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# The minhag for sehpardim is that the garment and tzitzit be of the same color. <ref> Ben Ish Chai Noach Halacha 11 </ref>
# The minhag for sehpardim is that the garment and tzitzit be of the same color. <ref> Ben Ish Chai Noach Halacha 11 </ref>
== Size Requirements ==
== Size Requirements ==
#There are various opinions<ref>This range emanates from the Gemara Menachot 40b dictate that the garment needs to be the size that it would cover the head and majority of a minor. First off, there are different interpretations as to how old this minor is: The Chinuch (Shelach: 386) and Bach (16) say the reference is to a 6 or 7 year old, the Tur (16) says 9 years old, and the Radbaz (6, 2:106) explains it to be a 5 year old. Second of all, there is ambiguity if the majority requirement means that the garment needs to cover the head and then in addition a majority of the kid’s body (Radbaz) or if it only needs to cover in total a majority of the kid with the head included (Chinuch). Meaning, it would be sufficient to cover the kid’s head and another 30 or 40% of his body, as opposed to 51%</ref>  as to how big the garment needs to be to qualify as a halachically bona fide garment, so that one could make a bracha on them without worrying if it is a bracha levatala (in vein or wasted blessing): 1 [[amah]] by 1 amah<ref>Pri HaAretz 1; Beit David 8; Shalmei Tzibur 26b; Pri Ha’Adoma 23a; Nachal Eshkol pg. 102:4 ; Ha’Elef Lecha Shelomo 1:4.</ref>, 1.5 [[amot]] by 1 amah<ref>Chazon Ish 3:31; Rav Pe’alim 2:6; Mishna berura 16:4;</ref>  , 1.5 [[amot]] by 1.5 amot<ref>Lev Chaim 1:99; </ref>, 2 [[amot]] by 1 amah<ref>Siddur of Rabbi Shneur Zalman, the author of Shulchan Aruch HaRav and The Tanya. Similarly, the Gra, without specific numbers, was very strict in this regard and required the garment extend down to one’s knees. Also, the Chazon Ish (ibid) concludes that it is best to follow this size requirement. Likewise, the Mishna Berura (8:17, 16:4) suggests this size to avoid difference of opinions.</ref>, and finally there is even an opinion that there is no size requirement at all.<ref>Aruch HaShulchan 16:5</ref>
#There are various opinions<ref>This range emanates from the Gemara Menachot 40b dictate that the garment needs to be the size that it would cover the head and majority of a minor. First off, there are different interpretations as to how old this minor is: The Chinuch (Shelach: 386) and Bach (16) say the reference is to a 6 or 7 year old, the Tur (16) says 9 years old, and the Radbaz (6, 2:106) explains it to be a 5 year old. Second of all, there is ambiguity if the majority requirement means that the garment needs to cover the head and then in addition a majority of the kid’s body (Radbaz) or if it only needs to cover in total a majority of the kid with the head included (Chinuch). Meaning, it would be sufficient to cover the kid’s head and another 30 or 40% of his body, as opposed to 51%</ref>  as to how big the garment needs to be to qualify as a halachically bona fide garment, so that one could make a bracha on them without worrying if it is a bracha levatala (in vein or wasted blessing): 1 [[amah]] by 1 amah<ref>Pri HaAretz 1; Beit David 8; Shalmei Tzibur 26b; Pri Ha’Adoma 23a; Nachal Eshkol pg. 102:4 ; Ha’Elef Lecha Shelomo 1:4.</ref>, 1.5 [[amot]] by 1 amah<ref>Chazon Ish 3:31; Rav Pe’alim 2:6; Mishna berura 16:4;</ref>  , 1.5 [[amot]] by 1.5 amot<ref>Lev Chaim 1:99; </ref>, 2 [[amot]] by 1 amah<ref>Siddur of Rabbi Shneur Zalman, the author of Shulchan Aruch HaRav and The Tanya. Similarly, the Gra, without specific numbers, was very strict in this regard and required the garment extend down to one’s knees. Also, the Chazon Ish 3:31 concludes that it is best to follow this size requirement. Likewise, the Mishna Berura (8:17, 16:4) suggests this size to avoid difference of opinions.</ref>, and finally there is even an opinion that there is no size requirement at all.<ref>Aruch HaShulchan 16:5</ref>
#Additionally, there are two different opinions for the conversion of one amah, or 6 tefachim (fists), to modern measurements:  Rav Chaim Na’eh holds it is 48 cm or 18.9 inches, while the Chazon Ish holds it is 57.7 cm or 22.7 inches.   
#Additionally, there are two different opinions for the conversion of one amah, or 6 tefachim (fists), to modern measurements:  Rav Chaim Na’eh holds it is 48 cm or 18.9 inches, while the Chazon Ish holds it is 57.7 cm or 22.7 inches.   
#Additionally, there is a dispute if the dimensions include or exclude the center hole for one’s head and neck. The Mishna Berura <ref>8:17, 16:4</ref> doesn’t include the neck hole in the measurement, while the Chazon Ish <ref>3:30</ref> does.
#Additionally, there is a dispute if the dimensions include or exclude the center hole for one’s head and neck. The Mishna Berura <ref>8:17, 16:4</ref> doesn’t include the neck hole in the measurement, while the Chazon Ish <ref>3:30</ref> does.
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# If one tallit gadol fell off and to the floor, he doesn't recite a new beracha when putting it back on. <ref> Sh"t Yabia Omer YD 3:17:11 </ref>
# If one tallit gadol fell off and to the floor, he doesn't recite a new beracha when putting it back on. <ref> Sh"t Yabia Omer YD 3:17:11 </ref>
==Text of Bracha==
==Text of Bracha==
# The Bracha for a Tallit Gadol is Baruch Atta Hashem... LeHitatef BeTzitzit. However, for a pair of Tzitzit, according to Ashkenazim, the Bracha is Al Mitzvat Tzitzit, while according to Sephardim, if one puts on the Tzitzit regularly the Bracha is Al Mitzvat Tzitzit, but if one wraps one's head with the Tzitzit, one should make LeHitatef BeTzitzit.<Ref>S"A 8:6 writes that for a Tzitzit one can say LeHitatef BeTzitzit. Rama argues that for Tzitzit one should say Al Mitzvat Tzitzit. Ben Ish Chai (Beresheet #6) and Kaf HaChaim 8:27 write that if one puts on the Tzitzit regularly the Bracha is Al Mitzvat Tzitzit, but if one wraps one's head with the Tzitzit, one should make LeHitatef BeTzitzit.</ref>
# The Bracha for a Tallit Gadol is LeHitatef BeTzitzit. <ref>S"A 8:6 writes that for a Tzitzit one can say LeHitatef BeTzitzit.</ref>
# For a pair of Tzitzit, according to Ashkenazim, the Bracha is Al Mitzvat Tzitzit, while according to Sephardim, if one puts on the Tzitzit regularly the Bracha is Al Mitzvat Tzitzit, but if one wraps one's head with the Tzitzit, one should make LeHitatef BeTzitzit.<Ref>S"A 8:6 writes that for a Tzitzit one can say LeHitatef BeTzitzit. Rama argues that for Tzitzit one should say Al Mitzvat Tzitzit. Ben Ish Chai (Beresheet #6) and Kaf HaChaim 8:27 write that if one puts on the Tzitzit regularly the Bracha is Al Mitzvat Tzitzit, but if one wraps one's head with the Tzitzit, one should make LeHitatef BeTzitzit.</ref>
# The text of the bracha of LeHitatef BeTzitzit is: ברוך אתה ה' אלוקינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו להתעטף בציצת - Baruch Atta Hashem Elokeinu Melech HaOlam Asher Kideshanu BeMitzvotav VeTziyvanu LeHitatef BeTzitzit.
# The text of the bracha of Al Mitzvat Tzitzit is: ברוך אתה ה' אלוקינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו על מצות ציצת - Baruch Atta Hashem Elokeinu Melech HaOlam Asher Kideshanu BeMitzvotav VeTziyvanu Al Mitzvat Tzitzit.