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# Often times, Maran will omit from Shulchan Aruch a nunber of rulings cited in Beit Yosef, because, the Kenesset HaGedolah explains, he didn't find these rulings in those of other Poskim. They were cited in Beit Yosef, because the goal of Beit Yosef is to gather all the opinions. Others say he retracted his position<ref>Minchat Yitzchak vol. 8 Siman 31 extends to Rama also.</ref> While others yet insist that the content omitted is still accepted.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 4) and Matnat Yado ad loc.</ref>
# Often times, Maran will omit from Shulchan Aruch a nunber of rulings cited in Beit Yosef, because, the Kenesset HaGedolah explains, he didn't find these rulings in those of other Poskim. They were cited in Beit Yosef, because the goal of Beit Yosef is to gather all the opinions. Others say he retracted his position<ref>Minchat Yitzchak vol. 8 Siman 31 extends to Rama also.</ref> While others yet insist that the content omitted is still accepted.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 4) and Matnat Yado ad loc.</ref>
# Sometimes, Maran records rulings or customs in Shulchan Aruch that do not appear in Beit Yosef, because he discovered them after it was printed.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 5) and Matnat Yado ad loc.</ref>
# Sometimes, Maran records rulings or customs in Shulchan Aruch that do not appear in Beit Yosef, because he discovered them after it was printed.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 5) and Matnat Yado ad loc.</ref>
===== Stam vaYesh and Yesh veYesh =====
See [[Tur#Stam vaYesh and Yesh veYesh]]
# If there's an added layer of distinction to be made, it will sometimes be appended as a Yesh Omrim to a Stam, not because it's a Machaloket but because the distinction wasn't exicit in the first opinion's presentation.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 6)</ref>
==== Authorship ====
==== Authorship ====
# A number of Acharonim, including the Maharikash, R' Shmuel Abuhab, and even Rav Chaim Vital claim or heard that Shulchan Aruch was written at the end of Rav Yosef part Karo's life, which accounts for contradictions and inaccuracies that crept in. They claim either he wrote it himself and was weak and old, or students wrote it for him or on their own. The printing dates suffice to trounce this claim. The Maharitatz writes that the Shulchan Aruch was written for laymen and Amei HaAretz, which caused the Yad Malachi to call attention to the introduction to Shulchan Aruch where Maran writes exactly not so and to the  testimonies of the Ginat Veradim and Kenesset HaGedolah to the grand acceptance of Shulchan Aruch. Some argue the proof from the Hakdama is invalid, as it could be referring to one who uses both Shulchan Aruch and Beit Yosef. The Maamar Mordechai 38:4 defends the Maharitatz as being taken out of context.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 2), Matnat Yado ad loc</ref>
# A number of Acharonim, including the Maharikash, R' Shmuel Abuhab, and even Rav Chaim Vital claim or heard that Shulchan Aruch was written at the end of Rav Yosef part Karo's life, which accounts for contradictions and inaccuracies that crept in. They claim either he wrote it himself and was weak and old, or students wrote it for him or on their own. The printing dates suffice to trounce this claim. The Maharitatz writes that the Shulchan Aruch was written for laymen and Amei HaAretz, which caused the Yad Malachi to call attention to the introduction to Shulchan Aruch where Maran writes exactly not so and to the  testimonies of the Ginat Veradim and Kenesset HaGedolah to the grand acceptance of Shulchan Aruch. Some argue the proof from the Hakdama is invalid, as it could be referring to one who uses both Shulchan Aruch and Beit Yosef. The Maamar Mordechai 38:4 defends the Maharitatz as being taken out of context.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 2), Matnat Yado ad loc</ref>