Halachot Related to Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic: Difference between revisions

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# A rabbi should not officiate at a wedding that isn't abiding by the CDC guidelines of health because he is furthering unsafe practices.<ref>[https://zoom.us/rec/play/7sJ8f-2h_Dw3T4KRtgSDC6AoW429LfqshnVI-_tcmkewVnQEZlDyMrYTarN3uUfeS8PCmTWJp298J75t Rav Schachter (towards beginning)]</ref>
# A rabbi should not officiate at a wedding that isn't abiding by the CDC guidelines of health because he is furthering unsafe practices.<ref>[https://zoom.us/rec/play/7sJ8f-2h_Dw3T4KRtgSDC6AoW429LfqshnVI-_tcmkewVnQEZlDyMrYTarN3uUfeS8PCmTWJp298J75t Rav Schachter (towards beginning)]</ref>
==[[Fast Days]]==
#If the rabbis declare a half fast day until [[Chatzot]] according to Ashkenazim an individual can recite [[Anenu]] in Mincha Shemona Esrei.<ref>Rama 562:1 writes that Ahskenazim hold that even for an incomplete fast oen can recite anenu. Mishna Brurhah 562:48 references this Rama in discussing a fast that was accepted to fast until chatzot.</ref>According to Sephardim one can only recite anenu if one fasts the entire day.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 562:10-11 holds that a incomplete fast is not considered a fast with respect to saying anenu. Therefore if one only fasts until chatzot one should not recite anenu.</ref>
# A person should accept the fast from the day before, as is traditionally done at mincha time. If one didn't do so, according to Sephardim one shouldn't recite anenu, but according to Ashkenazim one can recite anenu.<ref>Shulchan Aruch and Rama 562:5</ref>
==Shalom Bayit==
# It is critical to be mindful of other people when everyone is under stress and no one is completely comfortable. [[https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/949205/dr-david-pelcovitz-dr-rona-novick-rabbi-aryeh-lebowitz-rabbi-dr-ari-berman/living-learning-and-thriving-in-the-era-of-covid-19/ Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz] Dr. Pelcovitz] discusses the implications quarantine can have Shalom Bayit.
# It is forbidden for a couple to have [[tashmish]] at a night of famine<ref>Gemara Tanit 11a, Shulchan Aruch O.C. 240:12</ref> since everyone is in distress it is incumbent on everyone to take upon himself an aspect of distress.<ref>Mishna Brurah 574:9</ref> The same is true for any time of societal distresses.<ref>Rama 240:12 based on Yerushalmi Tanit</ref> Others disagree.<ref>Shaarei Knesset Hagedola (Hagahot Tur 240:5) writes that tashmish is only forbidden during a famine, plague of the crops, locusts and the like which cause a famine but not for other tragedies or troubles.</ref>
# It is permitted to have tashmish on mikvah night.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 574:11 writes that it is permitted for a couple to have tashish on mikva night. Mishna Brurah 574:11 cites the Magen Avraham who argues with Shulchan Aruch but then he cites the Bigdei Yesha and Nahar Shalom who are lenient and there's what to rely on to follow Shulchan Aruch. Mishna Brurah concludes that certainly one can be lenient at a time when it isn't a famine and it is just another time of distress in the world.</ref>
# It is permitted to have tashmish for a couple who didn't yet fulfill [[pru urevu]].<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 240:12, 574:4, Mishna Brurah 240:47</ref> Once his wife is pregnant this leniency doesn't apply.<ref>Mishna Brurah 574:12</ref>
# If he has a strong yetzer hara and there is a concern of [[hashchatat zera]] it is permitted.<ref>Mishna Brurah 240:46</ref>
#There is what to rely upon to have tashmish at a time of war and there is no midat chasidut to be strict, especially for young couples even for someone who fulfilled pru urevu.<ref>Tzitz Eliezer 13:21</ref>
# During the time then the plague of corona virus is rampant in the world there is a lot to rely upon to have tashmish. Someone who wants to be strict can do so.<ref> [https://www.yutorah.org/sidebar/lecture.cfm/949166/rabbi-ally-ehrman/is-tashmish-hamitta-permitted-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic-/ Rabbi Ehrman on yutorah]</ref>
*[https://rabbidunner.com/coronavirus-qa-with-rav-hershel-schachter/ Transcription of Q&A with Rav Schachter by Rabbi Dunner]
*[https://rabbidunner.com/coronavirus-qa-with-rav-hershel-schachter/ Transcription of Q&A with Rav Schachter by Rabbi Dunner]