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==Going to a hot mikveh==
==Going to a hot mikveh==
# Theoretically, Sephardim hold that a mikveh should be cold and if hot water is added it is invalid. However, Ashkenazim are lenient to permit a hot mikveh.<ref>The Mordechai Mikvaot n. 750 quotes the Rash who wrote that a hot water mikveh is invalid because of a rabbinic concern that they become confused with a bathhouse which is completely invalid. He also cites Rabbenu Tam as agreeing with the Rash. However, the Hagahot Mordechai 9a is lenient. Shulchan Aruch 201:75 is strict not to use a warm mikveh, but the Rama is lenient. He adds that one should really be strict unless there's a minhag to be lenient.</ref> Today the minhag of all communities is to be lenient.<ref>Shaarei Mikvaot 201:304 writes that the minhag of Sephardim is also to go to warm mikvaot (Rav Poalim YD 4:15) because (1) we're weaker than we were before and if it was cold some women wouldn't go to mikveh (Chatom Sofer YD 214), (2) everyone knows that a warm mikveh isn't a bathhouse and there's no concern people will get them confused and even though generally a gezerah doesn't expire whent he reason expires some say that is only for a takana of chazal and not a gezerah (Maharsham 3:140 based on Magen Avraham 9).</ref> It is permitted to have a radiator in the walls of the mikveh heat up the water since it is clear how it is being heated.<ref>Minchat Yitzchak 7:85 cited by Shaarei Mikvaot 201:305</ref>
# Theoretically, Sephardim hold that a mikveh should be cold and if hot water is added it is invalid. However, Ashkenazim are lenient to permit a hot mikveh.<ref>The Mordechai Mikvaot n. 750 quotes the Rash who wrote that a hot water mikveh is invalid because of a rabbinic concern that they become confused with a bathhouse which is completely invalid. He also cites Rabbenu Tam as agreeing with the Rash. However, the Hagahot Mordechai 9a is lenient. Shulchan Aruch 201:75 is strict not to use a warm mikveh, but the Rama is lenient. He adds that one should really be strict unless there's a minhag to be lenient.</ref> Today the minhag of all communities is to be lenient.<ref>Shaarei Mikvaot 201:304 writes that the minhag of Sephardim is also to go to warm mikvaot (Rav Poalim YD 4:15) because (1) we're weaker than we were before and if it was cold some women wouldn't go to mikveh (Chatom Sofer YD 214), (2) everyone knows that a warm mikveh isn't a bathhouse and there's no concern people will get them confused and even though generally a gezerah doesn't expire whent he reason expires some say that is only for a takana of chazal and not a gezerah (Maharsham 3:140 based on Magen Avraham 9).</ref> It is permitted to have a radiator in the walls of the mikveh heat up the water since it is clear how it is being heated.<ref>Minchat Yitzchak 7:85 cited by Shaarei Mikvaot 201:305</ref>
There is no issue of going to mikveh in the hot springs of Tevariya even though they are hot.<ref>Mordechai Mikvaot n. 750 citing the Ravyah, Rama 201:75</ref>  
#There is no issue of going to mikveh in the hot springs of Tevariya even though they are hot.<ref>Mordechai Mikvaot n. 750 citing the Ravyah, Rama 201:75</ref>  
# Going to a warm mikveh Friday night, Sephardim advise going ben hashemashot<ref>Chacham Tzvi 11, Taharat Habayit, Shaarei Mikvaot 201:306</ref>, while Ashkenazim advise going at night itself.<ref>Igrot Moshe OC 1:126:6 follows the Korban Netanel who says that there's no gezerah baalanim in a mikveh. Shaarei Mikvaot 201:306 points out that the Ashkenazi poskim didn't allow going to mikveh during ben hashemashot.</ref>
# Going to a warm mikveh Friday night, Sephardim advise going ben hashemashot<ref>Chacham Tzvi 11, Taharat Habayit, Shaarei Mikvaot 201:306</ref>, while Ashkenazim advise going at night itself.<ref>Igrot Moshe OC 1:126:6 follows the Korban Netanel who says that there's no gezerah baalanim in a mikveh. Shaarei Mikvaot 201:306 points out that the Ashkenazi poskim didn't allow going to mikveh during ben hashemashot.</ref>

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