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# If the water flows over something that is susceptible to tumah the water is invalid for a mikveh, however, if the water is attached to a complete mikveh or a spring, some rishonim hold it is valid but others hold it is still invalid.<Ref>The Rosh Mikvaot n. 12 understands that the water that flows over something is susceptible to tumah is purified if it is attached to a mikveh or spring. He explains that it is like hashaka for sheuvim that can purify an entire mikveh. However, the Rashba 3:228 (as understood by Bet Yosef 201:49) disagrees. The Darkei Moshe 201:25 adds that the Mordechai also disagrees with the Rosh. Shulchan Aruch 201:49 mentions both the opinions of the Rosh and Rashba. The Gra 201:89 is strict.  
# If the water flows over something that is susceptible to tumah the water is invalid for a mikveh, however, if the water is attached to a complete mikveh or a spring, some rishonim hold it is valid but others hold it is still invalid.<Ref>The Rosh Mikvaot n. 12 understands that the water that flows over something is susceptible to tumah is purified if it is attached to a mikveh or spring. He explains that it is like hashaka for sheuvim that can purify an entire mikveh. However, the Rashba 3:228 (as understood by Bet Yosef 201:49) disagrees. The Darkei Moshe 201:25 adds that the Mordechai also disagrees with the Rosh. Shulchan Aruch 201:49 mentions both the opinions of the Rosh and Rashba. The Gra 201:89 is strict.  
* According to the Rosh, why is hashaka is effective on water in a vessel that is susceptible to tumah (Shulchan Aruch 201:49) but not for sheuvim while it is in the vessel that has a receptacle (Shulchan Aruch 201:8)? The Taz 201:59 explains that the reason that hashaka doesn’t work for sheuvim in a vessel is because of a gezerah that one might use that vessel as a mikveh even when it is detached from the mikveh. However, here the gezerah doesn’t apply since one isn’t going to dip inside a vessel that susceptible to tumah which doesn’t have a receptacle. The Bet Yosef 201:49 writes that only for real sheuvim hashaka doesn't work but for water that flowed over something that doesn’t have a receptacle could have hashaka. Divrei Yosef p. 358 explains that since there’s a gezerah that water in a vessel is sheuvim even if there’s hashaka, then no hashaka will be able to change its status. However, water that flowed over something that was susceptible to tumah can be converted with hashaka. See Chelkat Binyamin fnt. 2316 writes that the Bet Yosef might agree with the Taz.</ref>  
* According to the Rosh, why is hashaka is effective on water in a vessel that is susceptible to tumah (Shulchan Aruch 201:49) but not for sheuvim while it is in the vessel that has a receptacle (Shulchan Aruch 201:8)? The Taz 201:59 explains that the reason that hashaka doesn’t work for sheuvim in a vessel is because of a gezerah that one might use that vessel as a mikveh even when it is detached from the mikveh. However, here the gezerah doesn’t apply since one isn’t going to dip inside a vessel that susceptible to tumah which doesn’t have a receptacle. The Bet Yosef 201:49 writes that only for real sheuvim hashaka doesn't work but for water that flowed over something that doesn’t have a receptacle could have hashaka. Divrei Yosef p. 358 explains that since there’s a gezerah that water in a vessel is sheuvim even if there’s hashaka, then no hashaka will be able to change its status. However, water that flowed over something that was susceptible to tumah can be converted with hashaka. See Chelkat Binyamin fnt. 2316 writes that the Bet Yosef might agree with the Taz.</ref>  
===If there's a break between the item susceptible to tumah and the mikveh===
# If the item that is susceptible to tumah, such as a metal pipe, isn't directly touching the mikveh and the water from the pipe first goes onto something else before going into the mikveh, it is valid.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 201:48</ref>
# If the metal pipe goes into the airspace of the mikveh, the water is invalid even though the water traveled through the airspace of the mikveh before going into the water of the mikveh.<ref>Chatom Sofer YD 214, Chelkat Binyamin</ref>
===Indirectly using something that is susceptible to tumah===
===Indirectly using something that is susceptible to tumah===
# Using a vessel which is susceptible to tumah even if it is only indirectly holding the water is a problem. <ref>Hod Yosef 71 shows from Rambam Parah 6:8 that havaya al yadey dvar mekabel tumah is a problem even if it is only koach sheni and used to help along the water.</ref>
# Using a vessel which is susceptible to tumah even if it is only indirectly holding the water is a problem. <ref>Hod Yosef 71 shows from Rambam Parah 6:8 that havaya al yadey dvar mekabel tumah is a problem even if it is only koach sheni and used to help along the water.</ref>
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