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For those who follow Rabbeinu Tam's position, Tzeit HaKochavim and the end of Shabbat occur at a uniform 4 mil after natural sunset for all locales.<ref>Teshuvot V'Hanhagot 1:268</ref> The only difference among the different interpretations of Rabbeinu Tam's position is how long to define a mil, which has ramifications for how long 4 mil would be and when Shabbat would end.  
For those who follow Rabbeinu Tam's position, Tzeit HaKochavim and the end of Shabbat occur at a uniform 4 mil after natural sunset for all locales.<ref>Teshuvot V'Hanhagot 1:268</ref> The only difference among the different interpretations of Rabbeinu Tam's position is how long to define a mil, which has ramifications for how long 4 mil would be and when Shabbat would end.  

Those who accept Rabbeinu Tam's position include at least 25 rishonim: Tosfot (Pesachim 94a s.v. Rabbi Yehuda, Shabbat 35a s.v. Trei, Zevachim 56a s.v. minayin, Pesachim 94a s.v. Rabbi Yehuda, Menachot 20b s.v. nifsal, Sefer Hayashar Chidushim 221), Ramban (Torat Haadam Avelut Yeshana n. 105 s.v. vrayiti), Rabbenu Yonah (Brachot 1a s.v. elah), Maggid Mishna (Shabbat 5:4), Ran (on Rif Shabbat 15a), [ Sefer Hatrumah (Hilchot Tefillin)], Ibn Ezra (Beresheet 1:18, Shemot 12:6, Kohelet 12:2), Rav Chaim Ben Yakov of London (compiled 1287, printed by Mosad Rav Kook in 1962, Shabbat ch. 2 p. 207), and Shulchan Aruch O.C. 261:2. Yabia Omer OC 2:21:1-3 also cites that this is the position of the Ran Yoma 81b, Ritva Shabbat 35a, Meiri Shabbat 35a, Smag Asin 32, Roke'ach 51, Mordechai Shabbat 35a, Rashba (Brachot 2a s.v. hachi garsinan and 2b s.v. umikol, Shabbat 34b s.v. vazdu), Orchot Chaim (Yom Kippurim n. 3) citing Rav Hai Goan, Baal Hameor (Brachot beginning and Arvei Pesachim s.v. Rav Chinana), Raah on Brachot 27a, Ohel Moed Shabbat 2:7, Rabbenu Peretz on Smak 96, Rosh Tanit 1:12, Rosh Yoma 8:8, and Tosfot Harosh Brachot 2b. In Chazon Ovadia Shabbat v. 1 p. 269 he adds the Raavad, Raavan (respona 2), and Rabbenu Yerucham. Dor Hamelaktim v. 1 p. 412 writes that Tosfot Rid (Mehudra Telita Shabbat 34b), Nemukei Yosef Shabbat 34b, Hashlama Shabbat 34b, Maharil 163, and Maharik 173 concur with Rabbeinu Tam.  
Those who accept Rabbeinu Tam's position include at least 25 rishonim: Tosfot (Pesachim 94a s.v. Rabbi Yehuda, Shabbat 35a s.v. Trei, Zevachim 56a s.v. minayin, Pesachim 94a s.v. Rabbi Yehuda, Menachot 20b s.v. nifsal, Sefer Hayashar Chidushim 221), Ramban (Torat Haadam Avelut Yeshana n. 105 s.v. vrayiti), Rabbenu Yonah,<ref>Yerushalmi Brachot 1:1 allows praying Arvit early but requires repeating Shema. Rabbenu Yonah (Brachot 1a s.v. elah) is bothered how he can recite brachot kriyat shema since it isn't nighttime. He answers that since it was shekiya it is somewhat nighttime. Why did Rabbenu Yonah assume that it was after shekiya and not even just after plag hamincha? Rather, it seems that he understood like Rabbenu Tam that plag hamincha is at earliest 3 minutes before shekiya.</ref> Maggid Mishna (Shabbat 5:4), Ran (on Rif Shabbat 15a), [ Sefer Hatrumah (Hilchot Tefillin)], Ibn Ezra (Beresheet 1:18, Shemot 12:6, Kohelet 12:2), Rav Chaim Ben Yakov of London (compiled 1287, printed by Mosad Rav Kook in 1962, Shabbat ch. 2 p. 207), and Shulchan Aruch O.C. 261:2. Yabia Omer OC 2:21:1-3 also cites that this is the position of the Ran Yoma 81b, Ritva Shabbat 35a, Meiri Shabbat 35a, Smag Asin 32, Roke'ach 51, Mordechai Shabbat 35a, Rashba (Brachot 2a s.v. hachi garsinan and 2b s.v. umikol, Shabbat 34b s.v. vazdu), Orchot Chaim (Yom Kippurim n. 3) citing Rav Hai Goan, Baal Hameor (Brachot beginning and Arvei Pesachim s.v. Rav Chinana), Raah on Brachot 27a, Ohel Moed Shabbat 2:7, Rabbenu Peretz on Smak 96, Rosh Tanit 1:12, Rosh Yoma 8:8, and Tosfot Harosh Brachot 2b. In Chazon Ovadia Shabbat v. 1 p. 269 he adds the Raavad, Raavan (respona 2), and Rabbenu Yerucham. Dor Hamelaktim v. 1 p. 412 writes that Tosfot Rid (Mehudra Telita Shabbat 34b), Nemukei Yosef Shabbat 34b, Hashlama Shabbat 34b, Maharil 163, and Maharik 173 concur with Rabbeinu Tam.  

Many poskim hold this as well including: Dor Hamelaktim v. 1 p. 412 cites the Radvaz 1352, Rama (Darkei Moshe Haaruch 261:1), Prisha 261:4, Bach responsa 154, Magen Avraham 331:2, Tosefet Shabbat 261:11, 331:10, and Chatom Sofer OC 80. He concludes with a citation of the Kuntres Ben Hashemashot by R' Shemerler that lists 183 rishonim and achronim who follow Rabbenu Tam!
Many poskim hold this as well including: Dor Hamelaktim v. 1 p. 412 cites the Radvaz 1352, Rama (Darkei Moshe Haaruch 261:1), Prisha 261:4, Bach responsa 154, Magen Avraham 331:2, Tosefet Shabbat 261:11, 331:10, and Chatom Sofer OC 80. He concludes with a citation of the Kuntres Ben Hashemashot by R' Shemerler that lists 183 rishonim and achronim who follow Rabbenu Tam!
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