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#During the Three Weeks, one should not wear any new clothes or eat a new fruit which would obligate one to make a [[shehechiyanu]].<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 551:17 writes that it is good not to make a [[shehechiyanu]] on a new fruit or new clothing during the Three Weeks.  
#During the Three Weeks, one should not wear any new clothes or eat a new fruit which would obligate one to make a [[shehechiyanu]].<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 551:17 writes that it is good not to make a [[shehechiyanu]] on a new fruit or new clothing during the Three Weeks.  
*The Sh"t Maharil 15 writes that one shouldn't make a [[shehechiyanu]] on a new fruit or new clothing during the Three Weeks. Shulchan Aruch 551:17 codifies this as halacha saying that it is good not to say [[shehechiyanu]] during the Three Weeks.  
*The Sh"t Maharil 15 writes that one shouldn't make a [[shehechiyanu]] on a new fruit or new clothing during the Three Weeks. Shulchan Aruch 551:17 codifies this as halacha saying that it is good not to say [[shehechiyanu]] during the Three Weeks.  
* Bach 551 (at the end) agrees and writes should avoid getting into situations that would obligate reciting shehechiyanu; that is, eating a new fruit, buying or wearing new clothing. Kaf HaChaim 551:210 agrees. Also, Mishna Brurah 551:99 writes that one shouldn't eat new fruit or wear  new clothing. The Bear Mayim Chaim 7 disagrees with Bach and writes that the only issue is not to make the bracha of [[shehechiyanu]], however, one may eat a new fruit and just not make [[shehechiyanu]]. The Maamar Mordechai 551:14 rejects this idea and doesn't allow eating the new fruit. The Mishna Brurah 551:99, Kaf HaChaim 551:207, and Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot p. 129) agree with the Maamar Mordechai.</ref>
* Bach 551 (at the end) agrees and writes should avoid getting into situations that would obligate reciting shehechiyanu; that is, eating a new fruit, buying or wearing new clothing. Kaf HaChaim 551:210 agrees. Also, Mishna Brurah 551:99 writes that one shouldn't eat new fruit or wear  new clothing. The Bear Mayim Chaim 7 disagrees with Bach and writes that the only issue is not to make the bracha of [[shehechiyanu]], however, one may eat a new fruit and just not make [[shehechiyanu]]. The Maamar Mordechai 551:14 rejects this idea and doesn't allow eating the new fruit. The Mishna Brurah 551:99, Kaf HaChaim 551:207, and Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot p. 129) agree with the Maamar Mordechai.
* Shulchan Aruch O.C. 551:6 rules that it is forbidden to wear new clothes during the week in which [[Tisha BeAv]] falls out and the Rama adds that the Ashkenazic minhag is to be strict on this starting from [[Rosh Chodesh]] Av (during the entire [[Nine Days]]). The Magen Avraham 551:21 is bothered why there is another prohibition to wear new clothes (Shulchan Aruch 551:6) if one can't wear new clothes anyway because of avoiding making [[shehechiyanu]] during the entire Three Weeks (Shulchan Aruch 551:17). See there where he gives 2 answers. The Kaf HaChaim 551:88 answers that avoiding [[shehechiyanu]] is only considered preferable by Shulchan Aruch 551:17, while not wearing new clothes during the week during which [[Tisha BeAv]] falls out is an actual prohibition.</ref>
* Shulchan Aruch O.C. 551:6 rules that it is forbidden to wear new clothes during the week in which [[Tisha BeAv]] falls out and the Rama adds that the Ashkenazic minhag is to be strict on this starting from [[Rosh Chodesh]] Av (during the entire [[Nine Days]]). The Magen Avraham 551:21 is bothered why there is another prohibition to wear new clothes (Shulchan Aruch 551:6) if one can't wear new clothes anyway because of avoiding making [[shehechiyanu]] during the entire Three Weeks (Shulchan Aruch 551:17). See there where he gives 2 answers. The Kaf HaChaim 551:88 answers that avoiding [[shehechiyanu]] is only considered preferable by Shulchan Aruch 551:17, while not wearing new clothes during the week during which [[Tisha BeAv]] falls out is an actual prohibition.</ref>
#Because one shouldn’t make a [[shehechiyanu]], one shouldn’t eat a new fruit or wear a new clothing because these actions require a [[shehechiyanu]].<ref>Sh”t Chaim Sheol O”C 7 and Ketonet Yosef 11 (quoted in Kaf HaChaim 551:207) writes that even though one can’t make a [[shehechiyanu]] during the 3 weeks, one can eat a new fruit or wear new clothes without a Bracha. However, the Sefer Chasidim 840, Shaarei Knesset HaGedolah 551:52, Bach 551, Maamer Mordechai 551:14, Yometz Ometz 56, Bear Heitev 551:20, and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:2 write that one is not allowed to have a new fruit during the three weeks without a Bracha, since having a new fruit requires a Bracha and it can’t be made during the three weeks. Birkei Yosef 551:12, Shaare Teshuva 551:38, and Kaf Hachayim 551:215 hold that a [[shehechiyanu]] may be recited if by mistake he already made the borei pri haetz over a new fruit. </ref> A new fruit that will not be available after the Three Weeks may be eaten and a [[shehechiyanu]] recited.<ref>Rama OC 551:17 </ref>
#Because one shouldn’t make a [[shehechiyanu]], one shouldn’t eat a new fruit or wear a new clothing because these actions require a [[shehechiyanu]].<ref>Sh”t Chaim Sheol O”C 7 and Ketonet Yosef 11 (quoted in Kaf HaChaim 551:207) writes that even though one can’t make a [[shehechiyanu]] during the 3 weeks, one can eat a new fruit or wear new clothes without a Bracha. However, the Sefer Chasidim 840, Shaarei Knesset HaGedolah 551:52, Bach 551, Maamer Mordechai 551:14, Yometz Ometz 56, Bear Heitev 551:20, and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:2 write that one is not allowed to have a new fruit during the three weeks without a Bracha, since having a new fruit requires a Bracha and it can’t be made during the three weeks. Birkei Yosef 551:12, Shaare Teshuva 551:38, and Kaf Hachayim 551:215 hold that a [[shehechiyanu]] may be recited if by mistake he already made the borei pri haetz over a new fruit. </ref> A new fruit that will not be available after the Three Weeks may be eaten and a [[shehechiyanu]] recited.<ref>Rama OC 551:17 </ref>
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