Reference of Hashkafic Terms
From Halachipedia
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- Nefesh
- Ruach
- Nishama
- Olam Haba
- Gan Eden
- Gog UMagog
- Techiyat HaMeytim
- Mashiach
- Karet
- Mitah Bdei Shamayim
- Gehinom
- Bitachon and Emunah
- Emunah is a deep-rooted faith in Hashem's existence, control, and involvement with the world. Bitachon is feeling secure that Hashem will provide and do whatever is for the best.[1]
- ↑ Ramban (HaEmunah VeHaBitachon ch. 1) emphasizes that it is impossible to have Bitachon without Emunah, but it is possible to have Emunah without Bitachon.