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# It is proper that the klaf should be positions so that the שדי is facing outward towards the opposite doorpost.<ref>Agur Bohalecha 1:33</ref>
# It is proper that the klaf should be positions so that the שדי is facing outward towards the opposite doorpost.<ref>Agur Bohalecha 1:33</ref>
===The Bracha===
===The Bracha===
#Before putting up a mezuzah one should recite the bracha of "Asher Kideshanu Bemizvotav vetzivanu likboah Mezuzah" - " אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו לקבוע מזוזה" . <ref>Gemara Menachot 42b, Rambam Hilchot Mezuzah 5:7, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:7, Aruch Hashulchan 289:3 </ref> Ideally, the homeowner should put up the mezuzos and recite the blessing.<ref>Rabbi Reuvain Mendlowitz (cited at [ Mezuzah Blessing - The Seven Most FAQ])</ref> If one puts up several [[mezuzot]] at one time one bracha suffices for all of them. <ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:7, Aruch Hashulchan YD 289:4, Shevet Ha’Levi 6:160, Rivevot Ephraim 3:508, Az Nidberu 3:61 </ref> In a situation like this one should be careful not to make a [[hefsek]] (pause) between [[mezuzot]] by talking.<ref>Mezuzat Baitecha 289:6, Rivevot Ephraim 2:29:21, Pitchei Mezuzot 289:10, Kuntres Hamezuzah 289:8 </ref> If one did speak some poskim would require you to say a new beracha.<ref>Chovat Hadar 11:9, Kuntres Hamezuzah 289:8. Mikdash Miat 289:6 and Birchot Habayis 59:1 disagree. </ref>
# Initially, the homeowner should put it up himself. If he can't do it, he should appoint a Jew to do it in his stead.<ref>Agur Bohalecha 1:15, 8:15</ref>
# Initially, the homeowner should put it up himself. If he can't do it, he should appoint a Jew to do it in his stead.<ref>Agur Bohalecha 1:15, 8:15</ref>
#The bracha only after everything, such as the tape or nails, is prepared so that one can put it up without delay after the bracha.<ref>Agur Bohalecha 1:18</ref>
#The bracha only after everything, such as the tape or nails, is prepared so that one can put it up without delay after the bracha.<ref>Agur Bohalecha 1:18</ref>
# If he is using double sided tape or glue he should take the mezuzah in his right hand and recite the bracha. If he is using nails and a hammer he should take the mezuzah with his right hand and place it against the doorpost in the correct spot. Then he should hold it with his left hand and hold the hammer with his right hand. Before the bracha he should begin to put in the bottom nail to minimize the delay after the bracha until it is put up.<ref>Agur Bohalecha 1:19, 24</ref>
# If he is using double sided tape or glue he should take the mezuzah in his right hand and recite the bracha. If he is using nails and a hammer he should take the mezuzah with his right hand and place it against the doorpost in the correct spot. Then he should hold it with his left hand and hold the hammer with his right hand. Before the bracha he should begin to put in the bottom nail to minimize the delay after the bracha until it is put up.<ref>Agur Bohalecha 1:19, 24</ref>
====Which Doorposts Require a Mezuzah with a Bracha====
# A person should recite the bracha upon putting up the mezuzah that indisputably needs a mezuzah with a bracha and then without interruption put up the other mezuzot. There is no need to put up the front door one first.<ref>Agur Bohalecha 1:57</ref>
# A person should recite the bracha upon putting up the mezuzah that indisputably needs a mezuzah with a bracha and then without interruption put up the other mezuzot. There is no need to put up the front door one first.<ref>Agur Bohalecha 1:57</ref>
#In general, before putting up a Mezuzah in a doorway that is obligated in a mezuzah, one should recite the bracha. However, if one is putting up a mezuzah on a doorway that doesn't have a door or a doorway that leads into an area that doesn't have 4 by 4 [[amot]] square, no bracha is recited.<ref>Shulchan Aruch YD 296:15 writes that a doorway that doesn't have a door is obligated in a mezuzah, however, some disagree. The Shach YD 296:25 writes that because of this dispute one should put up the mezuzah without a bracha, or recite a bracha when putting up a mezuzah in another doorway that is obligated, and afterwards put up this mezuzah as well. Similarly, Shulchan Aruch YD 296:13 writes the opinion of the Rambam that if the room has an area of 4 by 4 [[amot]] even if it isn't a square it is obligated in a mezuzah. The Shach 296:23 notes that the opinion of the Rosh is that the doorway isn't obligated unless there is a 4 by 4 [[amot]] square area. Due to this dispute, the Shach concludes that one should put up the mezuzah without a bracha or recite a bracha when putting up a mezuzah in a doorway that is obligated and then put up this mezuzah. </ref>
#In order to be certainly obligated in order to put up the mezuzah with a bracha the doorway would need to meet all ten conditions: The doorway has (1) two side posts, that are (2) at least ten [[tefachim]] tall, (3) has a lintel on top, and (4) has a door in it. The room has (5) at least 4x4 amot square space, (6) a roof, (7) is for a private use and not a shul or bet midrash, (8) is suitable for human dwelling, (9) the room is used for honorable activities and not for a bathroom or bathhouse, and (10) it is a permanent structure.<ref>Rambam Mezuzah 6:1</ref>
#If the doorway doesn't have a door a mezuzah is put up without a bracha. If there is a sliding door or another door without hinges there is a question whether a bracha is recited. However, if it is a folding door or even if it has hinges on the top of the door it would still require a mezuzah with a bracha.<ref>Chovat Hadar ch. 7 fnt. 41 has a doubt about the case and leaves it unresolved. Mezuzah Vhilchoteha ch. 10 fnt. 22 cites this Chovat Hadar and adds regarding a curtain the sefer Mezuzat Beytecha says it requires a bracha, but the sefer Pitchei Mezuzot argues that a curtain isn't a door.</ref>
#A [[shehecheyanu]] isn't recited when putting up a mezuzah on the doorpost even if it is the first time one is putting up a mezuzah.<ref>Chovat Hadar 11:2, Mezuzat Baitecha 289:3, Agur Bohalecha 1:43 </ref>
====Forgot to Recite Bracha Beforehand====
#If someone forgot to recite a bracha when putting up a mezuzah, some say that you can recite a bracha afterwards, while others hold that you can't unless you take it down and put it back up.<ref>Yabia Omer YD 8:27 disagrees with Rav Massas in Tevuot Shamesh YD 96 who holds that if one forgot to recite a bracha when putting up a mezuzah one can't make the bracha afterwards. Yabia Omer holds that there is an ongoing mitzvah of having the mezuzah up and so a bracha can be recite afterwards. He also holds that it is better to take down the mezuzot, get them checked, and put them back up with a bracha. Agur Bohalecha p. 106 quotes the son of the Rambam in Maspik Ldvar Hashem v. 2 ch. 30 as a support for Rav Massas.</ref>
====Replacing Mezuzot====
#When replacing the [[mezuzot]], a new beracha is recited.<ref>Maharam Shik YD 285, Rivevot Ephraim 7:239, Beer Moshe 2:92, Avnei
Yashfei 1:207:1, Doleh Umashke (p. 275, footnote 69) quoting Rav Elyashiv and Rav Nissim Karelitz. </ref>
====Replacing a Fallen Mezuzah====
#If a mezuzah fell down and one is putting it up again one must recite a bracha before putting it up again if the doorway has a door and the room is at least 4 by 4 [[amot]] in size. <ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:7, Beer Moshe 6:6, Chovat Hadar (11:15:footnote 29), Kuntres Hamezuzah 289:7, Avnei Yashfei 1:207:3-4, Rivevos Ephraim 2:28:5. Orchos Rabbeinu (v. 3, p. 178 #38) however, disagrees. </ref>
====Returning a Mezuzah After It Was Checked====
#If one took down one's [[Mezuzot]] in order to have them checked by the sofer and they were found to be kosher, according to Ashkenazim one should put them back up without a Bracha of Lekvoh Mezuzah.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:7 writes that there's a doubt if one should make a bracha if a mezuzah was taken down to check it.</ref> According to Sephardim, one should make a bracha upon putting them back up after being checked by the sofer.<ref>Yalkut Yosef YD 285:93 writes that one should recite a bracha if they were taken down to be checked by a sofer.</ref> If one checks the mezuzah by himself, he need not say a new beracha. <ref>Ben Ish Chai Parashat Ki Tavo Year 2 Halacha 8, Pitchei Teshuva 289:1, Aruch Hashulchan 289:4, Chovat Hadar 11:14 </ref> If a mezuzah was found to be not kosher, then a beracha is recited when it is replaced with a kosher one. <ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:3,5, Rivevot Ephraim 1:19, Beer Moshe 2:92:13, Kuntres Hamezuzah 289:6, Chovat Hador 11:11:footnote 20, Yabia Omer YD 3:17 </ref> Please note that a bracha is only said when replacing the mezuzah if the doorway has a door and the room is at least 4 by 4 [[amot]] in size. (See above [[#The Bracha on putting up a Mezuzah]]).
====Replacing a Case====
#However, if one took down one's Mezuzah just to put it in a nicer case, one doesn't need to make a new Bracha when putting it up unless it was taken down for several hours so that one stopped thinking about the Mezuzah.<ref>Yalkut Yosef YD 285:94, Mezuzah Vhilchoteha p. 109 citing Ben Ish Chai Ki Tavo 8, Halichot Olam p. 261 </ref>
====Replacing After Painting====
#If a mezuzah was taken down for plastering or repainting the door for a few days it should be put up again with a bracha.<ref>[ Beer Moshe 2:92] writes that it is obvious that when putting up a mezuzah after it was taken down for two or three days that a new bracha is necessary. He says that it is obvious that a person had a hesech hadaat. He compares it to Shulchan Aruch 8:14 by tzitzit that was removed and put back on. Mezuzah Vehilchoteha p. 110 concludes like the Divrei Shalom 4:167 that one can recite a bracha when putting it back up but it is better to have them checked and make a bracha when putting them up.</ref>
===When to Put It Up ===
===When to Put It Up ===
# A person should put up a mezuzah right when he starts to live there.<Ref>Magen Avraham 19:1 assumes a person puts up a mezuzah once he starts to live there. Agur Bohalecha 1:1 and 8:1 writes that if one started to live in the house one should put the mezuzah right away. But he suggests that it is better to put it up in advance right before one starts to live there, even though one is only obligated after he started to live there.</ref>
# A person should put up a mezuzah right when he starts to live there.<Ref>Magen Avraham 19:1 assumes a person puts up a mezuzah once he starts to live there. Agur Bohalecha 1:1 and 8:1 writes that if one started to live in the house one should put the mezuzah right away. But he suggests that it is better to put it up in advance right before one starts to live there, even though one is only obligated after he started to live there.</ref>