414 </ref>
#Some poskim allow a child under the age of six to get a haircut.<ref>Iggerot Moshe YD 1:224 and Aruch Hashulchan 551:31. Mishna Brurah 551:81 and Shaar Hatziyun 551:91 as well as the Chayei Adam 133:18 conclude that children even below 6 should not get haircuts and bring two reasons from the Terumat Hadeshen 142. One being [[chinuch]], in which case it would only apply to older than six and the other being "agmat nefesh," meaning it makes people feel more pain to see children [[mourning]], in which case it would apply to even children under 6. Chanoch lanaar 21:2:1, Nitei Gavriel 20:7, Rivevot Ephraim 1:336:2, 2:155:19  say that if an upsherin falls out during the Three Weeks one should either push it up or postpone it. Torat Yekutiel 1:47 is lenient. </ref>
#Some poskim allow a child under the age of six to get a haircut.<ref>Iggerot Moshe YD 1:224 and Aruch Hashulchan 551:31. Mishna Brurah 551:81 and Shaar Hatziyun 551:91 as well as the Chayei Adam 133:18 conclude that children even below 6 should not get haircuts and bring two reasons from the Terumat Hadeshen 142. One being [[chinuch]], in which case it would only apply to older than six and the other being "agmat nefesh," meaning it makes people feel more pain to see children [[mourning]], in which case it would apply to even children under 6. Chanoch lanaar 21:2:1, Nitei Gavriel 20:7, Rivevot Ephraim 1:336:2, 2:155:19  say that if an upsherin falls out during the Three Weeks one should either push it up or postpone it. Torat Yekutiel 1:47 is lenient. </ref>
#It is permitted to comb and style one's hair during the Three Weeks and [[Nine Days]] and one doesn't have to worry that one will pull out hairs.<ref>Eliya Rabba 551:7, Shaare Teshuva 551:12, Mishna Brurah 551:20, Aruch Hashulchan 551:15, Sh"t Yechave Daat 6:35, Ben Ish Chai Devarim 14, Kaf Hachayim 551:46.  </ref>
#It is permitted to comb and style one's hair during the Three Weeks and [[Nine Days]] and one doesn't have to worry that one will pull out hairs.<ref>Eliya Rabba 551:7, Shaare Teshuva 551:12, Mishna Brurah 551:20, Aruch Hashulchan 551:15, Sh"t Yechave Daat 6:35, Ben Ish Chai Devarim 14, Kaf Hachayim 551:46.  </ref>
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#Women may get their sheitels cut or styled during the Three Weeks. The reason is that this is considered like their clothing and not their hair.<ref>Nitei Gavriel (Bein Hamitzarim pg. 139) </ref>
#Women may get their sheitels cut or styled during the Three Weeks, as this is not considered to be their hair, but their clothing.<ref>Nitei Gavriel Bein Hamitzarim pg. 139 </ref>

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