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# A community may not redistribute charity funds that were earmarked for a certain cause.<ref>Rambam (responsa Blau 206), Rama YD 256:4</ref>
# A community may not redistribute charity funds that were earmarked for a certain cause.<ref>Rambam (responsa Blau 206), Rama YD 256:4</ref>

==Giving Begrudgingly==
#If one gives tzedaka while expressing a begrudging face one doesn't get any mitzvah.<ref>The Rambam (Matanot Laniyim 10:4) writes that a person should not give tzedaka with a sour face and if he does he loses his mitzvah. Radvaz sources it in Bava Batra 9b that a person is rewarded for cheering up a poor person. The Gra cites the source for this Rambam in the pasuk Devarim 15:10. The Sefer Hachinuch 479 seems to adopt the same approach that the mitzvah of tzedaka is to give it with happiness and giving in a begrudging manner isn't a mitzvah. Tzafnat Pane'ach says that the source for the Rambam is Chagiga 5a. Chagiga 5a shows that it is better not to give tzedaka than to give and embarrass the poor person. Avot Drebbe Natan ch. 13 writes that if a person gives someone a lot of presents with his face looking towards the ground it is like he gave him nothing.</ref>
==How Much Should the Poor Receive?==
==How Much Should the Poor Receive?==
===Whatever He Needs===
===Whatever He Needs===