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# A Tallit which one borrows directly from its owner in order to fulfill the mitzvah of wearing a Tallit, one can recite the beracha, because we assume that the owner gives it as a present on condition that it is returned. However, it's better to avoid this situation. Additionally, if the Tallit is donated to the shul, one may borrow it and make a bracha on it.<ref> Ben Ish Chai Lech Lecha Halacha 5 </ref>
# A Tallit which one borrows directly from its owner in order to fulfill the mitzvah of wearing a Tallit, one can recite the beracha, because we assume that the owner gives it as a present on condition that it is returned. However, it's better to avoid this situation. Additionally, if the Tallit is donated to the shul, one may borrow it and make a bracha on it.<ref> Ben Ish Chai Lech Lecha Halacha 5 </ref>
==Checking the Tzitzit==
==Checking the Tzitzit==
# One should check the tzitzit to make sure they are not tangled and they are kosher before putting it on. <ref> Shulchan Aruch 8:7, Rambam Hilchot Tzitzit 1:8. Ben Ish Chai Bereishit Halacha 3 writes that if one checked it and then placed it in its bag, he doesn't have to check the next time he puts it on. </ref>
# One should check one's tzitzit (the strings from the edge until the knots and the strings after the knots) daily before making a bracha on them. <ref> Rambam Hilchot Tzitzit 1:8. S"A 8:9 writes clearly that one must check one's tzitzit before making the bracha so that one doesn't make a bracha levatala in case the tzitzit are ripped. Mishna Brurah 8:21 adds that there's also a need to check the strings close to the talit before the knots. Yalkut Yosef (Hilchot Tzitzit pg 80) writes that the minhag is to be lenient as this halacha is only a midat chasidut not to make a bracha levatala. </ref>
# One can check the tzitziyot before putting it its case/bag and not have to check again in the morning before making the bracha. <ref> Mishna Brurah 8:22, Yalkut Yosef (Hilchot Tzitzit pg 84) </ref>
# If checking the tzitzit will cause somebody to be late to praying, one can assume that they are kosher and make a beracha. <ref> Sh"t Otzrot Yosef 1:26 </ref>
# One shouldn't miss Tefillah Betzibuur because of this checking as long as knows the strings were complete yesterday. <Ref> Mishna Brurah 8:22, Yalkut Yosef (Hilchot Tzitzit pg 84), See also Ben Ish Chai Bereishit Halacha 3</ref>
# One should separate the strings of the Tzitzit before making the bracha, however if one's late to shul, one doesn't have to. <Ref> S”A 8:7, Buir Halacha D"H Tzarich writes that surely it's preferable to seperate the tzitziyot before making the bracha because the Gra considers this a certain obligation. However, Mishna Brurah 8:18 writes that if one's late to shul one doesn't have to seperate the strings. </ref>
# One may untangle tzitzit on shabbat, unless they have never been worn before, in which case it would be considered mitaken. <ref> Sh"t Yabia Omer OC 5:3 </ref>
# One may untangle tzitzit on shabbat, unless they have never been worn before, in which case it would be considered mitaken. <ref> Sh"t Yabia Omer OC 5:3 </ref>
# If checking the tzitzit will cause somebody to be late to praying, one can assume that they are kosher and make a beracha. <ref> Sh"t Otzrot Yosef 1:26 </ref>
==Tuck In or Out==
==Tuck In or Out==
# Some ashkenazim have the minhag to tuck their strings in and some leave them out. <ref> Mishna Berura 8:26 was strongly against those who wear their tzitzit in and says that by doing so you are disgracing mitzvot and adds that if you received a gift from the king you would surely wear it outside to show off to others. This is the psak of S"A Harav 8:18, and the Magen Avraham 8:13. Aruch HaShulchan OC 8:17, 23:2 says that in many communities in eastern Europe they would took the strings in but he says this isn't really correct. In Nefesh HaRav page 105 Rabbi Herschel Schachter says that some have the minhag to tuck the strings into their pockets or wrap it around the belt. </ref> The sephardi minhag is to wear them tucked in. <ref> Sh"t Yechave Daat 2:1, Sh"t Yaskil Avdi 5:3 and 8:2, Rabbi Shalom Messas in Shemesh U'Magen OC 2:74 based on the Arizal quoting in Pri Etz Chaim Shaat Tzitzit 1. Rav Yaakov Hillel writes in Gevurat HaAri page 137 that the strings should be revealed based on the Arizal (Shaar Hakavanot 7c and Olat Tamid 39a) </ref> A sephardic boy can wear his tzitzit out if it will help him with his yirat shamayim or if he is in an ashkenazi yeshiva and feels uncomfortable. <ref> Sh"t Otzrot Yosef 1:27, Sh"t Or Litzion 2:2:2 </ref>
# Some ashkenazim have the minhag to tuck their strings in and some leave them out. <ref> Mishna Berura 8:26 was strongly against those who wear their tzitzit in and says that by doing so you are disgracing mitzvot and adds that if you received a gift from the king you would surely wear it outside to show off to others. This is the psak of S"A Harav 8:18, and the Magen Avraham 8:13. Aruch HaShulchan OC 8:17, 23:2 says that in many communities in eastern Europe they would took the strings in but he says this isn't really correct. In Nefesh HaRav page 105 Rabbi Herschel Schachter says that some have the minhag to tuck the strings into their pockets or wrap it around the belt. </ref> The sephardi minhag is to wear them tucked in. <ref> Sh"t Yechave Daat 2:1, Sh"t Yaskil Avdi 5:3 and 8:2, Rabbi Shalom Messas in Shemesh U'Magen OC 2:74 based on the Arizal quoting in Pri Etz Chaim Shaat Tzitzit 1. Rav Yaakov Hillel writes in Gevurat HaAri page 137 that the strings should be revealed based on the Arizal (Shaar Hakavanot 7c and Olat Tamid 39a) </ref> A sephardic boy can wear his tzitzit out if it will help him with his yirat shamayim or if he is in an ashkenazi yeshiva and feels uncomfortable. <ref> Sh"t Otzrot Yosef 1:27, Sh"t Or Litzion 2:2:2 </ref>