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==Mitzvah of Onah==
==Mitzvah of Onah==
# There is a mitzvah of oneh (Heb. עונה; lit. time) for a husband to fulfill his wife's needs in terms of tashmish. There are certain guidelines of how often he is obligated to attend to those needs.<ref>Ketubot 47b, Rambam Ishut 12:2, Shulchan Aruch E.H. 69:2</ref> Beyond that, anytime when she is interested he is obligated to gladden his wife.<ref>Gemara Pesachim 72b introduces that beyond the mitzvah of oneh there is a mitzvah to gladden his wife. Rashi s.v. lismoch who explains that this mitzvah applies when his wife is interested. Nishmat Adam (Shabbat 147:1) codifies this mitzvah in another context. Birkat Eliyahu (on Gra last volume Kuntres Toeh Bdvar Mitzvah p. 7) wonders why the poskim didn't codify this mitzvah. See Mesivta Pesachim 72b cites the Rivan who thinks that this is only rabbinic, while the Raavad (Shaar Hakedusha s.v. vhashlishit) thinks it is biblical. Rav Chaim Ozer in Achiezer 3:83 that dispute.</ref>
# There is a mitzvah of oneh (Heb. עונה; lit. time) for a husband to fulfill his wife's needs in terms of tashmish. There are certain guidelines of how often he is obligated to attend to those needs.<ref>Ketubot 47b, Rambam Ishut 12:2, Shulchan Aruch E.H. 69:2</ref> Beyond that, anytime when she is interested he is obligated to gladden his wife.<ref>Gemara Pesachim 72b introduces that beyond the mitzvah of oneh there is a mitzvah to gladden his wife. Rashi s.v. lismoch who explains that this mitzvah applies when his wife is interested. Nishmat Adam (Shabbat 147:1) codifies this mitzvah in another context. Birkat Eliyahu (on Gra last volume Kuntres Toeh Bdvar Mitzvah p. 7) wonders why the poskim didn't codify this mitzvah. See Mesivta Pesachim 72b cites the Rivan who thinks that this is only rabbinic, while the Raavad (Shaar Hakedusha s.v. vhashlishit) thinks it is biblical. Rav Chaim Ozer in Achiezer 3:83 that dispute.</ref>
==Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and Invitro Fertilization (IVF)==
#Most poskim hold that it is permitted for a couple to do IUI or IVF,<ref>
* Is it permitted? Bitul Zera: [https://www.hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=963&st=&pgnum=150 Yaskil Avdi EH 5:10:1:4] writes that it is forbidden to do IUI or IVF because of bitul zera. Even if the child is considered their child and fulfills pru urevu, it is still forbidden. He thinks that bitul zera is not related to her becoming pregnant. It is only permitted to emit zera in the act of tashmish with his wife in the place where Hashem allowed it.
</ref> the child is considered their child, and the father fulfills Pru Urevu.
#Whether it is permitted to do sperm donation from Jewish sperm is a major dispute.<ref>[https://www.hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=963&st=&pgnum=151 Yaskil Avdi 5:10:1:6] writes that it is terrible to allow any IVF because they might come to allow a sperm donation from someone other than her husband.</ref>

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