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This article is specifically about the fast of the ninth of Av. To learn about any of the other fast days [[Fast Days|click here]].
On Tisha B’av five tragedies occurred to the Jewish nation: 1. The Jews of the desert were told that they would not enter Eretz Yisrael following the sin of the spies. 2-3. Both Batei Hamikdosh were destroyed. 4. Beitar, a city filled with over 100, 000 Jews was captured and destroyed by the Romans during the Bar Kochva rebellion. 5. Turnus Rufus surrounded the heichal. <ref> Mishna Taanit 26b, Rambam Hilchot Taaniyot 5:3, Chayei Adam 133:5,  Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 121:5, Mishna Berura 549:2 </ref>  
The fast of Tisha B’av is to commemorate five tragedies which occurred to the Jewish nation: 1. The Jews of the desert were told that they would not enter Eretz Yisrael following the sin of the spies. 2 The first Bet HaMikdash was destroyed. 3. The second Bet HaMikdash was destroyed. 4. Beitar, a city filled with over 10,000 Jews was captured and destroyed by the Romans during the Bar Kochva rebellion. 5. Turnus Rufus plowed the area of the heichal. <ref> Mishna Taanit 26b, Rambam Hilchot Taaniyot 5:3, Chayei Adam 133:5,  Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 121:5, Mishna Berura 549:2 </ref> This article is specifically about the fast of the ninth of Av. To learn about any of the other fast days [[Fast Days|click here]].
==Learning on Erev Tisha BeAv==
==Learning on Erev Tisha BeAv==
# Some Ashkenazim have the minhag not to learn after midday on Erev Tisha BeAv (except for the things which one can learn on Tisha BeAv itself), while others allow learning all day. <Ref>Rama 553:2, Mishna Brurah 553:8 </ref> For Sephardim, it is permissible to learn the entire say of Erev Tisha BeAv. <Ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 248) </ref>
# Some Ashkenazim have the minhag not to learn after midday on Erev Tisha BeAv (except for the things which one can learn on Tisha BeAv itself), while others allow learning all day. <Ref>Rama 553:2, Mishna Brurah 553:8 </ref> For Sephardim, it is permissible to learn the entire say of Erev Tisha BeAv. <Ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 248) </ref>