Earliest and Latest time to light Chanukah Candles: Difference between revisions

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== Earliest Time to Light ==
== Earliest Time to Light ==
# According to Sephardim, the ideal time to light Chanuka candles is immediately after [[Tzet HaKochavim]], which in Israel can be approximated to be 15 minutes after sunset. According to Ashkenazim, while some poskim hold that one may light immediately after sunset, many say that one shouldn't until 10 or 25 minutes after sunset. <ref>  
# According to Ashkenazim, while some poskim hold that one may light Chanuka candles immediately after sunset, many say that one shouldn't light until 10 or 25 minutes after sunset. According to Sephardim, the ideal time to light Chanuka candles is immediately after [[Tzet HaKochavim]], which in Israel can be approximated to be 15 minutes after sunset.<ref>  
* In the Gemara [[Shabbat]] 21b, a Braita is quoted as saying that one should light from the "setting of the sun" (a term that will be further clarified) until people leave the marketplace. The Rashba (21b D”H Ha DeAmrinan), Meiri (21b), Ran (21b), and Rama (Darkei Moshe 672:4) quoting the Maharil and Sefer Minhagim (of Rabbi Tirna pg 144) hold that one should  light right after sunset. (Beiur HaGra 672:1 understands the Rashba and Ran in this light.)  
* The Gemara [[Shabbat]] 21b states one should light from the "setting of the sun" (a term that will be further clarified) until people leave the marketplace. The Rashba (21b D”H Ha DeAmrinan), Meiri (21b), and Ran (21b) hold that one should light right after sunset. The Rama (Darkei Moshe 672:4) also quotes the Maharil and Sefer Minhagim (of Rabbi Tirna pg 144) who agree to this opinion. (Beiur HaGra 672:1 understands the Rashba and Ran in this light.)  
* However, Rabbenu Tam (Sefer HaYashar 221), Tosfot (Menachot 20b D”H Nifsal) in name of R”T, Sefer HaManhig, Hagot Mordechai ([[Shabbat]] 455), Ritva 21b, Sh”t Trumat HaDeshen 102 in name of Mordechai, Sedah LeDerech 4:7(2), Bach 672:1 based on the Rosh (Shabbat 2:3) hold that one should light at the end of the second shekiyah, which is Tzet Hakochavim. Tur and S”A 672:1 codify this as halacha. [Seemingly, Bet Yosef who quotes Rambam and then says that the Tur used the word “the end of the sunset” because the beginning of the sunset is still mostly day, holds that the Rambam and Tur don’t argue. However Yad Aharon 672 and Mishna Brurah (Biur Halacha 672:1) explain Rambam as meaning sunset. ] Most achronim hold like S”A to light at Tzet Hakochavim including Bach 672, Shaarei Knesset HaGedolah 672:1, Magan Avraham 672:1, Eliyah Raba 672:1, Maamer Mordechai 672:1, Chaye Adam 154:18, Derech HaChaim 672:2, Ben Ish Chai Vayeshev 7, Sehulchan lechem Hapanim 672, and Kaf Hachaim 672:2.  
* However, Rabbenu Tam (Sefer HaYashar 221, Tosfot Menachot 20b D”H Nifsal) holds that one should not chanuka candles until the end of the second shekiyah, which is equivalent to Tzet Hakochavim. The Hagot Mordechai ([[Shabbat]] 455), Ritva 21b, Sh”t Trumat HaDeshen 102 in name of Mordechai, Sedah LeDerech 4:7(2), and Bach 672:1 based on the Rosh (Shabbat 2:3) concur with the opinion of Rabbenu Tam. Tur and S”A 672:1 codify this opinion as halacha. [Seemingly, Bet Yosef who quotes Rambam and then says that the Tur used the word “the end of the sunset” because the beginning of the sunset is still mostly day, holds that the Rambam and Tur don’t argue. However, the Yad Aharon 672 explains the Rambam as holding one should light at sunset. and Mishna Brurah (Biur Halacha 672:1) also suggests this possibility.] Most achronim hold like S”A to light at Tzet Hakochavim including the Shaarei Knesset HaGedolah 672:1, Magan Avraham 672:1, Eliyah Raba 672:1, Maamer Mordechai 672:1, Chaye Adam 154:18, Derech HaChaim 672:2, Ben Ish Chai Vayeshev 7, Sehulchan lechem Hapanim 672, and Kaf Hachaim 672:2.  
* Thus, Yalkut Yosef 672:1 writes that one should light at tzet hachochavim which is 15 minutes after sunset. [The time of 15 minutes is built off the Geonim's opinion that 13.5 minutes after sunset is Tzet Hakochavim unlike the tzet hachochavim of Rabbenu Tam, which is 72 minutes after sunset because Chanuka is only derabanan and one can rely on the Minhag Eretz Yisrael for derabanan mitzvoth (Sh”t Yabea Omer 2:21). Additionally keeping the time of Rabbenu Tam will lead one to light after the latest time for which one doesn’t fulfill the mitzvah according to many poskim (Sefer Chanuka of Rav Kanievsky pg 13 note 8).]  
* Thus, Yalkut Yosef 672:1 writes that one should light at tzet hachochavim which is 15 minutes after sunset. [The time of 15 minutes is built off the Geonim's opinion that 13.5 minutes after sunset is Tzet Hakochavim unlike the tzet hachochavim of Rabbenu Tam, which is 72 minutes after sunset because Chanuka is only derabanan and one can rely on the Minhag Eretz Yisrael for derabanan mitzvoth (Sh”t Yabea Omer 2:21). Additionally, by not lighting until the Tzet Hakochavim of Rabbenu Tam will lead one to light after the latest time for which one doesn’t fulfill the mitzvah according to many poskim (Sefer Chanuka of Rav Kanievsky pg 13 note 8).]  
* However Pri Chadash 672, Buir HaGra O”C 261 Y”D 266:17, Maseh Rav 235, Mishna Brurah 672:1, and Sh”t Az Nidabru 7:70 say to light after sunset. Rav Moshe Feinstein in Igrot Moshe O”C 4:101 and Rav Chaim Kanievsky in Yemeh Hallel VeHodah 12:8, say to light 10 minutes after sunset and have it last for a half hour before tzet hachovim and a half hour after tzet hachoavim. Torat HaMoadim 4:1 rules to light 15 minutes after shekiah [15 minutes is based on the geonim’s tzet hachochavim (3/4 mil) with the Rav Amram Goan’s lengh of a mil being 18 minutes, the fact that in the winter the shaot Zmaniot are shorter, and we add on a few minutes to be strict for Rabbi Yose’s opinion of Ben Hashemashot which only happens after Rabbi Yehuda’s finishes.]  
* However Pri Chadash 672 and Buir HaGra O”C 672:1 (see also Beiur HaGra O"C 261 and Y”D 266:17, and Maaseh Rav 235) hold that one should light at sunset. Mishna Brurah 672:1 quotes both the opinion of the S"A and Gra and then writes that if one davens at Tzet Hakochavim one may follow the opinion of the Gra even initially. See also Sh”t Az Nidabru 7:70. Rav Moshe Feinstein in Igrot Moshe O”C 4:101 and Rav Chaim Kanievsky in Yemeh Hallel VeHodah 12:8, say to light 10 minutes after sunset and have it last for a half hour before tzet hachovim and a half hour after tzet hachoavim. Torat HaMoadim 4:1 rules to light 15 minutes after shekiah [15 minutes is based on the geonim’s tzet hachochavim (3/4 mil) with the Rav Amram Goan’s lengh of a mil being 18 minutes, the fact that in the winter the shaot Zmaniot are shorter, and we add on a few minutes to be strict for Rabbi Yose’s opinion of Ben Hashemashot which only happens after Rabbi Yehuda’s finishes.]  
* Igrot Moshe 4:101:7 writes that one should light 10 minutes after sunset. Shemaytata DeMoshe 672 explains that Rav Moshe held that 10 minutes was sufficient time to be considered the Tzet Hakochavim of the Geonim and it is still within a half hour of sunset. Az Nidbaru 7:70 quotes Rav Aharon Kotler as having said that one should light 25 minutes after sunset. </ref>
* Igrot Moshe 4:101:7 writes that one should light 10 minutes after sunset. Shemaytata DeMoshe 672 explains that Rav Moshe held that 10 minutes was sufficient time to be considered the Tzet Hakochavim of the Geonim and it is still within a half hour of sunset. Az Nidbaru 7:70 quotes Rav Aharon Kotler as having said that one should light 25 minutes after sunset. </ref>
# One may not light earlier than Tzet Hachochavim (or [[Shekiah]] according to those who light at [[Shekiah]]) except on Friday night Chanuka. But if one is unable to light at night at all and will miss the mitzvah totally, one should light after Plag HaMincha without a bracha. But it’s preferable to have someone light for you at the proper time than light early oneself. <ref> Torat HaMoadim 4:2 rules because many rishonim and achronim (brought below) hold that one doesn’t fulfill the mitzvah even after the fact if lit during the day, one should only light it if one thinks he’s going to miss the mitzvah entirely. Behag (Chanuka pg 25d), and Rambam (Chanuka 4:5) hold if one lights earlier one doesn’t fulfill the mitzvah. However on [[Shabbat]] 21b, Rashba, Ran, Ritva, Orchot Chaim (Chanuka 15) hold lighting too early fulfills the mitzvah after the fact. S”A 672:1 writes one can’t light earlier than Tzet and there’s an opinion that if one’s preoccupied he can light from plag hamincha. Seemingly this is a case of Stam-anonymous opinion and then Yesh Omrim- individual opinion for which we would hold like the anonymous opinion. So holds Kiseh Rachamim 63a, Siddur Bet Ovad 159b, Moed Kol Chai 27:26, Tefilah Ledavid, Pri Megadim M”Z 673:9. However some achronim hold still in Shat HaDachak one can light after Plag because the two opinions in S”A aren’t arguing but discuss the general case and then the case of someone preoccupied. So holds Levush, Bach, Sefer Yeraim 274, Shaarei Kneset HaGedolah 672:1, Pri Chadash, Chaye Adam 154:18, Pri Megadim A”A 672:1 and Mishna Brurah 672:3. Because of the dispute one certainly can not make a bracha on the early lighting. </ref>
# One may not light earlier than Tzet Hachochavim (or [[Shekiah]] according to those who light at [[Shekiah]]) except on Friday night Chanuka. But if one is unable to light at night at all and will miss the mitzvah totally, one should light after Plag HaMincha. Some say that one may light with a bracha, while others say that one should light without a bracha. But it’s preferable to have someone light for you at the proper time than light early oneself. <ref> Torat HaMoadim 4:2 rules because many rishonim and achronim (brought below) hold that one doesn’t fulfill the mitzvah even after the fact if lit during the day, one should only light it if one thinks he’s going to miss the mitzvah entirely. Behag (Chanuka pg 25d), and Rambam (Chanuka 4:5) hold if one lights earlier one doesn’t fulfill the mitzvah. However on [[Shabbat]] 21b, Rashba, Ran, Ritva, Orchot Chaim (Chanuka 15) hold lighting too early fulfills the mitzvah after the fact. S”A 672:1 writes one can’t light earlier than Tzet and there’s an opinion that if one’s preoccupied he can light from plag hamincha. Seemingly this is a case of Stam-anonymous opinion and then Yesh Omrim- individual opinion for which we would hold like the anonymous opinion. So holds Kiseh Rachamim 63a, Siddur Bet Ovad 159b, Moed Kol Chai 27:26, Tefilah Ledavid, Pri Megadim M”Z 673:9. However some achronim hold still in Shat HaDachak one can light after Plag because the two opinions in S”A aren’t arguing but discuss the general case and then the case of someone preoccupied, and therefore one could light with a bracha. This is the opinion of the Levush, Bach, Sefer Yeraim 274, Shaarei Kneset HaGedolah 672:1, Pri Chadash, Chaye Adam 154:18, Pri Megadim A”A 672:1 and Mishna Brurah 672:3. </ref>
# If someone lit earlier than [[Shekiah]] after Plag Hamincha, should relight at the proper time of the mitzvah without a bracha. If one lit before Plag Hamincha should relight at the proper time with a bracha. <ref> Torat HaMoadim 4:3. Since some hold it doesn’t work to light after Plag HaMincha (Rambam and Bahag) one should light again. However one should relight without a bracha in deference to the opinions (Rashba, Ran, Ritva, Orchot Chaim) that one fulfills his mitzvah then. However if one lit before Plag Hamincha one should relight with a bracha because no one holds that one fulfill the mitzvah at that time. </ref>
# If someone lit earlier than [[Shekiah]] after Plag Hamincha, should relight at the proper time of the mitzvah without a bracha. If one lit before Plag Hamincha should relight at the proper time with a bracha. <ref> Torat HaMoadim 4:3 writes that if one lit before Shekiyah, one should relit at night because some Rishonim hold that one doesn't fulfill the mitzvah to light after Plag HaMincha (such as the Rambam and Bahag). However, he adds that one should relight without a bracha in deference to the opinions (Rashba, Ran, Ritva, and Orchot Chaim) who hold that one fulfills his mitzvah then. Torat HaMoadim concludes that if one lit before Plag Hamincha one should relight with a bracha because no one holds that one fulfill the mitzvah at that time. </ref>
# A boy, who regularly lights at Shkiah, who is becoming Bar Mitzvah a night of Chanuka, can light at Shkiah as usual. Some say to light at Tzet HaChochavim even if usually lights at Shkiah. <ref> Sefer Chanuka of Rav Kenievsky 13:16, Sh”t Teshuvot Vehanhagot 2:337 against Rav Vosner in Kovetz Mebet Levi kislev 5757 says not to light until Tzet. Mikrei Kodesh (Chanuka 11:3) leaves it as a question. </ref>
# A boy, who regularly lights at Shkiah, who is becoming Bar Mitzvah a night of Chanuka, can light at Shkiah as usual. Some say to light at Tzet HaChochavim even if usually lights at Shkiah. <ref> Sefer Chanuka of Rav Kenievsky 13:16, Sh”t Teshuvot Vehanhagot 2:337 against Rav Vosner in Kovetz Mebet Levi kislev 5757 says not to light until Tzet. Mikrei Kodesh (Chanuka 11:3) leaves it as a question. </ref>