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Kovetz Ohr Yisroel 4, p. 89 writes that you can also leave an amah by an amah unpainted to fulfill this institution</ref>
Kovetz Ohr Yisroel 4, p. 89 writes that you can also leave an amah by an amah unpainted to fulfill this institution</ref>
#Many in Klal Yisrael are unaware of this halacha and have their house completely finished. Some lament the Minhag and some defend the Minhag. <ref>Shaarei Teshuva laments the fact that so many are unaware of this law and don't abide by it. Aruch HaShulchan defends the lenient practice considering the fact that the first Beraita in the gemara holds that if the building is made out of a mixture of sand in the lime/cement there is no requirement to leave an Amah by Amah unfinished. Kaf HaChaim 560:11 concurs. Aruch HaShulchan argues that the second Braitta which is quoted as halacha by the Rif, Rosh, Rambam, and Shulchan Aruch agrees with that idea that for a mixture it's permissible. The Aruch HaShulchan brings support from the Nemukei Yosef and Ran and leaves it as a Tzarich Iyun why Shulchan Aruch didn't mention this leniency. </ref>
#Many in Klal Yisrael are unaware of this halacha and have their house completely finished. Some lament the Minhag and some defend the Minhag. <ref>Shaarei Teshuva laments the fact that so many are unaware of this law and don't abide by it. Aruch HaShulchan defends the lenient practice considering the fact that the first Beraita in the gemara holds that if the building is made out of a mixture of sand in the lime/cement there is no requirement to leave an Amah by Amah unfinished. Kaf HaChaim 560:11 concurs. Aruch HaShulchan argues that the second Braitta which is quoted as halacha by the Rif, Rosh, Rambam, and Shulchan Aruch agrees with that idea that for a mixture it's permissible. The Aruch HaShulchan brings support from the Nemukei Yosef and Ran and leaves it as a Tzarich Iyun why Shulchan Aruch didn't mention this leniency. </ref>
# The unfinished portion should be visible. It should not be placed too high, and if it cannot be placed across the entrance then it should be done above the entrance. <ref> Yalkut Yosef, page 574; Ach Tov VaHessed, Year 5783, page 211 </ref>
#The blank portion should preferably be at least one amah by one amah. However, some poskim write that an area of a square amah is sufficient even if one side is less than an amah [e.g. 2 x ½ amot, which is an area of a square amah] <ref>Rav Yisroel Belsky (Piskei Halachos, Vol 1, p. 113, quoting Sefer Habayis, p. 215, footnote 11) </ref>
#The blank portion should preferably be at least one amah by one amah. However, some poskim write that an area of a square amah is sufficient even if one side is less than an amah [e.g. 2 x ½ amot, which is an area of a square amah] <ref>Rav Yisroel Belsky (Piskei Halachos, Vol 1, p. 113, quoting Sefer Habayis, p. 215, footnote 11) </ref>
#If the house is bought, one doesn't need to change the structure to leave an Amah by Amah unfinished. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 560:1 </ref> This is because we assume it was originally built for a non-Jew and thus escaped the requirement. However, if the house was built for a Jew, one is required to go back and peel off an Amah by Amah. <ref>M"B 560:4</ref> Some poskim argue that a Jewish builder who intends to sell to the public is not required to leave an Amah by Amah unfinished, and the buyer would then not be required to peel off an Amah by Amah. <ref>[ Igrot Moshe OC 3:86]</ref>
#If the house is bought, one doesn't need to change the structure to leave an Amah by Amah unfinished. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 560:1 </ref> This is because we assume it was originally built for a non-Jew and thus escaped the requirement. However, if the house was built for a Jew, one is required to go back and peel off an Amah by Amah. <ref>M"B 560:4</ref> Some poskim argue that a Jewish builder who intends to sell to the public is not required to leave an Amah by Amah unfinished, and the buyer would then not be required to peel off an Amah by Amah. <ref>[ Igrot Moshe OC 3:86]</ref>
