Halachot Related to Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic: Difference between revisions

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#The communal eruv chatzerot continues to be effective even though the communal box of matzah's might not be accessible.<ref>[https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/951181/rabbi-hershel-schachter/piskei-corona-19-eruv-tavshillin-and-eruv-chatzeiros-and-social-distancing/ Rav Schachter (Piskei Corona #19)] explained that since theoretically it is possible to get the box alone for a few minutes it isn't completely inaccessible (see Har Tzvi OC 2:16).</ref>
#The communal eruv chatzerot continues to be effective even though the communal box of matzah's might not be accessible.<ref>[https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/951181/rabbi-hershel-schachter/piskei-corona-19-eruv-tavshillin-and-eruv-chatzeiros-and-social-distancing/ Rav Schachter (Piskei Corona #19)] explained that since theoretically it is possible to get the box alone for a few minutes it isn't completely inaccessible (see Har Tzvi OC 2:16).</ref>
#It is permissible to wear a surgical mask on Shabbat outside and it isn't [[carrying]] as long as it is fastened well and won't fall off.<ref>[https://itorah.com/daily-halacha/lecture/may-one-wear-a-surgical-mask-on-shabbat-in-a-public-domain/3803 Rabbi Mansour]</ref>
#It is permissible to wear a surgical mask on Shabbat outside and it isn't [[carrying]] as long as it is fastened well and won't fall off.<ref>[https://itorah.com/daily-halacha/lecture/may-one-wear-a-surgical-mask-on-shabbat-in-a-public-domain/3803 Rabbi Mansour]</ref>
==Tefillat HaTal==
#One can recite the piyut for tal on Pesach was only instituted for a congregation, however if one wants to recite it one may do so.<ref>[https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/950285/rabbi-hershel-schachter/piskei-corona-9-hallel-on-pesach-night-and-tefillas-tal/ Rav Schachter (Piskei Corona #9)]</ref>
#In Mussaf everyone should stop saying [[Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem]] and instead recite Morid Hatal. After Mussaf, starting with Mincha, one should follow their regular minhag if they usually recite Morid Hatal or not.<ref>[https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/950285/rabbi-hershel-schachter/piskei-corona-9-hallel-on-pesach-night-and-tefillas-tal/ Rav Schachter (Piskei Corona #9)]</ref>
# For Sephardim, one may begin to recite Morid Hatal in Mussaf even though he praying individually and there is no minyan nearby.<Ref>Kaf Hachaim 114:8 and Halacha Brurah v. 6 p. 145 rule that the primary halacha is that there's no prohibition to begin to start to say Morid Hatal before the Shaliach Tzibbur. It is only forbidden for an individual to begin Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem before the congregation does. This is the approach of the Bet Yosef citing the Ran, Pri Chadash, and Maamar Mordechai, unlike the Raavad cited by the Tur 114:2. However, in a regular year, the Kaf Hachaim and Halacha Brurah recommend being strict for the Raavad to have the Shaliach Tzibur announce before the Mussaf that everyone should begin to say Morid Hatal.</ref>

==Birchat Ha'ilanot==
==Birchat Ha'ilanot==