Halachot Related to Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic: Difference between revisions

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# Some poskim allow [[kashering a dishwasher]] for Pesach even though there are plastic and other materials in there that are questionable to kosher. One should wait 24 hours without using it and then use with just hot water and no soap. According to Ashkenazim this should be used to kosher it from Chametz but not from meat to parve or milk or vice versa.<Ref>[http://www.torahweb.org/torah/docs/rsch/RavSchachter-Corona-3-Mar-26-2020.pdf Rav Herschel Schachter (teshuva Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5780)]</ref>
# Some poskim allow [[kashering a dishwasher]] for Pesach even though there are plastic and other materials in there that are questionable to kosher. One should wait 24 hours without using it and then use with just hot water and no soap. According to Ashkenazim this should be used to kosher it from Chametz but not from meat to parve or milk or vice versa.<Ref>[http://www.torahweb.org/torah/docs/rsch/RavSchachter-Corona-3-Mar-26-2020.pdf Rav Herschel Schachter (teshuva Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5780)]</ref>
# Some hold that one can kasher plastic, while others disagree. See on the [[Kashering_the_Kitchen_for_Pesach#Which_materials_can_be_kashered.3F]] page.
# Some hold that one can kasher plastic, while others disagree. See on the [[Kashering_the_Kitchen_for_Pesach#Which_materials_can_be_kashered.3F]] page.
==Hallel Pesach Night==
# There is a custom of Sephardic and some Ashkenazic communities to recite Hallel Pesach night in Shul. However, being that the current situation demands that a person needs to remain inside there is no way to fulfill this minhag and should not recite Hallel after davening. Rather one should only recite it at the Seder.<ref>[https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/950285/rabbi-hershel-schachter/piskei-corona-9-hallel-on-pesach-night-and-tefillas-tal/ Rav Hershel Schachter (Piskei Corona #9)]</ref>

==Machine Matza==
==Machine Matza==