Halachot Related to Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic: Difference between revisions

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# A person who is at home and can't be at shul should nonetheless read the parsha between Shacharit and Mussaf as a way of remembering the concept of kriyat hatorah. He can use that reading as part of his reading of [[Shenayim Mikra Vechad Targum]].<ref>[https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/949205/dr-david-pelcovitz-dr-rona-novick-rabbi-aryeh-lebowitz-rabbi-dr-ari-berman/living-learning-and-thriving-in-the-era-of-covid-19/ Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz] quoting Rabbi Willig</ref>
# A person who is at home and can't be at shul should nonetheless read the parsha between Shacharit and Mussaf as a way of remembering the concept of kriyat hatorah. He can use that reading as part of his reading of [[Shenayim Mikra Vechad Targum]].<ref>[https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/949205/dr-david-pelcovitz-dr-rona-novick-rabbi-aryeh-lebowitz-rabbi-dr-ari-berman/living-learning-and-thriving-in-the-era-of-covid-19/ Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz] quoting Rabbi Willig</ref>
# When the congregation misses a kriyat hatorah they can make it up by reading two parshiyot next week in Shul. However, if they miss multiple weeks there is a discussion if they should or could make up all of the parshiyot that they missed.<ref>[https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/949205/dr-david-pelcovitz-dr-rona-novick-rabbi-aryeh-lebowitz-rabbi-dr-ari-berman/living-learning-and-thriving-in-the-era-of-covid-19/ Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz] based on Rama and Magen Avraham</ref>
# When the congregation misses a kriyat hatorah they can make it up by reading two parshiyot next week in Shul. However, if they miss multiple weeks there is a discussion if they should or could make up all of the parshiyot that they missed.<ref>[https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/949205/dr-david-pelcovitz-dr-rona-novick-rabbi-aryeh-lebowitz-rabbi-dr-ari-berman/living-learning-and-thriving-in-the-era-of-covid-19/ Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz] based on Rama and Magen Avraham</ref>
# A person should not move a sefer torah out of a Shul for a home minyan.<ref>[https://drive.google.com/file/d/14IUOs2OOMhloqYwnbv3iKGrWS6GbYGId/view?usp=drivesdk Rabbi Yonatan Nacson in Laws of Praying Byachid (p. 10)] citing Rav Asher Weiss</ref> See [[Respecting_a_Sefer_Torah#Transporting_a_Sefer_Torah]] for more details.
# A person needs to recite [[hagomel]] in front of a [[minyan]] of ten men. Some suggest that this can be recited before ten people listening on a video or phone call and can answer amen. Even though they aren't present, the minyan in this context is purely to publicize the idea so it is permissible.<ref>[https://zoom.us/rec/play/7sJ8f-2h_Dw3T4KRtgSDC6AoW429LfqshnVI-_tcmkewVnQEZlDyMrYTarN3uUfeS8PCmTWJp298J75t Rav Schachter (towards middle)]</ref> Others disagree and as long as the minyan isn't in the same room one can not recite hagomel.<ref>Divrei Dovid 4:3</ref>
# A person needs to recite [[hagomel]] in front of a [[minyan]] of ten men. Some suggest that this can be recited before ten people listening on a video or phone call and can answer amen. Even though they aren't present, the minyan in this context is purely to publicize the idea so it is permissible.<ref>[https://zoom.us/rec/play/7sJ8f-2h_Dw3T4KRtgSDC6AoW429LfqshnVI-_tcmkewVnQEZlDyMrYTarN3uUfeS8PCmTWJp298J75t Rav Schachter (towards middle)]</ref> Others disagree and as long as the minyan isn't in the same room one can not recite hagomel.<ref>Divrei Dovid 4:3</ref>