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#If the wire goes straight into the pole (Picture 1 and 2) some poskim hold that it is invalid since it is going into the side of the pole and not over the top.<ref>Mishna Brurah 362:64 quoting Pri Megadim isn't sure if it is valid if the side protrusions go above the wire. When the wire goes through the pole there are side protrusions above the wire as well as part of the pole above the wire. [ Tosefet Shabbat 362:29] and Kaf Hachaim 362:106 agree. Chatom Sofer OC 1:90 s.v. v'ani based on Hagahot Ashri (Eruvin 1:11) is explicitly strict about a wire that goes through a pole.</ref> Others hold that it is kosher since the top of the pole is meaningless and can be viewed as though it was removed as long as the wire is still over a pole that is ten tefachim.<ref>[ Chazon Ish 71:9], Ha'elef Lecha Shlomo OC 1:164, Divrei Malkiel 3:16 s.v. v'b'emet, Har Tzvi 2:18:3. The Aruch Hashulchan 362:32 who is lenient even if the side protrusions extend above the wire isn't clear about this case since part of the pole is above the wire.</ref>  
#If the wire goes straight into the pole (Picture 1 and 2) some poskim hold that it is invalid since it is going into the side of the pole and not over the top.<ref>Mishna Brurah 362:64 quoting Pri Megadim isn't sure if it is valid if the side protrusions go above the wire. When the wire goes through the pole there are side protrusions above the wire as well as part of the pole above the wire. [ Tosefet Shabbat 362:29] and Kaf Hachaim 362:106 agree. Chatom Sofer OC 1:90 s.v. v'ani based on Hagahot Ashri (Eruvin 1:11) is explicitly strict about a wire that goes through a pole.</ref> Others hold that it is kosher since the top of the pole is meaningless and can be viewed as though it was removed as long as the wire is still over a pole that is ten tefachim.<ref>[ Chazon Ish 71:9], Ha'elef Lecha Shlomo OC 1:164, Divrei Malkiel 3:16 s.v. v'b'emet, Har Tzvi 2:18:3. The Aruch Hashulchan 362:32 who is lenient even if the side protrusions extend above the wire isn't clear about this case since part of the pole is above the wire.</ref>  
# If the wire goes into a pole which is cut out in the middle and there are protrusions on the sides of the slit which extend upward (Picture 3), according to many poskim it is invalid,<ref>Mishna Brurah 362:64 quotes Pri Megadim (MZ 362:4, 363:19:4) who isn't sure about this case if it is valid and suggests being strict about this case. [ Tosefet Shabbat 362:29] and Kaf Hachaim 362:106 agree to be strict. The Netivot in [ Tikkun Eruvin p. 3] isn't clear about this case. Shaar Hatzion 362:52 suggests that he is strict about this case, while Chazon Ish 71:9 explains that he would be lenient.</ref> but if the wire goes into the slit and is flush with the top of the protrusions (Picture 4), according to many poskim it is valid.<ref>Mishna Brurah 362:64 quotes Pri Megadim (MZ 362:4, 363:19:4) who is lenient about this case. Aruch Hashulchan 362:32 agrees. The Netivot in [ Tikkun Eruvin p. 3] is lenient about this case.</ref> Some are lenient in both cases.<ref>Aruch Hashulchan 362:32, [ Chazon Ish 71:9]</ref>
# If the wire goes into a pole which is cut out in the middle and there are protrusions on the sides of the slit which extend upward (Picture 3), according to many poskim it is invalid,<ref>Mishna Brurah 362:64 quotes Pri Megadim (MZ 362:4, 363:19:4) who isn't sure about this case if it is valid and suggests being strict about this case. [ Tosefet Shabbat 362:29] and Kaf Hachaim 362:106 agree to be strict. The Netivot in [ Tikkun Eruvin p. 3] isn't clear about this case. Shaar Hatzion 362:52 suggests that he is strict about this case, while Chazon Ish 71:9 explains that he would be lenient.</ref> but if the wire goes into the slit and is flush with the top of the protrusions (Picture 4), according to many poskim it is valid.<ref>Mishna Brurah 362:64 quotes Pri Megadim (MZ 362:4, 363:19:4) who is lenient about this case. Aruch Hashulchan 362:32 agrees. The Netivot in [ Tikkun Eruvin p. 3] is lenient about this case.</ref> Some are lenient in both cases.<ref>Aruch Hashulchan 362:32, [ Chazon Ish 71:9]</ref>
===Pole Blocking Tzurat Hapetach===
# If there is a tzurat hapetach that is blocked by a pole or multiple poles, some poskim hold that it is invalid since it isn't the normal way that people make doorways.<ref>[ Teshurat Shay 327]</ref> Others hold it is acceptable since the tzurat hapetach is constructed properly and anything additional can be ignored.<ref>Maharil (Likutim n. 15), Avnei Nezer 295</ref>
#If there is a partition that blocks the entranceway from side post to side post and covers the entire width of the doorway so that there isn't ten tefachim above the partition, the tzurat hapetach is invalid.<ref>[ Chazon Ish 70:19]</ref>

==Natural Slopes==
==Natural Slopes==