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#If [[Shiva Asar BeTamuz]] falls out on [[Shabbat]] and is pushed off to Sunday, then everyone agrees that the practices of [[mourning]] apply the night of the fast (Motzei [[Shabbat]]) as some of them apply already on Shabbat. <ref>Sh"t Igrot Moshe 1:168, and 3:100 </ref>
#If [[Shiva Asar BeTamuz]] falls out on [[Shabbat]] and is pushed off to Sunday, then everyone agrees that the practices of [[mourning]] apply the night of the fast (Motzei [[Shabbat]]) as some of them apply already on Shabbat. <ref>Sh"t Igrot Moshe 1:168, and 3:100 </ref>

==Buying New Things==
===Saying Shehecheyanu===
==Eating a New Fruit or Buying New Clothing==
# One should refrain from making a [[Shehecheyanu]] during the Ben Hamitzarim. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 551:17 based on Maharil 31 writes that one should refrain from saying [[Shehecheyanu]] during Ben HaMeysarim. The Magen Avraham 551:42 explains that the reason not to make [[Shehecheyanu]] is because the three weeks is a time of tragedy for Klal Yisrael and it’s improper to have extra joy. However, the Gra s.v. VeNohagin understands the practice as based on [[Aveilut]] and therefore argues that this is only an extra chumra and one is allowed to make [[Shehecheyanu]] (just like a mourner can make a [[Shehecheyanu]] as in [[Brachot]] 59b). The Taz 551:17 agrees to be lenient based on the concern that perhaps if you don’t make the Bracha now you may not be able after the Ben HaMeysarim. Mishna Brurah 551:98 concludes that one shouldn’t be lenient except on [[Shabbat]]. Yalkut Yosef 551:12 rules like Shulchan Aruch that one should refrain from making [[Shehecheyanu]] during the three weeks. </ref>
# One should refrain from making a [[Shehecheyanu]] during the Ben Hamitzarim. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 551:17 based on Maharil 31 writes that one should refrain from saying [[Shehecheyanu]] during Ben HaMeysarim. The Magen Avraham 551:42 explains that the reason not to make [[Shehecheyanu]] is because the three weeks is a time of tragedy for Klal Yisrael and it’s improper to have extra joy. However, the Gra s.v. VeNohagin understands the practice as based on [[Aveilut]] and therefore argues that this is only an extra chumra and one is allowed to make [[Shehecheyanu]] (just like a mourner can make a [[Shehecheyanu]] as in [[Brachot]] 59b). The Taz 551:17 agrees to be lenient based on the concern that perhaps if you don’t make the Bracha now you may not be able after the Ben HaMeysarim. Mishna Brurah 551:98 concludes that one shouldn’t be lenient except on [[Shabbat]]. Yalkut Yosef 551:12 rules like Shulchan Aruch that one should refrain from making [[Shehecheyanu]] during the three weeks. </ref>
#One shouldn’t make a [[Shehecheyanu]] on the night of [[Shiva Asar BeTamuz]]. However, if there is a great need, there’s what to rely on. <ref>Sh”t Sh”t Chaim Shal 1:24, Kaf HaChaim 551:207, Sdei Chemed 5:page 277, Beiur Halacha 551:2 and Ikrei HaDaat O”C 27:9 write that one shouldn’t say [[Shehecheyanu]] on the night of [[Shiva Asar BeTamuz]]. However, Nechamat Yisrael (pg 40) permits in case of great need based on Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 1:168 (so is explicit in Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 3:100) and Mishnat Yacov (pg 168) permits [[Shehecheyanu]] at night even without any need. </ref>
#Because one shouldn’t make a [[Shehecheyanu]], one shouldn’t eat a new fruit or wear a new clothing because these actions require a [[Shehecheyanu]].<ref>Sh”t Chaim Sheol O”C 7 and Ketonet Yosef 11 (quoted in Kaf HaChaim 551:207) writes that even though one can’t make a [[Shehecheyanu]] during the 3 weeks, one can eat a new fruit or wear new clothes without a Bracha. However, the Sefer Chasidim 840, Shaarei Knesset HaGedolah 551:52, Bach 551e, Maamer Mordechai 551:14, Yometz Ometz 56, Bear Heitev 551:20, and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:2 write that one is not allowed to have a new fruit during the three weeks without a Bracha, since having a new fruit requires a Bracha and it can’t be made during the three weeks. Birkei Yosef 551:12, Shaare Teshuva 551:38, Kaf Hachayim 551:215 say that a [[shehecheyanu]] may be recited if by mistake the Borei pri haetz was already said over a new fruit. </ref> A new fruit that will not be available after the Three Weeks may be eaten and a [[shehecheyanu]] recited. <ref>Rama OC 551:17 </ref>
===On Shabbat===
#One shouldn’t make a [[Shehecheyanu]] on the night of [[Shiva Asar BeTamuz]]. However, if there is a great need, there’s what to rely on.<ref>Sh”t Sh”t Chaim Shal 1:24, Kaf HaChaim 551:207, Sdei Chemed 5:page 277, Beiur Halacha 551:2 and Ikrei HaDaat O”C 27:9 write that one shouldn’t say [[Shehecheyanu]] on the night of [[Shiva Asar BeTamuz]]. However, Nechamat Yisrael (pg 40) permits in case of great need based on Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 1:168 (so is explicit in Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 3:100) and Mishnat Yacov (pg 168) permits [[Shehecheyanu]] at night even without any need. </ref>
# On [[Shabbat]] many poskim are lenient to allow one to recite [[Shehecheyanu]]. <ref>Sefer Chasidim 840, Mateh Moshe 697, Yosef Ometz 861, Magen Avraham 551:21,42, Chaye Adam 133:8, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:2, and Sh"t Yechave Daat 1:37 permit making [[Shehecheyanu]] on [[Shabbat]]. However, the Magen Avraham 551:42 quotes the Kitvei HaArizal who is machmir even on [[Shabbat]]. Mishna Brurah 551:98 concludes that one can be lenient regarding making [[Shehecheyanu]] on [[Shabbat]] since there’s some are lenient on [[shechiyanu]] during all of the three weeks and there’s some who specifically permit [[Shabbat]]. </ref>
#On [[Shabbat]] Chazon one shouldn’t wear new clothes that would require [[Shehecheyanu]].<ref>Eliyah Rabba 551:17 in name of Madenei [[Yom Tov]] that one should not wear new clothes even on [[Shabbat]] during the Three Weeks because wearing new clothes has a special aspect of happiness (which is greater than eating a new fruit). This is also the opinion of the Derech HaChaim 551:6 and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:2 not to wear new clothes all three weeks including [[Shabbat]]. However, Chaye Adam 133:14 and Aruch HaShulchan 551:38 writes that one can make [[Shehecheyanu]] before [[Rosh Chodesh]] Av, but afterwards one shouldn’t make [[Shehecheyanu]] even on [[Shabbat]]. Additionally, Mishna Brurah 551:45 writes that even those who are lenient to make [[Shehecheyanu]] on [[Shabbat]] during the Three Weeks will agree to be strict on [[Shabbat]] Chazon not to wear new clothes (which has a special element of happiness that a new fruit doesn’t have). Sh”t Yechave Daat 1:37 and Torat HaMoadim 5:7 concurs to the opinion of Mishna Brurah. </ref> There is also a minhag not to wear new clothing that don't require a [[Shehecheyanu]] specifically during the Nine Days.<ref>Rama 551:7, Mishna Brurah 551:9</ref> See further on the [[Nine Days#Buying Clothing|Nine Days]] page.
===Bracha for a Baby===
#A person should recite a [[Shehecheyanu]] upon the birth of a baby boy or girl during the three weeks because that Bracha can't wait until after the three weeks.<ref>Nitei Gavriel 17:19, Avnei Yishpeh 5:80 based on Maharil 31 who says the restriction of saying [[shehecheyanu]] is only on a beracha that can wait until after. </ref> Similarly, at a [[Pidyon HaBen]] one should make a [[Shehecheyanu]] even during the three weeks. <ref>Nitei Gavriel 17:20 </ref>
===Pidyon Haben===
#A [[shehecheyanu]] should be recited for the [[Pidyon Haben]] even during the Three Weeks. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 551:17, Moed Likol Chai 9:25 </ref>
===Hatov Vihametiv===
#One may say the Bracha of HaTov VeHaMeitiv during the three weeks.<ref>Nitei Gavriel 17:22, Shaare [[Teshuvah]] 551:10, Moed Likol Chai 9:24, Machazik Beracha 551:10, Rav Chaim Kanievsky quoted in Nechamas Yisroel page 45:footnote 14, Rivevot Ephraim 4:135:2, 7:58, 234, Avnei Yushfe 5:81 quoting Rav Wosner, Ohr Litziyin 3:25:4 </ref>

===Wearing New Clothing or Eating New Fruit===
===Wearing New Clothing or Eating New Fruit===
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# However, a pregnant woman or a sick person is permitted to eat new fruit. <ref>Mishna Brurah 551:99, Yalkut Yosef 551:13 </ref>
# However, a pregnant woman or a sick person is permitted to eat new fruit. <ref>Mishna Brurah 551:99, Yalkut Yosef 551:13 </ref>

===New Clothing===
===Buying New Clothing===
#Since nowadays we don’t make a [[Shehecheyanu]] on buying new clothes but only for wearing new clothes, some permit buying new clothes and some forbid. <ref>Halichot Shlomo pg 411 brings from the Talmidim of Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach that it’s permissible to buy new clothes since nowadays we don’t make a Bracha on buying clothes. This is the ruling of Mishna Brurah 551:45 and Kaf Hachayim 551:88, see Nechamet Yisrael pg 40 </ref>
#If one doesn't have non-leather shoes for [[Tisha BeAv]] and one forgot to buy, one may buy them in the [[Nine Days]]. <ref>Sh"t Halachot Ketanot 1:139, Zeh HaShulchan (vol 2, Siman 551), Sh"t Rivevot Efraim 1:375 in the name of Rav Moshe Feinstein Iggerot Moshe 3:80 </ref>
===Fixing Old Clothing===
#Knitting and needlecraft is prohibited during the [[Nine Days]]. <ref>Rav Shimon Eider Halachos of the Three Weeks page 11. </ref> Repairing a torn garment is permitted <ref>Iggerot Moshe, OC 3:79. </ref>
#Knitting and needlecraft is prohibited during the [[Nine Days]]. <ref>Rav Shimon Eider Halachos of the Three Weeks page 11. </ref> Repairing a torn garment is permitted <ref>Iggerot Moshe, OC 3:79. </ref>
#If one doesn't have non-leather shoes for [[Tisha BeAv]] and one forgot to buy, one may buy them in the [[Nine Days]]. <ref>Sh"t Halachot Ketanot 1:139, Zeh HaShulchan (vol 2, Siman 551), Sh"t Rivevot Efraim 1:375 in the name of Rav Moshe Feinstein Iggerot Moshe 3:80 </ref>
===On Shabbat===
# On [[Shabbat]] many poskim are lenient to allow one to recite [[Shehecheyanu]]. <ref>Sefer Chasidim 840, Mateh Moshe 697, Yosef Ometz 861, Magen Avraham 551:21,42, Chaye Adam 133:8, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:2, and Sh"t Yechave Daat 1:37 permit making [[Shehecheyanu]] on [[Shabbat]]. However, the Magen Avraham 551:42 quotes the Kitvei HaArizal who is machmir even on [[Shabbat]]. Mishna Brurah 551:98 concludes that one can be lenient regarding making [[Shehecheyanu]] on [[Shabbat]] since there’s some are lenient on [[shechiyanu]] during all of the three weeks and there’s some who specifically permit [[Shabbat]]. </ref>
#On [[Shabbat]] Chazon one shouldn’t wear new clothes that would require [[Shehecheyanu]].<ref>Eliyah Rabba 551:17 in name of Madenei [[Yom Tov]] that one should not wear new clothes even on [[Shabbat]] during the Three Weeks because wearing new clothes has a special aspect of happiness (which is greater than eating a new fruit). This is also the opinion of the Derech HaChaim 551:6 and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:2 not to wear new clothes all three weeks including [[Shabbat]]. However, Chaye Adam 133:14 and Aruch HaShulchan 551:38 writes that one can make [[Shehecheyanu]] before [[Rosh Chodesh]] Av, but afterwards one shouldn’t make [[Shehecheyanu]] even on [[Shabbat]]. Additionally, Mishna Brurah 551:45 writes that even those who are lenient to make [[Shehecheyanu]] on [[Shabbat]] during the Three Weeks will agree to be strict on [[Shabbat]] Chazon not to wear new clothes (which has a special element of happiness that a new fruit doesn’t have). Sh”t Yechave Daat 1:37 and Torat HaMoadim 5:7 concurs to the opinion of Mishna Brurah. </ref> There is also a minhag not to wear new clothing that don't require a [[Shehecheyanu]] specifically during the Nine Days.<ref>Rama 551:7, Mishna Brurah 551:9</ref> See further on the [[Nine Days#Buying Clothing|Nine Days]] page.
===Bracha for a Baby===
#A person should recite a [[Shehecheyanu]] upon the birth of a baby boy or girl during the three weeks because that Bracha can't wait until after the three weeks.<ref>Nitei Gavriel 17:19, Avnei Yishpeh 5:80 based on Maharil 31 who says the restriction of saying [[shehecheyanu]] is only on a beracha that can wait until after. </ref> Similarly, at a [[Pidyon HaBen]] one should make a [[Shehecheyanu]] even during the three weeks. <ref>Nitei Gavriel 17:20 </ref>
===Pidyon Haben===
#A [[shehecheyanu]] should be recited for the [[Pidyon Haben]] even during the Three Weeks. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 551:17, Moed Likol Chai 9:25 </ref>
===Hatov Vihametiv===
#One may say the Bracha of [[HaTov VeHaMeitiv]] during the three weeks.<ref>Nitei Gavriel 17:22, Shaare [[Teshuvah]] 551:10, Moed Likol Chai 9:24, Machazik Beracha 551:10, Rav Chaim Kanievsky quoted in Nechamas Yisroel page 45:footnote 14, Rivevot Ephraim 4:135:2, 7:58, 234, Avnei Yushfe 5:81 quoting Rav Wosner, Ohr Litziyin 3:25:4 </ref>
