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#If two poles have a kosher side post and wire on top, some poskim allow skipping poles even though they have a wire going to the side of the post as long as it is in a straight line.<ref>Har Tzvi 2:18:12</ref>
#If two poles have a kosher side post and wire on top, some poskim allow skipping poles even though they have a wire going to the side of the post as long as it is in a straight line.<ref>Har Tzvi 2:18:12</ref>
===Tzurat Hapetach Detached from a Wall===
===Tzurat Hapetach Detached from a Wall===
#Some poskim hold that if a tzurat hapetach is detached from the wall more than 3 tefachim it is invalid. Others hold that it is valid. A compromise view allows the tzurat hapetach if it is detached from one side but on the other side attached to a wall. Some are strict even in that case.<ref>Mishna Brurah 363:23 is strict except in extenuating circumstances. [ Tikkun Eruvin p. 2] makes a compromise that it is valid if it is attached on one side, but invalid if it is detached on both sides. Har Tzvi 2:18:5 agrees.</ref>
#Some poskim hold that if a tzurat hapetach is detached from the wall more than 3 tefachim it is invalid. Others hold that it is valid. A compromise view allows the tzurat hapetach if it is detached from one side but on the other side attached to a wall. Some are strict even in that case.<ref>Tevuot Shor 11b learns from Tosfot Eruvin 11a that a tzurat hapetach needs to have the halacha's of a lechi. Since a lechi is invalid if it is more than 3 tefachim away from the wall (Eruvin 12b), so too a tzurat hapetach in such a fashion is invalid.
* This seems to be a dispute between the rishonim. Raavad (quoted by Rashba 10b s.v. shmat and Meiri Eruvin 11b s.v. zeh) holds that tzurat hapetach which isn’t connected to the walls on the side are invalid since a tzurat hapetach is not considered like omed. Tosfot Rabbenu Peretz Eruvin 11a explicitly is lenient if a tzurat hapetch is not attached to a wall. Ritva (Eruvin 10b s.v. shmat) disagrees with Raavad and hold that tzurat hapetach is like omed. Rashba Eruvin 10b isn't clear about his conclusion.
* Magen Avraham 363:5 quotes a dispute between Riaz, Rabbenu Yonatan, and Tosfot whether a lechi that’s 3 tefachim away from the wall and is itself 3 tefachim wide is kosher. According to Riaz and Rabbenu Yonatan that the lechi is kosher, a tzurat hapetach should also be kosher even if it is more than 3 tefachim away from the wall. Tosfot who holds that the lechi which is more than 3 tefachim away from the wall is always invalid might also invalidate a tzurat hapetach that is more than 3 tefachim from the wall.  
* [ Tikkun Eruvin p. 2] makes a compromise that it is valid if it is attached on one side, but invalid if it is detached on both sides. Bet Efraim OC 28 and Har Tzvi 2:18:5 agree. Bet Efraim explains the reason for Tevuot Shor is that the tzurat hapetach needs to connect to the existing walls which come to permit the area.
* Avnei Nezer OC 287 and Geon Yakov 11a agree with Tevuot Shor for another reason. He holds that the tzurat hapetach is not considered like it is standing. Therefore, if it is detached from the walls, there could be more airspace than wall (''parutz merubeh al haomed'').
* Halacha: Mishna Brurah 363:23 is strict except in extenuating circumstances. Rabbi Akiva Eiger OC 18 holds that it is kosher in extenuating circumstances.</ref>
===Tzurat Hapetach on Four Sides===
# According to some rishonim, it is impossible to make a tzurat hapetach for the four sides of an eruv if the tzurat hapetach gaps are more than 10 amot. This opinion is not accepted.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 362:10 quotes Rambam who is strict unlike Tosfot and Rosh who are lenient. The primary opinion in Shulchan Aruch is Tosfot and Rosh. Avnei Nezer 287 writes that the halacha follows Rosh. Chazon Ish 70:11 agrees.
* Mishkenot Yakov 123 p. 156 s.v. v’ha’rif writes that according to Rambam we can’t make a tzurat hapetach in the four corners. It is a kal v’chomer from what he writes regarding keren zavit. Mishna Brurah 361:8, Kaf Hachayim 361:18, and Chazon Ish 72:1 all rule like Rashi that keren zavit means two corners. It even seems like Shulchan Aruch paskens like that because in 362:10 he quotes the gemara 11a according to Rashi and Tosfot, which isn't true according to Rabbenu Chananel and Rambam or Rif as Rashba and Ritva explain for Rambam and Rif.</ref>

===Wire Goes into Pole===
===Wire Goes into Pole===