From Halachipedia
Revision as of 03:36, 4 February 2014 by YitzchakSultan (talk | contribs)
- One should take the middle of the three matzot and split it in two. One of those at the meal should put away (or hide) the larger piece of Matzah. [1]
- The minhag is to wrap the afikomin in some type of cloth based on the pasuk “משארותם צרורות על שמלותם” [2] that the Jews carried out the matzah out of Egypt in sacks on their shoulders.[3]
- Some have the minhag to place the afikomin on their shoulder as a remembrance to the jews as they left Egypt.[4]
- Some have the minhag based on kabbalah to break the matzah into a daled and vav. [5]