Chazarat HaShatz

From Halachipedia

When to start Chazarat HaShatz

  1. Some say that if the Shaliach Tzibbur is ready to start the Chazarat HaShatz and there's someone praying behind him, it's permitted to take the three steps back before beginning Chazarat HaShatz. [1]However, some say that one should say Aseh HaShalom without taking the three steps back until after Chazarat HaShatz. [2]
  2. If there's minyan of ten people and one person is praying a lengthy silent Shemona Esheh, it's preferable to wait for him, however, if there are needs such as if the minyan will separate or if it's a bother to congregation to wait, they may begin Chazarat HaShatz even though one is still saying Shemona Esreh.[3]


  1. Avnei Yishpeh 5:15
  2. Halichot Shlomo (Tefillah pg 289)
  3. Tzitz Eliezer 12:9