Seudat Havrah

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  1. It is forbidden for the mourner to eat his own food for the first meal after the aveilut begins. Instead, others should give him food for the seudat havrah.[1] Eating anything such as bread, meat, or vegetables is forbidden until the seudat havrah. However, he may have his own tea or coffee.[2]
  2. Some say that the Seudat Havrah should have meat. [3]
  3. A seudat havrah is conducted even on Chol Hamoed, Chanuka, Purim, and Rosh Chodesh for the relatives who are mourning.[4]
  4. There is no seudat havrah on Yom Tov, even on Yom Tov Sheni. [5]


  1. Moed Katan 27b
  2. Chazon Ovadia Aveilut 1 p. 488
  3. Maharitz Chiytz Brachot 7b citing Seder Hadorot s.v. Rabbi Yochanan. See Nedarim 56b which supports this.
  4. The Rosh (Moed Katan 3:59) argues with the Smag and Smak who hold that there is no seudat havrah on Chol Hamoed. Additionally, the Smag writes that everyone agrees that on Chanuka and Rosh Chodesh there is a seudat havrah. Shulchan Aruch YD 401:4 codifies the opinion of the Rosh and writes that there is a seudat havrah on Chol Hamoed, Chanuka, Rosh Chodesh, and also Purim.
  5. Shulchan Aruch YD 401:4. Rabbi Akiva Eiger (on Shulchan Aruch) explains that even though according to Shulchan Aruch it is possible to have mourning on Yom Tov Sheni, there is no seudat havrah since it is similar to a eulogy which isn't appropriate on Yom Tov. However, on Chol Hamoed, when there is no mourning, there is a seudat havrah as it isn't as emotional as a eulogy.