Halachot Related to Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic: Difference between revisions

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#According to Ashkenazim, if a person is ill with a sickness to the point that he is a choleh sheyesh bo sakana, a concern of mortal danger, he should recite Hagomel, but if he less sick than that there is no need to recite Hagomel.<ref>Rama 219:8, [http://nleresources.com/2020/03/rav-asher-weiss-coronavirus-in-halacha/#.XnoNOIjYrIU Rav Asher Weiss (March 15 2015, min 11)]</ref>
#According to Ashkenazim, if a person is ill with a sickness to the point that he is a choleh sheyesh bo sakana, a concern of mortal danger, he should recite Hagomel, but if he less sick than that there is no need to recite Hagomel.<ref>Rama 219:8, [http://nleresources.com/2020/03/rav-asher-weiss-coronavirus-in-halacha/#.XnoNOIjYrIU Rav Asher Weiss (March 15 2015, min 11)]</ref>

==Selling [[Chametz]]==

#If a person doesn't usually [[sell chametz]] and is afraid that if he doesn't sell chametz one year he isn't going to have food afterwards he can sell his chametz. He wouldn't require a hatarat nedarim.<ref>[https://zoom.us/rec/play/7sJ8f-2h_Dw3T4KRtgSDC6AoW429LfqshnVI-_tcmkewVnQEZlDyMrYTarN3uUfeS8PCmTWJp298J75t Rav Schachter (min 20)], [https://www.yutorah.org/sidebar/lecture.cfm/949232/rabbi-aryeh-lebowitz/hilchos-pesach-shiur-04-pesach-with-covid-19/ Rav Aryeh Lebowitz (min 9-11)]</ref>
#If a person doesn't usually [[sell chametz]] and is afraid that if he doesn't sell chametz one year he isn't going to have food afterwards he can sell his chametz. He wouldn't require a hatarat nedarim.<ref>[https://zoom.us/rec/play/7sJ8f-2h_Dw3T4KRtgSDC6AoW429LfqshnVI-_tcmkewVnQEZlDyMrYTarN3uUfeS8PCmTWJp298J75t Rav Schachter (min 20)], [https://www.yutorah.org/sidebar/lecture.cfm/949232/rabbi-aryeh-lebowitz/hilchos-pesach-shiur-04-pesach-with-covid-19/ Rav Aryeh Lebowitz (min 9-11)]</ref>
#A person can sell his chametz on the phone or online and if possible a kinyan can be made virtually in order to appoint the rabbi to sell the chametz. The kinyan would take place as follows: the rabbi would ask if there's someone standing next to the one who wants to appoint the rabbi and if there is then that person can give a pen or a utensil to the one who wants to appoint the rabbi as his shaliach. This is considered a valid kinyan between the person standing there and the one who wants to appoint the rabbi on behalf of the rabbi to be appointed. If that isn't feasible it isn't necessary. Nonetheless, one could stipulate in the document that this appointment of the rabbi is done with the full knowledge of its legal ramifications and it is accepted completely.<ref>[http://www.torahweb.org/torah/docs/rsch/RavSchachter-Corona-1-Mar-24-2020.pdf Rav Hershel Schachter (Teshuva dated 28 Adar 5780 p. 2)], Nefesh Harav p. 179, [https://zoom.us/rec/play/7sJ8f-2h_Dw3T4KRtgSDC6AoW429LfqshnVI-_tcmkewVnQEZlDyMrYTarN3uUfeS8PCmTWJp298J75t Rav Schachter (min 1-5)] explained that the minhag is to make a kinyan to appoint a someone to sell something for you. This is classically done with a handing of a handkerchief from the rabbi to the one selling chametz. However, when they call on the phone that isn't possible. The Steipler held in such a case it isn't necessary to be careful about that minhag and simply have the person orally declare that he appoints the rabbi. However, Rav Soloveitchik felt that we should try to fulfill the minhag in any event. How can it be fulfilled? One can have someone standing in the room next to the person on the phone give something to the person on the phone on behalf of the rabbi. That is an effective halachic kinyan on behalf of the rabbi (see Kiddushin 7a). [https://www.torahanytime.com/#/lectures?v=106099 Rav Shmuel Fuerst (min 10)] explained that one can appoint the rabbi to sell his chametz online. </ref>
#A person can sell his chametz on the phone or online and if possible a kinyan can be made virtually in order to appoint the rabbi to sell the chametz. The kinyan would take place as follows: the rabbi would ask if there's someone standing next to the one who wants to appoint the rabbi and if there is then that person can give a pen or a utensil to the one who wants to appoint the rabbi as his shaliach. This is considered a valid kinyan between the person standing there and the one who wants to appoint the rabbi on behalf of the rabbi to be appointed. If that isn't feasible it isn't necessary. Nonetheless, one could stipulate in the document that this appointment of the rabbi is done with the full knowledge of its legal ramifications and it is accepted completely.<ref>[http://www.torahweb.org/torah/docs/rsch/RavSchachter-Corona-1-Mar-24-2020.pdf Rav Hershel Schachter (Teshuva dated 28 Adar 5780 p. 2)], Nefesh Harav p. 179, [https://zoom.us/rec/play/7sJ8f-2h_Dw3T4KRtgSDC6AoW429LfqshnVI-_tcmkewVnQEZlDyMrYTarN3uUfeS8PCmTWJp298J75t Rav Schachter (min 1-5)] explained that the minhag is to make a kinyan to appoint a someone to sell something for you. This is classically done with a handing of a handkerchief from the rabbi to the one selling chametz. However, when they call on the phone that isn't possible. The Steipler held in such a case it isn't necessary to be careful about that minhag and simply have the person orally declare that he appoints the rabbi. However, Rav Soloveitchik felt that we should try to fulfill the minhag in any event. How can it be fulfilled? One can have someone standing in the room next to the person on the phone give something to the person on the phone on behalf of the rabbi. That is an effective halachic kinyan on behalf of the rabbi (see Kiddushin 7a). [https://www.torahanytime.com/#/lectures?v=106099 Rav Shmuel Fuerst (min 10)] explained that one can appoint the rabbi to sell his chametz online. [https://youtu.be/Yo6IJi2V-bw Rav Nevinsal] allowed appointing the rabbi online if he is a talmid chacham.</ref>
==Buying for Pesach==
#If you have raw chicken or raw meat you don't have to worry that it is chametz even if it was processed in a place where there was chametz. You can simply wash it off to solve any question.<ref>[https://www.yutorah.org/sidebar/lecture.cfm/949232/rabbi-aryeh-lebowitz/hilchos-pesach-shiur-04-pesach-with-covid-19/ Rav Aryeh Lebowitz (min 11-15)]</ref>
#If you have raw chicken or raw meat you don't have to worry that it is chametz even if it was processed in a place where there was chametz. You can simply wash it off to solve any question.<ref>[https://www.yutorah.org/sidebar/lecture.cfm/949232/rabbi-aryeh-lebowitz/hilchos-pesach-shiur-04-pesach-with-covid-19/ Rav Aryeh Lebowitz (min 11-15)]</ref>