The Shechitah Knife

From Halachipedia

What Can Be Used for Shechitah

  1. Technically, anything that is detached from the ground and sharp can be used for kosher slaughter, as long as it's free of imperfections. A reed membrane would be good if it doesn't have any splinters that would come out. Practically, however, this is exclusively done with a knife.[1]
  2. One shouldn't use a scythe or even a double edged knife if one side of it is a scythe. Bediavad if he did it and knows he used the kosher side, it's ok, and if he smoothened out the scythe side then he can use it lechatechilah.[2]

Crafting a Shechitah Knife

Chalef with Blue Bone Handle, image courtesy of Laevi Sussman,

Sharpening a Shechitah Knife

Sharpening a knife is done by grinding the edge against coarse and then fine whetstones, back and forth, one side and then the other, until the knife is sharp and smooth.

Checking a Shechitah Knife


Purchasing a Knife


  1. Simla Chadasha 6:1
  2. Simla Chadasha 6:2
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