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==Marriage after Conversion==
==Marriage after Conversion==
#A husband and wife who converted together need to wait 3 months before remarrying each other in order to differentiate between a child she would have while non-Jewish and while she’s Jewish. They do not need to wait 3 months if there’s no doubt about whether she’s pregnant, such as if she’s already pregnant,<ref>Rav Shlomo Amar in Shma Shlomo 5:9-12 following the Dagul Mirvava</ref> she’s too old to have children,<ref>Dagul Mirvava 13:5</ref> or just had her period.<ref>Igrot Moshe EH 2:5</ref> Regarding a pregnancy test see footnote.<Ref>[ Shemesh Umagen 2:41:5] writes that a blood test to check if she's pregnant is not sufficient evidence to exempt from havchana because it isn't always accurate. [ Rav Schachter] quotes his father that a pregnancy test is reliable to ensure that she's either pregnant or not pregnant not to require waiting 3 months.</ref>
#A husband and wife who converted together need to wait 3 months before remarrying each other in order to differentiate between a child she would have while non-Jewish and while she’s Jewish. They do not need to wait 3 months if there’s no doubt about whether she’s pregnant, such as if she’s already pregnant,<ref>Rav Shlomo Amar in Shma Shlomo 5:9-12 following the Dagul Mirvava</ref> she’s too old to have children,<ref>Dagul Mirvava 13:5</ref> or just had her period.<ref>Igrot Moshe EH 2:5</ref> Regarding a pregnancy test see footnote.<Ref>[ Shemesh Umagen 2:41:5] writes that a blood test to check if she's pregnant is not sufficient evidence to exempt from havchana because it isn't always accurate. [ Rav Schachter] quotes his father that a pregnancy test is reliable to ensure that she's either pregnant or not pregnant not to require waiting 3 months.</ref>
#A woman who was previously “married” to a Jew and converts must wait 3 months before getting remarried after the conversion.<ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 13:5</ref> However, they do not need to wait 3 months if it is clear that she’s pregnant or not pregnant, such as if she’s too old to have children.<ref>Rav Elyashiv (Kovetz Teshuvot 3:150) writes that a non-Jewish woman married to a Jew who converted does not need havchana if it is clear that she’s not pregnant such as if she’s too old to have children. He writes that this is included in the leniency of the Dagul Mirvava since regarding two Jews this case is impossible. The only case that is comparable to two Jews who were married and got divorced is two non-Jews who were married and now she converted and married another Jew. In that case, there is no leniency even if it is known that she’s pregnant or not pregnant. Yabia Omer EH 9:12:1-2 quotes Isa Bracha who was lenient about a even case of a woman who was married to a Jew and wants to convert since it is similar to a woman who became pregnant out of wedlock (S"A E.H. 13:6). However, he quotes that Rav Uziel and Melamed Lhoil who rejected that concept since she wants to be married to him and become pregnant from him. Nonetheless, he's lenient with a pregnancy test and doesn't explain further.</ref>  
#A woman who was previously “married” to a Jew and converts must wait 3 months before getting remarried after the conversion.<ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 13:5</ref> However, they do not need to wait 3 months if it is clear that she’s pregnant or not pregnant, such as if she’s too old to have children.<ref>Rav Elyashiv (Kovetz Teshuvot 3:150) writes that a non-Jewish woman married to a Jew who converted does not need havchana if it is clear that she’s not pregnant such as if she’s too old to have children. He writes that this is included in the leniency of the Dagul Mirvava since regarding two Jews this case is impossible. The only case that is comparable to two Jews who were married and got divorced is two non-Jews who were married and now she converted and married another Jew. In that case, there is no leniency even if it is known that she’s pregnant or not pregnant. Yabia Omer EH 9:12:1-2 quotes Isa Bracha who was lenient about a even case of a woman who was married to a Jew and wants to convert since it is similar to a woman who became pregnant out of wedlock (Shulchan Aruch E.H. 13:6). However, he quotes that Rav Uziel and Melamed Lhoil who rejected that concept since she wants to be married to him and become pregnant from him. Nonetheless, he's lenient with a pregnancy test and doesn't explain further.</ref>  
#A woman who was previously married to a non-Jew and converts by herself must wait 3 months before getting married to a Jewish man after the conversion.<ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 13:5</ref> There’s no leniency even if it is clear that she’s not pregnant such as if she’s too old to have children.<ref>Chelkat Mechokek 13:4 isn’t sure about this. Dagul Mirvava isn’t lenient against Chelkat Mechokek. Igrot Moshe YD 3:110 and EH 2:5 follows Dagul Mirvava but isn’t more lenient than that.</ref>
#A woman who was previously married to a non-Jew and converts by herself must wait 3 months before getting married to a Jewish man after the conversion.<ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 13:5</ref> There’s no leniency even if it is clear that she’s not pregnant such as if she’s too old to have children.<ref>Chelkat Mechokek 13:4 isn’t sure about this. Dagul Mirvava isn’t lenient against Chelkat Mechokek. Igrot Moshe YD 3:110 and EH 2:5 follows Dagul Mirvava but isn’t more lenient than that.</ref>
# A single woman who converts and wants to get married does not have to wait 3 months before getting married.<Ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 13:5, Bet Shmuel 13:7, Yabia Omer EH 9:17:1-2</ref> Some hold she has to wait,<ref>Radvaz cited by Pitchei Teshuva 13:5</ref> but to satisfy this opinion some hold a pregnancy test is sufficient.<ref>Dibrot Eliyahu 7:119 relies on a pregnancy test only for a convert which according to Shulchan Aruch doesn't need havchana. He doesn't rely on it for a married woman who converts since she needs havchana.</ref>
# A single woman who converts and wants to get married does not have to wait 3 months before getting married.<Ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 13:5, Bet Shmuel 13:7, Yabia Omer EH 9:17:1-2</ref> Some hold she has to wait,<ref>Radvaz cited by Pitchei Teshuva 13:5</ref> but to satisfy this opinion some hold a pregnancy test is sufficient.<ref>Dibrot Eliyahu 7:119 relies on a pregnancy test only for a convert which according to Shulchan Aruch doesn't need havchana. He doesn't rely on it for a married woman who converts since she needs havchana.</ref>
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