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The Cherem D’Rabbeinu Gershom is a series of Rabbinic decrees enacted by Rabbeinu Gershom Me'or HaGolah (circa 1000-1100 CE) for Ashkenazic communities. Its various components are aimed at maintaining civility between a husband and wife, and between a person and his or her fellow. While the original decrees were designed to be in effect for a limited amount of time and only in the Jewish communities of Europe, there has been much discussion throughout the centuries as to how long it should be in effect, where it should be in effect, and under what circumstances should it be enforced, all of which will be discussed below.  The Cherem D’Rabbeinu Gershom has a number of components, though this entry will focus on the most impactful ones, namely that on marriage and divorce.
=Components of the Cherem D'Rabbeinu Gershom=
The following are the three most important components of the Cherem D’Rabbeinu Gershom:
#If a man is already married, he is prohibited from marrying any additional women
#A man is prohibited from divorcing his wife against her will
# One is prohibited from reading other people’s mail without permission
