Shechitah (Kosher Slaughter)

From Halachipedia

The Basics

The Torah prohibits the consumption of meat and fowl without prior ritual slaughter, known as Shechitah.

Caption text
Hebrew Term English Term Requires Shechitah Requires Kisui HaDam Details Examples
Behemot Gassot Large Mammals Yes No Majority of two simanim Cows
Behemot Dakkot Small Mammals Yes No Majority of two simanim Goats
Chayot Wild Animals Yes Yes Majority of two simanim Deer
Ofot Birds Yes Yes Majority of one siman Chicken
Chagavim Locusts No No
Dagim Fish No No Just kill first Salmon

Related Works

  • Tevuot Shor, a commentary on Shulchan Aruch Hilchot Shechitah by Rabbi Alexander Sender Shor.
  • Simla Chadasha, a classic handbook for Shochetim, Rabbi Shor's condensed version of his Tevuot Shor.
  • Beis Dovid
  • Esek Hashechita by Rabbi Dovid Shaffier. See SeforimChatter Review here.

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